Implement Audio Trimming in iOS - ios

I want to implement audio trimming in iOS, I want something like a two way slider that the user can slide over a particular period of the recorded audio, and then I will save that audio.
Are there any libraries available for it?


Youtube Iframe Player API Developer Policy Inquiries

I would like to ask about developer policies of Youtube Iframe Player API(
Our team is currently developing an iOS app including Youtube embedded player.
We would like to check if our use cases below violate the rules for embedded youtube player.
Would it be okay if we use invisible player which we set opacity zero for purpose of getting thumbnail images in video?
Thumnails are taken by invisible player in the way as seeking to specific time and capture view at the time.
The thumnails are solely used for progress bar which consist of sequential images as green box in the below image and each image indicates each parts of video and there is no other purposes.
Images are made and used only in client local environment and not saved in our database.
Additionaly, can we provide the thumbnail extracted in the above method which background is removed?
Would it be possible that we hide below title bar which shows when player paused by adjusting CSS style, view frame size ?
Is there the other way to hide title bar ?
it seems that there are other mobile app services in Korea also using embeded player without titlebar like ‘Cake’ (케이크-영어회화/id1350420987 )
We are developing feature ‘Metronome’ using BPM(beat per minute). for this, we need to use Audio PCM data in Video. regarding this we are currently examining three cases.
is it allowed to extract audio file from video to get PCM data?
is it allowed to access to device’s audio buffer to get PCM data?
is it allowed to record audio with mobile device to make audio file ?
Is it possible to provide a Metronome function that repeatedly plays a specific sound simultaneously with the audio of the Youtube video?
Would it be okay if we invert embeded player left and right? we plan to provide a mirror mode for user so that they practice dance conveniently.
Is it possible to provide a function that play repeatedly the specific time range (ex. from 00:05 to 00:10)?
Is it possible to provide a function that does not play immediately when the play button is pressed, but counts down for a certain period of time, such as 3 seconds, to play?

Possible to access/monitor tvOS system audio output?

I'd like to develop a music visualizer app for tvOS which has the ability to listen to whatever background audio is playing (like Spotify, Pandora, etc.). Does anyone know if this is even possible on iOS/tvOS? In other words, there would have to be some functionality that allows the system audio output to be treated like an audio input.
I imagine that it would be the same functionality as doing a screen recording capture, at least the audio part.
My goal is to be able to do this programatically (Objective-C) so that the user doesn't have to do anything, it just "works" out of the box, so to speak.

How to add a music background in the video chat on iOS?

I have a question about the AVAudioPlayer and its AVAudioSessionCategory parameter.
So, basically, I have a video chat between two users and I want to play music as a background for them. I tried to use the "AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord" value for the AVAudioSessionCategory, but in that case, the music will be recorded and send together with the voice to the partner.
I think that I'm looking for a way to play music but do not record it, so each partner will be listening to its own music.

How to implement screen recording with audio in iOS programmatically?

I have a requirement where I have screen recording with audio as well. I have done some Google and got to know about how can we implement screen recording but I am wondering how to save audio while screen recording.
Is there any possibility that we can merge the video and audio and then save the final data on disk?
But I am not sure that will it be feasible because there will be difference in syncing with audio and video frames.
For screen recording I got a link of ScreenCaptureView which actually lets you save the screen recording.
On iOS9 there is ReplayKit it's a framework that can be used to make screen recording on video games. It seems that you can use also for common screen capture.
For lower platforms it's a kind of big deal, video screen capturing exists but is a private framework ( I guess IOSurface). There are some work arounds as in this project , basically it starts to grab sigle screenshot and append them into a movie file, without audio

iOS internal audio recording

My iOS app is an musical instrument and I want to make a record of playing, but without using mic.
Any suggestion or at least direction will be appreciated.
my curiosity... ex. if its a musical instrument(ex piano or keyboard), on pressing any key, it should play some sound. In your app, while playing sound(tone 1, tone 2)on pressing the key, create a new file(.mp3 or .midi) & write the data to it. But, you should be familiar with sound file internals(headers, body ....etc)
The best way is to use buffers to write them into a file. Audio units or Audio Queues.
