Launchscreen rotation not working on iPhone 6s and smaller screens - ios

I have a launchscreen storyboard with an ImageView and two labels all with some constraints to align the objects relative to the size of the screen.
When i choose a device with a screensize of an iPhone 6s or smaller in the simulator and rotate the device in landscape mode the view is not rotated.
When selecting an device with a larger screensize, e.g. an iPhone 6S Plus, the launchscreen is rotated correctly in landscape mode. Also when running it on an iPhone 6 the launchscreen is not rotated.
Any suggestions how to resolve this?
Maybe got a little bit closer to the cause. When rotating an iPhone 6 Plus or larger to the left in the Simulator, the dock icons are rotated. These are not rotated when rotating a device with a screen size equal or smaller than the iPhone 6.

I do not believe it is possible to rotate the LaunchScreen.
On the Apple Developer site: in the section on "Handling View Rotations" there was this line:
At launch time, apps should always set up their interface in a portrait orientation. After the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method returns, the app uses the view controller rotation mechanism described above to rotate the views to the appropriate orientation prior to showing the window.
So it looks like your main storyboard will get invoked before orientation can be taken into account.


How to rotate an iPhone app when used on an iPad in landscape

Devices is set to "iPhone" under Deployment info. In my Info.plist I have iPhone as Portrait only, and iPad as all 4 options. My app works fine on iPhone (no rotation as expected). It behaves the same on an iPad (no rotation) but of course then to view the app properly I have to hold the iPad like an iPhone with the Home button at the button. I don't want to have to do that. What I want is when the iPad is in landscape, e.g. with a keyboard, for the app to rotate but maintain its iPhone-like appearance, smaller, in the center of the display. How to achieve this?

How do you set up 'image sets' to match launchImage files for all devices?

NOTE: This question is NOT related to launch image storyboards.
INFO: BG Buddy is a landscape only app. The launch screen uses images in a launchImage.xcassets file.
The launch image transitions to a UIViewController containing a full screen UIImageView with the same BG Buddy Background image as used in the launch image, and some textual UIButtons. This gives the impression that the buttons appear on top of the background image after a short time when the app has loaded.
Here is how the BG Buddy Background image set has been set up since the app’s release. Transitions from Launch Image to UIViewController work perfectly on iPad, iPhones 5,6,7,8 and 6,7,8 Plus.
The iPhone X and the iPhone Plus both seem to use the iPhone 3x image slot but both have very different dimensions. I’ve opened up the other size classes slots and tried to find a place with much confusion and no success. NOTE: All iPhones apart from the iPhone Plus use compact width/compact height size classes when in landscape. The iPhone Plus uses regular width/ compact height in landscape orientation.
So how do you set up 'image set' files to match launchImage files for all devices?
At the moment I can either have a good iPhone X transition or a good iPhone Plus transition but not both.
Is my only option to try to detect if it’s an iPhone X (or iPhone Plus) and swap the images programatically?
So here's the solution for a landscape only app. Hopefully it will help a little for portrait orientations too. Landscape bespoke launch images should be placed as shown with these width/height class settings.
Use the launchImage.xcassets screenshot at the top of the question to set up your launchImage.xcassets.

iPhone 6s Plus has Compact horizontal size class in landscape orientation

I have an iPhone 6s Plus, and I have an app that supports both Portrait and Landscape orientations.
When I rotate my device and read the property mainViewController.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass - it always equals UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact.
Many sources like this:
or this:
tell that all 5.5-inch iPhones have Regular horizontal size class in the landscape orientation, but my device doesn't!!!
Launching the same app on the iPhone 6 Plus Simulator or the iPhone 6s Plus Simulator gives different results: in this case horizontal size class is Regular in landscape, like it was expected.
I wonder, what could it be? Any guesses?
iPhone 6 and 6 plus devices have a "Zoomed" display mode which makes the logical screen size appear smaller, under settings -> Display and Brightness -> Display Zoom
This affects the trait collection of a 6 plus sized device when in landscape mode. It's also a reason you shouldn't do device checking code when calculating sizes etc.

iOS Replace the default Keyboard with a shorter Keyboard

How can I get the default keyboard to be shorter like the keyboard on the right?
The standard keyboard is the left, how do I get it to have the height of the one on the right?
The left keyboard is not taller than the right keyboard— they are the same height, in points. The difference is in the scale of the screen; i.e. the pixels are smaller on the right. Assuming that these are the same device, the difference is caused by one of two things:
The app on the left is not updated to support the higher resolution screens of the iPhone 6 and 6+. To remedy this, you can either specify a .xib as your "Launch Screen File" in the target's General settings, or add a launch image for iPhone 6 and 6+ to your asset catalog.
The app on the left is running on a device which is in "Zoomed" view mode. To change this, follow this path in your Settings app: General > Display & Brightness > View.
Edit: A good tip for recognizing such resolution differences (on an iPhone 6 or 6+) is to watch the clock as an app launches. If it gets bigger, then your device is set to the "Standard" view mode, and the application has not been updated to support iPhone 6/6+ resolutions. If the clock stays the same size, then either the app has been updated to support iPhone 6, or the device is in the "Zoomed" view mode (or both).
You cannot control the height of the keyboard. The keyboard on the left is looks taller because this app hasn't been updated for iPhone 6/6+ screens, so the keyboard and everything else in the app has been stretched.
See this question for how to support the new 6 screen sizes.

How to Horizontally Center View in Landscape orientation?

I have an app that was originally written for iPhone 4s landscape mode (480x320) but when I run this in iPhone 5 simulator I see that my app is aligned to the left and there's alot of blank space to the right of it. (vertically, it looks/stretches properly)
I was hoping my app would atleast be centered in landscape mode in iPhone5, any ideas?
Also, I have another app that is in portrait mode (320x480) and in iPhone 5 is does vertically center my app properly. So is this just a problem with landscape?
Found it in Size Inspector -> "AutoResizing".
Just had to align the red box correctly
