Is docker swarm manager part of the swarm cluster? - docker

I don't quite understand why the official documents are using so many machines to create a swarm cluster. Is it possible to hv consul and swarm manager in the same machine ? Also, is swarm manager part of the cluster ? If, say, I create an overlay network, is swarm manager host part of that network?

The answer is no. The Swarm Manager is not part of the network overlay. More generally Swarm is just a container running on a Docker daemon. If you add this Docker daemon into the cluster, then the Swarm Manager hosting the Swarm container will also be a Swarm Agent and then receive containers.
If you ever need, you can find a whole step-by-step tutorial on how to deploy a Swarm cluster.


Docker swarm mode on Docker Desktop

I've managed to run Docker Swam mode with multiple hosts with Docker Toolbox, but I am unable to create a swarm with Docker Desktop since it apparently only offers single node swarm.
Is there any way to get this working with Docker Desktop or is it not supported?
No. But yes. But actually no. But technically yes.
No. Docker Desktop does not support this. It manages a single docker node in a vm and has no capability to manage multiple dockers.
But yes. docker:dind is an image you can easily use to deploy multiple docker nodes as containers, and then swarm init / swarm join to create a swarm cluster hosted on docker. You can even swarm join the docker-desktop node to be the swarm manager which means you can communicate with your local docker desktop node to control the swarm.
But actually, no.
Unless your use case is a very limited hello-world on swarm tutorial, there is no support for exposing ports from the dind-swarm to the host. Even if the host docker acts as the manager, overlay networking that is required for ingress will require communications over :2377, :4789/udp, and :7946, and as the host is not part of its own overlay networks, this will never work.
So, communicating with tasks running on the swarm is basically impossible.
But technically yes. play-with-docker apparently runs docker swarms using dind. They do some heavy lifting to expose a restricted set of ports via l7 loadbalancers. Pretty cool. but not at all easy to do at home. If you have a spare Dell PowerEdge or equivalent blade server with 120+ cores just laying around, and want to expose it as a docker swarm rather than split it into VMS... perhaps this is a viable approach.

How to init docker swarm with consul

How do I start a docker swarm cluster with consul back-end?
I can't see any discovery param in the docker swarm init command? or the docker swarm join command? I successfully ran
docker swarm init ....
and than
docker swarm join
to start a cluster on the internal swarm discovery mechanism, but it's not recommended for production. So what am I missing?
You are running the newer Swarm Mode commands but asking about the usage of the classic Swarm that runs as a container, these are two very different things.
Swarm Mode uses a raft implementation for the manager state that is not swappable with an external key/value store. You run swarm mode with the commands you listed (docker swarm init and docker swarm join). The join command eliminates the need for an external node discovery database.
Classic swarm used an external node discovery, the default using a docker hub token that was not recommended for production. To implement classic Swarm you run the docker run swarm manage with the options to publish the port to access the manager and option to discover the nodes in the swarm. Classic Swarm has more in common with a reverse proxy to the docker api than an orchestration tool like Swarm Mode or Kubernetes.
So the answer to your question is to either not use Swarm Mode commands and instead run the classic Swarm containers, or if you want Swarm Mode, to not try to implement your own external node discovery database because that's not an option. I'd recommend the latter unless you have a specific need for classic Swarm.

Docker Swarm discovery is still relevant?

i'm learning about docker swarm, and got confused about the swarm discovery option, i see that lots of tutorials on internet use this option to create containers with docker-machine, but when i enter the documentation on docker swarm doc it says:
You are viewing docs for legacy standalone Swarm. These topics describe standalone Docker Swarm. In Docker 1.12 and higher, Swarm mode is integrated with Docker Engine. Most users should use integrated Swarm mode.
So, what are the use cases for the discovery options? All the tutorials use the docker-machine to create a swarm, i always need it or can just install the docker on machines in my cluster, join them in swarm and use normal?
I saw some names like Docker Swarm and Docker Swarm Mode, are there any difference or just different ways to call the same feature?
Q. Docker Swarm discovery is still relevant?
A: No, if you use docker Swarm Mode and an overlay network (see below)
Q. Are there any difference between Docker Swarm and Docker Swarm Mode?
A: Yes, TL;DR Docker Swarm is deprecated and should not be used anymore, Docker Swarm Mode (we should just say Swarm Mode) is the recommended way of clustering containers and have reliability, load-balancing, scaling, and rolling service upgrades.
Docker Swarm (official doc) :
is the old fashioned way (<1.12) of clustering containers
uses a dedicated container for building a Docker Swarm cluster
needs a discovery service like Consul to reference containers in cluster
Swarm Mode (official doc):
is the new and recommended way (>=1.12) of clustering containers on host nodes (called managers / workers)
is built-in in Docker engine, you don't need an additional container
has a built-in discovery service if you use an overlay network (DNS resolution is done within this network), you don't need an additional container
You can have a look to this SO thread on same topic.
Q. Do i always need docker-machine to create a swarm?
A: No, docker-machine is a helper to create virtual hosts in the cloud like amazon ec2, azure, digitalocean, google, openstack..., or your own network with virtual box.
To create a Swarm Mode, you need :
a multiple hosts cluster with docker engine installed on each host (called node) (that is what docker-machine facilitates)
run docker swarm init to switch to Swarm Mode on your first manager node
run docker swarm join on worker nodes to add them in the cluster
There are some subtle adjustments to Swarm mode to increase high availability (recommended number of managers in the swarm, node placement in multiple availability zones in the cloud)
Hope this helps!

What is the difference between docker Swarm and Swarm mode?

I was wondering if anyone could differentiate between these two.Both of them have similar naming.
Docker Swarm is a separate product which you can use to cluster multiple Docker hosts. Prior to Docker version 1.12 it was the only native Docker option for clustering hosts, and it needed a lot of additional setup for distributed state, service discovery and security.
With Docker 1.12, Swarm Mode is built into Docker Engine. To run a cluster you just need to install Docker on multiple machines, run docker swarm init to switch to Swarm Mode and docker swarm join to add more nodes to the cluster. State, discovery and security are all included with zero setup.
Swarm Mode is optional, but if you want to run several Docker hosts it's the preferred way. You get reliability, load-balancing, scaling, and rolling service upgrades in 1.12, and it's likely that the bulk of new features will go into Swarm Mode. The original Docker Swarm product will probably only have maintenance updates in the future (although Swarm is open source, just like Docker Engine).
Docker Swarm (also Swarm classic) is fundamentally different from Swarm Mode. Native Swarm functionality will continue to be supported in Docker 1.12 release, this is done to preserve backward compatibility.
Docker Swarm (classic):
Separate from Docker Engine and can run as Container
Needs external KV store like Consul, etcd, Zookeeper
Usage example:
docker run swarm manage <consul-ip>
docker -H <worker-ip> run swarm join --advertise=<worker-ip> <consul-ip>
Swarm Mode (new, preferable):
Integrated inside Docker engine
No need of separate external KV store
Usage example:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <manager-ip>
docker -H <worker-ip> swarm join --token <worker-token>
Docker Swarm:
Docker swarm is a service which allows users to create and manage a cluster of docker nodes and schedule container. Each node in docker swarm is a docker daemon and docker daemon interact using docker API.
Swarm Mode:
When we create a cluster of one or more Docker Engines its called a swarm mode. Swarm mode was introduced in Docker Engine 1.12. A swarm consists of one or more nodes physical or virtual machines running Docker Engine.

Do I really need docker swarm?

I have a silly question regarding docker swarm.
I am thinking I can start a web application image in two containers, either in same server or two vm servers, then I start a load balance container, pointing to two web app containers through IP and port.
In this case, why do I need docker swarm for clustering management? What benefits can docker swarm bring?
I have read from docker documentation, they only introduce what is swarm and how to use swarm. But I can not find out answer for why I have to use swarm.
What is swarming managing? turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual Docker host.
Can swarm auto-start the container if the container died? Yes it can, so can the Docker daemon on each host.
Can swarm auto-create more nodes if the resource is not enough? No it cannot. It does not aims on providing this service. Nevertheless you can program a node that start and run containers when needed.
Which mean, if traffic grows fast, do we still manually create more node and deploy more containers? Yes, unfortunately.
If needed, here is an answer that details how to deploy a Swarm cluster.
