c# twilio client browser to browser calls - asp.net-mvc

i am in the process of writing a c# mvc.net application and need to know if i can end twilio client calls after a certain amount of time and also play recording during the call when the call has reached a certain time limit or a recording the says "This call will end in 30 seconds". any help is good help.

You'll have to do a little work to make this work as duration is an empty value until after the call terminates. Instead, use the StartTime parameter on a call and calculate the duration manually in your application.
After implementing that you can modify the call using the <Play> verb to play a recording during the call with your warning message and <Hangup> the call once it reached the specified time.
An example modification in C# would look like:
// Download the twilio-csharp library from twilio.com/docs/csharp/install
using System;
using Twilio;
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at twilio.com/user/account
string AccountSid = "ACCOUNT_SID";
string AuthToken = "AUTH_TOKEN";
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
"http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml", "POST");


Listen live calls on Twilio

I'm trying to create an interactive dashboard that shows Twilio calls with the ability to listen to any ongoing calls. Is it possible? And what is the best approach I should take?
I saw two methods on the documentation which are Twiml Voice: and Twiml Voice: . Conference doesn't suit with my scenario because incoming calls are not ringing. And I couldn't find a way to listen to voice Streams on the documentation.
Note: Currently inbound calls are handled by Twilio function and WebSocket and outbound calls are handled by Twilio JavaScript SDK.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to listen to a live Voicecall you could try the Stream as IObert suggests. Or, you must use the Conference feature and add yourself as a "Coach." Don't be put off by the name Conference. Think of it as a Voicecall with many more helpful features. You can create a conference from an outbound call like this:
string accountSid = "ACxxxxxx";
string authToken = "xxxxx";
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
var voiceresponse = new VoiceResponse();
var say = new Say("Setting up your conference.");
var dialConference = new Dial();
name: "Your Conference"
startConferenceOnEnter: true,
endConferenceOnExit: true
var twiml = voiceresponse.ToString();
var call = CallResource.Create(
twiml: new Twilio.Types.Twiml(twiml),
to: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber("E164 Number to Dial"),
from: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber("E164 Your Twilio Number")
Then once you have a conference started, you can add the second call from either an inbound or outbound call. With an inbound call, use Twiml to send the call to the conference. With an outbound call, use the REST API to add a Conference Participant.
From the client side, using the Twilio Javascript Client, you would then connect your device to the Conference with the correct Conference Twiml parameters which is explained here:
const device = new Device(token);
let call = await device.connect({
params: {
To: 'Your Conference'
I use a slightly different method...I use a button on the client that when you click it makes an outbound call to the "coach" using the Conference Participant REST API. The coach answers and is added with mute = true. The "coach" uses the Twilio Client for WebRTC but the same process will work with a "regular" phone line with a phone number. Using the Twilio Client in this way allows the coach to listen on their computer speakers which is convenient.
The harder part is you will need to keep track of which calls are active on the client side. Otherwise, you won't have an accurate list of which calls or conferences are active. Repeatedly polling the Twilio REST API for active calls is not recommended by Twilio and is super slow compared to using the webhooks to notify of call status changes.

How to connect the incoming call after accepting a reservation through Twilio Task Router?

I'm able to follow Twilio TaskRouter example to accept reservations:
import { Worker } from 'twilio-taskrouter'
const worker = new Worker(token);
worker.on("reservationCreated", async function (reservation) {
console.log('reserved', reservation)
await reservation.dequeue()
The incoming call reservation comes through and reaches the agent properly.
But I'm not clear how to actually answer the incoming call after this. The documentation says calling dequeue() will perform telephony but seems like there are more needs to be done to actually answer the call?
I also tried to create a Twilio Device. But based on my understanding, that requires a TwiML app, but I'm also not sure how to hook up the TwiML with the TaskRouter; nor I'm not sure I'm in the right path.
I actually figured it out by trying many diff SDK and code examples as the docs's not super clear.
Apparently we'd need to create a Device with its access token having the identity of the worker's contact_uri's client id.
When creating device access token:
const token = new AccessToken(
{ identity: "a_worker_user_name" }

Gathering speech during outbound twilio voice call

I am trying to create a voice call from twilio to a number using programmable voice.
I also intend to gather recipient's speech transcribed. However, the documentation contains examples and tutorials only for inbound voice calls.
This is what I have tried-
Initiating voice call:
twiml: `<Response><Gather input="speech" action="https://ngrok-url-for-my-local-server/voice" method="POST" speechTimeout="5"><Say>Hey there, How are you?</Say><Pause length="4" /></Gather></Response>`,
to: toPhoneNumber,
from: myPhoneNumber,
.then((call) => {
.catch((e) => {
Code in handler for gathering speech-
const VoiceResponse = twiml.VoiceResponse
const res = new VoiceResponse()
However I am not getting anything useful in the console.
Can anybody point me to a useful tutorial or example or tell me what I should do ?
You need to first make the call and then modify the call to gather.
When you make the call using the new VoiceResponse() call you will be returned a SID for the call. Next, use that SID to modify a call that is in progress by redirecting to the Twiml to gather the digits.
You will have three legs:
Make the outbound call (you provided this code in your questions).
Modify the active outbound call by using the call's SID to redirect to a Gather twiml.
After the gather has finished tell the call what do to using the action parameter of the gather. Here is an example.
If you are trying to go for a conference bridge type feature where you press * to move into an admin type menu, you will need a more complex solution involving a conference call.

How do you forward Twilio calls to different URLs in the middle of a call? (Using Node)

I'd like the following functionality with Twilio/Node: either
my server receives incoming call and the call rings on our custom client; at some point during the call (ideally can work before answering or after answering) or if no one answers on the client, the call is transferred to a webhook on a different server (my CRM provider) so the CRM can deal with it. OR
same as above, but the incoming call posts the incoming call request to both my server & my CRM webhook for the incoming call; I think this might not be possible though, not sure
I'm able to receive a Twilio call on my server without problem, and able to receive Twilio calls in my CRM without problem. However, when I tried to forward a call to the CRM after first receiving it on my custom server/client, it seems to always disconnect abrubtly. Pls help!
The code I'm using to update the call is below. The url works normally if sending the call directly to the CRM webhook. The CallSid is from my custom client from the incoming call
.update({method: 'POST', url: 'https://crm.crmprovider.com/ctiapi/xml/cticall/twilio?authtoken=abc'})
Appreciate any help!
Think I figured out the proper way to do this. Should be using an "action" with "dial" and then checking "DialCallStatus" in the action endpoint and dealing with various statuses as appropriate. Sample code:
// On server, receive call. This is the url Twilio is
// set to post webhook to when call comes in
app.post('/incomingCall', (req, res) => {
const twiml = new VoiceResponse();
// Dial client first; after, call /callAction
// I believe this will call /callAction if call is unanswered for 10 seconds or after a completed call or if there's no client open
const dial = twiml.dial({timeout:10, action: '/callAction'});
const client = 'whateverClientName'
const twiml = new VoiceResponse();
// Can set below if for other things like if call not completed, answered, or cancelled
// In this example we say if call's not completed, route call to 3rd party site's webhook to further deal with the ongoing call
twiml.redirect({method: 'POST'},'https://thirdpartywebhook.com/abc')}
else {twiml.hangup()}
I didn't find Twilio docs super straightforward on this so hopefully this helps someone in the future!

Taskrouter problem using Laravel. Task not getting created?

I've followed every single step in the Twilio's documentation called Dynamic Call Center with Laravel.
My problem is that a call gets through the IVR, then after choosing a digit, nothing happens.
My guess is that its not creating a task. the code provided in the documentation just generate a task with json but thats it. I check my tasks in Twilio taskrouter console and nothing shows up.
I've provided all credentials, used ngrok, filled in all url callbacks.
public function enqueueCall(Request $request)
define('workflowSid', env('TWILIO_WORKFLOW_SID'));
$selectedSkillInstruction = new \StdClass();
$selectedSkillInstruction->selected_skill = $this->_getSelectedSkill($request);
$response = new Twiml();
$enqueue = $response->enqueue(['workflowSid' => workflowSid]);
return response($response)->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
I expect a code that actually creates a task, but when I call this api via postman, a task is not created
The above code returns Twilio Markup Language (TwiML) which uses the enqueue verb and a workflowSid attribute. The enqueue verb is used with Programmable Voice. Have you tried associating your application with a Twilio phone number and then calling the Twilio number which should enqueue the call into a task router workflow?
TwiML Voice: Enqueue
I have solved my problem. It turned out that everything was in order, the only problem is that I didn't know I need to press # after choosing from the IVR because all the demo I saw from Twilio only press a number and it gets routed.
