Give access to Docker Swarm cluster - docker

Okay, here is my situation:
I created a cluster of docker swarm using docker machine. I can deploy any container, etc. So basically everything is working fine. My question right now is how to give access to the cluster to someone else. I want other people to deploy container on that cluster using docker-compose.

Docker machine configures the docker engine on each node to be secured using TLS:
The client configuration can be seen when running the "docker-machine config" command, for example the following settings are used to access the remote docker host:
It's the files under ~/.docker/machine/certs that are needed by other users who want to connect to your swarm.
I expect that docker will eventually create some form of user authentication and authorization.


Run new docker container (service) from another container on some command

Does exist any way to do this:
run one service (container) with main application - server (flask application);
server allows to run another services, them are also flask applications;
but I want to run each new service in separate container ?
For example, I have endpoint /services/{id}/run at the server, each id is some service id. Docker image is the same for all services, each service is running on separate port.
I would like something like this:
request to server - <host>//services/<id>/run -> application at server make some magic command/send message to somewhere -> service with id starts in new container.
I know that at least locally I can use docker-in-docker or simply mount docker socket in container and work with docker inside this container. But I would like to find way to work across multiple machines (each service can run on another machine).
For Kubernetes: I know how create and run pods and deployments, but I can't find how to run new container on command from another container. Can I somehow communicate with k8s from container to run new container?
can I run new container from another without docker-in-docker and mounting docker socket;
can I do it with/without Kubernetes?.
Thanks for advance.
I've compiled all of the links that were in the comments under the question. I would advise taking a look into them:
StackOverflow control Docker from another container.
The link explaining the security considerations is not working but I've managed to get it with the Webarchive: Don't expose the Docker socket (not even to a container)
Exposing dockerd API
Docker Engine Security
Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API
Kubeflow in the spite of machine learning deployments

Can't access certain services running on host machine from inside docker container

We're trying to setup a GitLab Runner, which is resposible for building and testing our web application. For running the jobs we use the Docker executor with DinD.
Our problem is now: When trying to access certain services from inside the Runner Container (docker image) we get a timeout and no response back. It includes:
logging in to our own docker registry which is hosted on the same
wget on our domain (which is hosted on the same system)
What we can do:
ping our domain as well as the registry
ping other domains
wget other domains
Logging into the registry and wget our domain is successful when trying it native on the server and not in a docker container.
So it maybe looks like a docker problem.
Hope someone can help us.

docker swarm http connectivity

new to docker and docker swarm. Trying docker and docker swarm both.
initially i had started a docker daemon and was able to connect it on http port i.e. 2375. I had installed docker colud plugin in jenkins and added http://daemon-IP:2375 and was able to create containers. well it creates a container, does my build inside it and destroys the container.
My Query is, will i be able to connect to docker swarm on http port, the same way i a am connecting to a standalone docker daemon ? is there any documentation on it. or the my understanding about the swarm is wrong.
please suggest.
Yeah you can connect to a remote host the same way you are doing via the Unix Socket. People very often forget that docker is a client-server architecture and your "docker run..." commands are basically just commands issued by the docker client.
If you set certain environment variables:
(The last two are optional for TLS connections, which I would highly recommend. You'd have to setup which is recommended for a production environment)
Once you've set your DOCKER_HOST environment variable, if you issue a docker command and get a response, it will be from the remote host if everything is setup correctly.

Is the 'local' vm required once the swarm cluster has been deployed?

According to the official documentation on Install and Create a Docker Swarm, first step is to create a vm named local which is needed to obtain the token with swarm create.
Once the manager and all nodes have been created and added to the swarm cluster, do I need to keep running the local vm?
Note: this tutorial is for the first version of Swarm (called Swarm legacy). There is a new version called Swarm mode available since Docker 1.12. Putting it out there because there seems to be a lot of confusion between the two.
No you don't have to keep the local VM, this is just to get a unique cluster token with the Docker Hub discovery service.
Now this is a bit overkill just to generate a token. You can bypass this step by:
Running the swarm container directly if you have Docker for Mac or a more generally a local instance of Docker running:
docker run --rm swarm create
Directly query the service discovery URL to generate a token:
curl -X POST ""

Deploying docker swarm without using docker machine

Currently I have a bunch of RHEL7 VMs running on RackSpace and want to deploy docker swarm for testing purpose. The Docker Docs only describes the method to deploy docker swarm by using docker machine.
Since VirtualBox cannot be used in VMs, are any other ways such that I can directly deploy docker swarm on my VMs without using docker machine?
In fact Docker documentation offers you how to set up a swarm cluster 'manually' without using docker-machine: Create a swarm for development
I think that this full step-by-step tutorial might be useful.
It details how to deploy Swarm with a multi-hosts network, without Docker-machine by using consul and suggest two different means for the Swarm agent discovery (static file and token).
