JNDI: How to monitor Directory server for updates - jndi

I want to get notify whenever there is a CRUD operation on directory server. Can some body suggest me, is there any API, to monitor a directory for updates. My directory server is located in some other machine.

Directory Servers record the changes in their Change Log if it is enabled. For example in Oracle Internet Directory cn=changelog is located directly under Root DSE. You can use JNDI APIs to read changes recorded in change log.


SFTP adapter on receive location not picking up files without extensions

I have on my receive location an SFTP adapter that should pick up files that contain no visible extension. As such I have set my file mask to *.*
I've previously been able to pick up the same kind of files using a FILE adapter. The receive location is enabled and the host instance is running.
This is how a file is displayed on the SFTP:
I receive no warnings or errors in my event log. What could be the cause for this?

Is there a way make a Grails app aware of changes in properties file without server restart?

I've externalized the properties file for my production Grails app running on Tomcat.
I'm wondering if there is a way the Grails app will read the configs from the config file in real time instead of having the changes take affect only after server restart.
For example, I'm using the LDAP plugin which has the following config:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerDn = 'somethinghere'
If I change the above setting in the external config file the server needs to be restarted for it to take effect.
I googled "grails external reload" and the first result was http://grails.org/plugin/external-config-reload

How to change the location of neo4j messages.log file

Is there a way to configure the location of messages.log file for the embedded webserver in neo4j 1.9.7
I don't think you can configure it, it will be in the same directory as the DB. However, you can specify remote logging via Logback, see http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/1.9.7/kernel-configuration.html

SquishIt Access to the path denied exception when deployed to hosting

Whilst on my local machine the following code behaves perfectly.
A new minified style.min.css file is created under the specified directory.
However, when I deploy my code to my hosting provider I get an UnauthorizedAccessException with the message of "Access to the path 'C:\...\style.min.css' is denied".
I don't think it is a problem with my SquishIt implementation, but I can't for the life of me figure this one out.
You might need to use your hosting provider's file management tool to give the app pool identity write access to the folder SquishIt is trying to create style.min.css in. For an example of how this is done at one hosting provider, see Setting Folder Permissions for Elmah in this tutorial:
On your local machine do you run under IIS or using the Visual Studio Development Server (Cassini)? If it's a folder permission issue you'd see the same thing locally, as in the preceding tutorial from the same series:

Copy File from UNC Path Server - Using Delphi 7 Services

I created one service which is running in one server and I need to copy directory from another server to directory in this server through this service. The service is failed when finding directory specified in another server. Like If DirectoryExists("\\ServerName\DirectoryName"). It is not working even, I set up the service with Network Authority.
Please give solution for this. It will be helpful.
A possible explanation is that the service runs as a user that does not have read rights to the other server's volumes. Authenticating with NETWORKSERVICE does not help you. That's just a user that has access to TCP etc.
What you need to do is to run your service as a user which has read access to the other server's volumes. As a test try your personal login, but in the longer run you may wish to use a dedicated user just for this task.
