IOS App crashes, but there is no crash log available - ios

I am starting my App from XCode and with a specific behaviour it just disconnects and the app disappears from my IPAD screens.
So I guess the app crashes.
Now my question. Where Do I get this crashlog ? I already looked into
Window -> Devices -> choose my Ipad -> "View Device Logs" . But I cant see any actual crash log. I have some from earlier times, but my actual doesn't show up.
How do I get a crashlog ?

check if you have enabled Share with app developers option in settings. Privacy -> Analytics -> Share with App Developers.Xcode was not showing crash logs, enabling this helped me

You need to look at the device console under windows, devices in Xcode.
Its possibly saying something about code signing, bundle id's or missing libraries.

Try to delete the crash logs from "earlier times".
You have maximum amount of saved crash logs, and if you passed it - you won't see the new crash logs


Why crash log couldn't be found

I have an app and under some circumstance the app crashes.It has crashed couple of times.But I am not able to find the crash log.
I opened Xcode -> Window -> Devices & Simulators ->View Device logs - The device
I am not seeing any crash logs over there for the Time it crashed.
Any ideas please
It has happened to me before.
Just delete the old crash logs and let the crash happen and you can easily find the crash log.
I would suggest you to use the following option to check for the crash logs in iOS device itself as its easy and quick to do.(depending on the OS version the below selection process will change)
Settings -> Privacy -> Diagnostic & Usage -> Diagnostic and Usage Data
Just connect the iOS device to a machine and sync it with iTunes then all the crash logs that you saw in Diagnostic and usage Data will not be there any more and it'll be in the machine.
Next time when the crash happens you can see the crash log
under Diagnostic and Usage Data
you can click on the any particular crash log and share it via mail
you can sync it with iTunes and find it in OSx at ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/
you can go to Xcode->Devices and Simulators -> View Device Logs

Looking for local crashlog when device was tethered to Xcode

When iOS device is tethered to Xcode and crashed after building (app loaded in, was not a crash ON build), where is the crash log saved to?
Here's my predicament with some context:
I pulled a user's crashlog of EXC_BAD_ACCESS for my app. I symbolicated and I've narrowed it down to get a rough idea but now I'm trying to re-create the issue via building in Xcode to my iOS device (not simulator). Normally the app does not crash on load in (this crash isn't easy to replicate) but I've been able to have the app crash consistently with Address Sanitizer enabled, and it always crashed and points to a line in a thread with an men address -- not anything I don't already have from previous debugging.
However, one time I had a crash occur where it highlighted what func was called as well as every func called in the stack trace and what file this was all occurring in. In haste I hit build again in Xcode before I saved the output however... and now I cannot replicate.
The crashlog wasn't saved locally to my iOS device as I was still tethered to Xcode, and I checked ~Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice but that did not contain them either.
I need find where Xcode would've saved these logs on my mac (if it did at all)?
Typically all the crash dumps are stored in Settings -> Privacy -> Diagnostics & Usage -> Diagnostics & Usage Data
Scroll down the list and find the crash file with your app name.
This link might be helpful -

HockeySDK Warning - How to test crash reporting?

I got this warning when running my application with HockeyApp integration:
[HockeySDK] WARNING: Detecting crashes is NOT enabled due to running the app with a debugger attached.
Crash reports are not sent and no alert is displayed when opening the app again.
Any one have any idea how to resolve this issue?
This has very simple reasons:
If you are running the app with Xcode attached, your app is connected to lldb, Xcode's debugger. When lldb is attached, it will of course do its job as a debugger and catch any exception or crash that occurs. This means that the crash can never reach the HockeyApp SDK or any other crash reporting SDK while lldb is attached at the same time.
The solution is also pretty simple. If you just want to make sure the SDK is integrated properly and will catch crashes, do the following:
Do a quick "Build & Run" to install the current version of the app on the simulator or device.
Click the "Stop" button in Xcode to stop the debugging session.
Manually start the app on the device or simulator by tapping or clicking the app icon.
Cause a crash.
Restart the app. Now the HockeySDK should process the crash report and show a dialog to approve crash log sending.
One thing to keep in mind: Make sure to not make the app crash immediately after app start as this would not give the SDK enough time to process and send the crash report before crashing again.
Hockey app sdk by default does not send report when a debugger is attached. There is nothing wrong with this.
It will send report when a archive build that release to ur tester cause a crash. I personally think this should and remain as this because you are trying to track crashes from your tester not when you are developing.

iphone crash report doesn't show latest app's crash info

I need to get crash report of my app on iphone 4s (ios 9.2.1), it crashes many times but crash report/logs doesn't show last crashes info, only old info, I make sync for iphone by iTunes many times but without success.
I'm working on Xcode 7.2.
What that mean ? or how can I get the latest crash logs ?
There is a crash logs limit, but it's about 150 or 200 logs. If you reached that number - just clean your logs.
Edit: to clean the logs, go to xcode -> window -> Devices -> then choose your device and press View Device Logs. There you can select all the logs and delete them.

How can I obtain crash logs for Mobile Safari in the iOS Simulator?

If Mobile Safari crashes in the iOS Simulator, where can the crash logs be found?
(Apple will want these attached to your bug reports.)
Look for files named MobileSafari_*.crash in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/.
(Execute open ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ in Terminal, then sort by date modified.)
