TimeZoneIdname based on airport code in java - timezone

i have a list of airport codes in my server.i would like to know how to get the timezoneidname(eg.., Europe/Dublin) for a airport code "gwy" which pertains to dublin? if anyone knows any specific api that does the same i would appreciate it.
iam wishing to do this in java.


Given an address, how can I get the congressional district?

Is there a library or service that returns the US federal congressional district given a US address?
You can do this on govtrack.us. I am not sure if there is a code framework for this, but you could probably write one from this information.
Full disclosure - I work for a company that also provides congressional district data - smartystreets.com
Keep in mind that this information changes often and I have been looking for the last 4.5 years and haven't yet pinpointed an actual, absolutely reliable source for this data. All of the companies I have looked at, including mine, say that their source is the US Postal Service but no one in the US Postal Service has been willing to tell me how frequently the data is updated within their system and what their source might be. So, just be aware.
I'm one of the creators of Geocodio and we had this problem ourselves. So we made it part of our geolocation tools!
You can use the Geocodio API or spreadsheet upload to look up Congressional districts, Representative/Senator contact information, etc. Docs: https://www.geocod.io/docs/#congressional-districts
You can use the Sunlight Foundation Congress API, which is free to use. Go to: http://tryit.sunlightfoundation.com/congress You can determine congressional district by zipcode (not completely reliable since zipcodes can traverse multiple districts) or by latitude/longitude. Just use Google geocoding to retrieve lat/lng from your address, and then you can look up the congressional district.
The whoismyrepresentative.com/api site can translate a zipcode into a congressional district. You can do a call with the url below, replacing 10038 with your zipcode.
Hope that helps!
**Also note that the sunlightfoundation site returns a 404 error and govtrack.us does not have an api for searching for congressional districts.

Getting street names in iOS

I need to offer users a way to type an address in an UITextField with an autocompletion functionality as user is introducing the text. I've been looking for the best way to implement this, but I'm still not sure: is it possible to get a list of street names for a certain city? Or should I being provided such information in another and custom way (service request, a file with that information...)?
My application is for iOS 7+
You can do this by using Google Places autocomplete API.This api provide you addreess that you want in list.
For More info please refer this example that help you to how to use Google Places autocomplete with your application
you can find sample code for the same on Github find Below link for this
Hope this may help you.

Query all addresses by postcode

I need to get all addresses (on house number level) by their zip code - thought about OpenStreetMap but haven't found a way yet to achieve this. Their API can give me a feature of a zip code, but not the addresses in there, how to do this?
I'm open for other web services as well.
After some research it looks as still the best data available for that purpose will be the one offered by official/administrative sources.

Get the country name from Latitude and Longitude-No Google

Can I get the country information just from Latitude and Longitude of the user? I know it should be easy to get it from Geocoder APIs from Google. But is it possible to derive that information without using any services like Google's?
Could you please let me know?
The only way of doing this is by using a third party API or creating your own database, which is a lot more work that it's worth. Have you looked to see if there is a GeoIP database that you can download for your programming language of choice (Or a generic one?)
Edit: This looks like it might have the data you need

Resolve city code from user input

There are a lot of geocode services out there (like http://geo-autocomplete.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/demo/ui.demo.html for example) where user can write a location (or part of it) and it will be resolved to real existing location.
There is also a lot of info provided with the search result (like country ISO code, coordinates, etc..), but none of the services seem to provide country and city code.
What I mean is a code used to phone to certain are. For example Country code for Germany will be 49 and for city of Dusseldorf will be 211.
Is there any service, where I can get this info from the user input. Or is there any way to combine the two. For example I get city name from google geocode service and the try it on some city codes database. If yes, can anyone please provide me with links.
You can use for instance Yahoo's GeoPlanet. For more elaboration on services to solve your problem you might want to check out this answer on gis.stackexchange.com, which seems to cover the kind of service you need.
