How to read ports and ip-adresses out of PCAP-File using WinPCAP Api? - port

I am currently trying to read some PCAP files using WinPCAP-API.
With this example I managed to read the data, timestamp and length. But I do not get how to read the source and destination IP-adresses and ports?

But I do not get how to read the source and destination IP-adresses and ports?
By dissecting the raw packet data that WinPcap gives you; libpcap/WinPcap provide no APIs for dissecting raw packet data (because different libpcap/WinPcap applications have different needs - an intrusion detection application such as Snort and a packet analyzer such as tcpdump or Wireshark do different things with the data).
See, for example, libtins as a C++ library for doing packet dissection, or the libpcap tutorial for an example of how to do the dissecting yourself.


How to detect RTP packets in a PCAP file?

I have a .pcap file captured from my network adapter using Wireshark. I'm trying to analyses its contents using a python script. The problem is that I can't find anything specific to RTP packets in the Wireshark. Note that I don't want to use the port numbers to detect the protocol. I want to inspect the raw data and detect the RTP protocol packets. Is there any way to do that? I mean is there anything special in RTP packets that I can use that statistic to detect RTP packets among a lot of other protocols packets?
Wireshark analyses the VOIP signaling messages to know which UPD ports are being used for RTP. Apart from the version number bits (and thats really too short), the RTP packets themselves don't have much you can use to identify them by themselves.
There is a setting in wireshark that allows RTP detection without signaling:
Edit menu -> Preferences -> Protocols -> RTP -> Allow subdissector to reassemble RTP streams

How to extract network traffic information using tshark?

I need to analyze the wireless traffic occurring in Ch 1 of 802.11g. I have captured all the traffic logs using NETMON as test.cap file.
Q: How can extract the information using tshark to suitable format so that it can be used for further post processing?
I have captured all the activity in Ch11 but in wireshark it shows only 802.11 in protocol.
That usually means "the traffic is encrypted and Wireshark doesn't have enough information to decrypt it"; it does represent activity.
So if you're capturing on channel 11, an I/O graph in Wireshark, rather than anything extracted using TShark and further processed, should suffice to show the level of activity on that channel. You'd only have to dissect it if you want to see what type of traffic, at a higher level, that activity is, but it sounds as if you just care about activity, no matter what the packets are.

Sending UDP Packets from Wireshark / tshark

I am working with a "real time" data analysis toolchain which is separated into two parts. The first part fetches the data to be analyzed, packs it into a UDP packet and sends it to another host. The second part, running on the aforementioned host, receives the UDP packets and performs analysis on the received packets. By "real time" I mean that the output of the analysis toolchain should appear live to a human user, thus latencies of up to 100 ms are acceptable.
I am looking into making a new data source available to the receiving part. The data that I am looking for are being transferred on an Ethercat bus, which I can sniff. Wireshark/tshark have a dissector for Ethercat packets. With that said, it's really simple to get at the data in a script running within Wireshark/tshark. Since I have little control over the second part of the analysis, I cannot readily modify the second part to sniff Ethercat frames via pcap or somesuch.
Is it possible to send UDP packets from a script running in Wireshark/tshark?
Wireshark's Lua doesn't have a way to do that available out-of-the-box, but it's stock Lua so you can write a wireshark Lua script which itself can import (i.e., use require) any other Lua script or compiled Lua dll/so library. So, for example, you could use the LuaSocket library to send packets from within your wireshark Lua script.
Note that there is no event loop available to Wireshark Lua scripts, so receiving packets via LuaSocket isn't going to work, afaik. But since you're talking about sending over UDP, and sending only when the Wireshark Lua script will get invoked (i.e., because you'd do the send() call inside a tap or dissector), I think it should work. If it does/doesn't please post back, because this question comes up now and then and it would be good to know.

Parsing packets captured using wireshark for management frames identification using libpcap or similar library

I want to parse packets captured by wireshark offline using libpcap. I am capturing packets from a wireless network in monitor mode. I have read that "libpcap" can be used to capture and parse packets captured in the ethernet. Can it be used for wireless networks too? If yes, can anyone suggest me some tutorial? and if No, which library is suitable for it and how to use it?
libpcap, and its Windows port, WinPcap can be used to capture network traffic (in fact, they're what Wireshark uses to capture network traffic), as well as to read a capture file in pcap format (the default format for Wireshark's existing releases) and, in libpcap 1.1 and later, to read some capture files in pcap-ng format (the default format for the current development version of Wireshark; it should write out files that libpcap 1.1 and later can read).
They can handle a number of network types, including Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
They do not, however, support parsing any packet types; that's the job of the code that uses them, whether it's tcpdump/WinDump, Wireshark, or some other application. There's a library called WiFiPcap that is:
A C++ wrapper around libpcap that parses 802.11 frames, and the most common layer 3 (IPv4, IPv6, ARP) and layer 4 protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP) contained within them. Also works without link-layer headers. Works in Linux and Windows.
(copied from its web page, but edited to fix the protocol layer numbers to match the OSI model).
I have not looked at it, but it might do what you want.
There might also be other libraries that could be used to parse the packets.

Detect unreachable ports for UDP in Erlang

I am looking for a way to detect "port unreachable" errors for outgoing UDP packets in Erlang, so I can eagerly report transport layer errors to the application. I.e, I want to capture ICMP type 3 packets to report to the higher layers that packet have not reached the destination.
Currently I know about two approaches:
Use undocumented gen_udp:connect/3. However, it seems like this requires opening a new socket for every new destination pair address:port. The advantage is that this does not require any privileges.
Use gen_icmp which requires either setuid helper or capabilities to open raw sockets.
Are there any other variants I am missing?
procket might be what you're looking for, but I've never used it myself. It's a binding to the low-level socket API, therefore it allows you to use all the protocols the underlying API supports. I'm just quoting its README, so please take it with a pinch of salt.
