Dump remote MySQL database from a docker container - docker

I'm trying to dump a remote database into a local docker container's database.
$ docker exec -i my_container \
mysqldump my_remote_database -h my_remote_host.me -u my_remote_user -p
This gives me the remote dump well
So here are my attempts:
$ docker exec -i my_container \
mysqldump my_remote_database -h my_remote_host.me -u my_remote_user -p \
| docker exec -i my_container mysql -u my_local_user -pmy_local_password \
-D my_local_database
$ docker exec -i my_container bash -c \
"mysqldump my_remote_database -h my_remote_host.pp -u my_remote_user -p \
| mysql -u my_local_user -pmy_local_password -D my_local_database"
Both don't seem to have any effect on the local database (no error though)
How can I transfer these data ?

I always like to hammer out problems from inside the container in an interactive terminal.
First, get the cantainer of image running and check to see the following:
If you bash onto the local container docker exec -ti my_container bash, does the remote hostname my_remote_host.me resolve and can you route to it? Use ping or nslookup.
From inside the interactive terminal bash shell can you connect to the remote db? Just try a vanilla mysql cli connect using the credentials
Finally try the dump from inside the interactive terminal and just create a mydump.sql dump file.
Then check that inside the container:
You can connect to the local DB the credetials provided (if using tcp connection not socket the hostname should resolve, but it looks like your local db is using a socket)
See if you can load the dump file using mysql -u my_local_user -pmy_local_password -D mylocaldb < mydump.sql
If this all works then you can start looking at why the pipe is failing, but I suspect the issue may be with one of the resolutions.
I notice you say local database. Is the 'local database' inside the container or on the Docker host running a socket connection?


Dockerized JMeter not sending requests to Dockerized Microservice

I have a small Spring Boot API running in docker. Shown below Is the command I used to up the container.
docker run -d --rm --name factorialorialContainer --memory=$2 --cpus=$3 -p 8080:8080 -e JAVA_OPTIONS="$(cat /Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/flags.txt)" suleka96/factorial:latest
Then I have a dockerized JMeter which I up using the below command
export volume_path=/Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/jmeter_resource && export jmeter_path=/jmeter && docker run --rm --name jmeterContainer --memory='512m' --cpus=2 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512 -Xmx512" --volume ${volume_path}:${jmeter_path} egaillardon/jmeter --nongui -t factorial.jmx -l jmeter_results.jtl -q user.properties
but all the tests fail and requests are not getting sent to the API. This is how the CLI of JMeter looks
test config of request:
Protocol: htttp
Server: localhost
This is what the complete bash file looks like:
cd /Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/demo/target && docker build . -t suleka96/factorial
docker run -d --rm --name factorialorialContainer --memory='512m' --cpus=2 -p 8080:8080 -e JAVA_OPTIONS="$(cat /Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/flags_base.txt)" suleka96/factorial:latest
sleep 15
#run test
export volume_path=/Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/jmeter_resource && export jmeter_path=/jmeter && docker run --rm --name jmeterContainer --memory='512m' --cpus=2 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512 -Xmx512" --volume ${volume_path}:${jmeter_path} egaillardon/jmeter --nongui -t factorial.jmx -l jmeter_results.jtl -q user.properties
sleep 15
#jtl split
java -jar /Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/jtl-splitter-0.4.6-SNAPSHOT.jar -f /Users/sulekahelmini/Documents/fyp/fyp_work/MLscripts/jmeter_resource/jmeter_results.jtl -s -t 1;
docker stop factorialorialContainer
docker stop jmeterContainer
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?
You're doing wrong absolutely everything.
When it comes to Spring Boot even "small" API is not small at all, if you want something really small - consider i.e. Jersey
I fail to see why do you need containers at all, in your situation they don't add any value but only consume resources
You're running the application under test and the load generator at the same physical machine. Both can be very resource intensive when it comes to high load and you won't be able to tell for sure where is the bottleneck
If you still want to ignore previous 2 points and proceed: you're using localhost in JMeter container and there is nothing deployed on port 8080 in that container. You need to run the following command:
docker inspect factorialorialContainer
you will see a line which looks like:
"IPAddress": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
you will need to get this IP address from the docker inspect command output and replace the localhost with this IP address in the JMeter's HTTP Request sampler
Docker Network
JMeter Distributed Testing with Docker

Docker Login Failed Using mssql-tools

SSMS connects just fine. Run this code in PowerShell to duplicate the following error.
Any advice? Thanks!
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'SA'..
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server
#Sql Server cmd Tools
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql-tools
#Set-up the Container:
docker run `
--name MSSQL-Latest `
-p 1433:1433 `
-e "SA_PASSWORD=F00B4rB4z!" `
-v C:\Docker\SQL:/sql `
-d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:latest
docker exec MSSQL-Latest /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd `
-S localhost `
-U "SA" `
-P "SA_PASSWORD=F00B4rB4z!" ```
Just remove "SA_PASSWORD=" from the password you are trying to log in. You assigned "F00B4rB4z!" value to SA_PASSWORD env, not "SA_PASSWORD=F00B4rB4z!".
If you want to then execute some commands inside your container you could add options: --tty to allocate a pseudo-TTY and --interactive to keep STDIN open or just use -it for short.
The correct command should be:
docker exec -it MSSQL-Latest /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U "SA" -P "F00B4rB4z!"
Keep in mind that if you have earlier created any user with SA_PASSWORD, the SA_PASSWORD value being saved on your host disk in the path you specified in the bind mount volume. This bind mount will overrides your SA_PASSWORD in future created containers with the same bind mount volume.
Please, try to avoid using the latest tag. This approach may cause inaccuracies because you are not guaranteed which version of docker image you are currently using.

Connection to voltdb within container fails with connection refused

According to the information on docker hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/voltdb/voltdb-community/) I was able to start the three nodes after adding the nodenames to my /etc/hosts file. Commands I executed:
docker pull voltdb/voltdb-community:latest
docker network create -d bridge voltLocalCluster
docker run -d -P -e HOST_COUNT=3 -e HOSTS=node1,node2,node3 --name=node1 --network=voltLocalCluster voltdb/voltdb-community:latest
docker run -d -P -e HOST_COUNT=3 -e HOSTS=node1,node2,node3 --name=node2 --network=voltLocalCluster voltdb/voltdb-community:latest
docker run -d -P -e HOST_COUNT=3 -e HOSTS=node1,node2,node3 --name=node3 --network=voltLocalCluster voltdb/voltdb-community:latest
docker exec -it node1 bash
> Output:
Unable to connect to VoltDB cluster
localhost:21212 - Connection refused
According to log files the voltdb has started and is running normally.
Does anyone have an idea why the connection is refused?
You have to follow the given example and fix your HOSTS argument.
It should be HOSTS=node1,node2,node3 instead of yours, thus you let your service know about all nodes in cluster.
There might exists a bug in the docker-entrypoint.sh I don't see yet because I shouldn't need to connect into the container and run these commands manually, but doing this solved my issue:
docker exec -it node1 bash
voltdb init
voltdb start

docker mysql, send sql commands during exec

i am creating a mysql 5.6 docker using bash script and i would like to change the password.
how can i send sql commands from bash to docker?
sudo docker build -t mysql-5.6 -f ./.Dockerfile .
sudo docker run --name=mysql1 -d mysql-5.6
sudo docker exec -it mysql1 mysql -uroot -p$base_password \
<<< SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'#'localhost' = PASSWORD('new_pass');
You need to bind MySQL-port like descriped here. To keep the port 3306 you can just expose it on your host the following way:
sudo docker run --name=mysql1 -p 3306:3306 -d mysql-5.6
After that you should be able to use mysql -u USER -p PASSWORD on your local host. This will then allow you to send commands to your docker-container.

Execute docker command with deis

I have deis(1.5.2) with 3 host and I want "app" with database. I want to use postgres, so I found this docker image https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/postgres/ . I did deploy without problems, but I don't know how can I connect into this app/container (create some db, users) and link with other app/container. They write commands for it but it's for docker. So how can I run these commands from deis:
docker run --name some-app --link some-postgres:postgres -d application-that-uses-postgres
docker run -it --link some-postgres:postgres --rm postgres sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'
or do you have some other solution for using DB with deis?
