customize file_field button ruby on rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to get rid of the ugly button rails has as default for the file upload. i want to add a glyphicon
<%= f.file_field :image_url, class:"glyphicon glyphicon-camera" %>
This didn't work and I have tried other things in different post i saw on this page, but they don't attach the file.

You can do it using css.
<div class="image-upload">
<label for="file-input">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-camera"></span>
<%= f.file_field :image_url, id:"file-input" %>
.image-upload > input
display: none;
.image-upload > label{
You can find the working example here

As suggested here Bootstrap Filestyle, you can use Bootstrap's Filestyle to style your file upload buttons.
Step-1: Add this to your layout application.html.erb
I have added the Bootstrap Filestyle library from CDN. You should make sure that you have both JQuery and Boostrap loaded.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
Step-2: Add this to the corresponding js file:
$(":file").filestyle({input: false});
Step-3: Then your image_url file field could look like as follows:
<%= f.file_field :image_url,class: "filestyle", "data-input" => false %>

you can use also:-
add file field and hide this field :-
<%= f.file_field :image_url ,:onchange=>"loadFile(event)",id: "upload-it", class: "hide_input"%>
add one div with class:"glyphicon glyphicon-camera" :-
<div class="glyphicon glyphicon-camera" id="image-output",:onclick="upload_it(event)"></div>
use script:-
var loadFile = function(event) {
var output = document.getElementById('image-output');
output.src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
function upload_it(){


symbols appearing in url after modal opens

This may seem like a minor quibble, but why are the symbols #! appearing in my url after opening and closing my modals?
Here's what's in my script tags. The problem likely lies here.
$( document ).ready(function(){
$(".button-collapse").sideNav({menuWidth: 320, activationWidth: 70, edge: 'right', closeOnClick: true});
Edit: Added the modal link, which is a rails search form. Modal2 is essentially the same, but for a different resolution
<div id="modal1" class="modal hide-on-med-and-down">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="center-align">
<h4>Looking for something?</h4>
<div class="search_form">
<%= form_tag search_posts_path, method: :get, id: "post-lookup-form" do %>
<div id="search_border" class="form-group">
<%= text_field_tag :post, params[:post], placeholder: " Search Posts", autofocus: true, id: "search_box" %>
<% end %>
<a id="cancel" href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat">Cancel</a>
This briefly caused the hover effects on my side nav to stop working. I fixed it by manually entering the hover effect in my css, but I have a bad feeling that I really didn't address the main problem only the symptom and that this will bite me later on down the road.
I'm currently using the 0.100.2 version of materialize for this project. Let me know if you need more info or code.
It is because of this line
<a id="cancel" href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat">Cancel</a>
Change the href to href='' value and it will not get placed into the url anymore.

Edit a submit btn for nested form

I would like to customize the submit file btn. To do that, I'm using a pure css trick. But the problem is that this is not working as well than before the editing. I'm using cocoon to add images to my instance as a nested file.
I'm changing this (works perfectly) :
<div class="nested-fields col m4 s6">
<div class="flat_photo_box">
<%= f.file_field :image %>
Into this (partially works):
<div class="nested-fields col m4 s6">
<div class="image-upload">
<label for="file-input<>">
<span class="fa fa-download trash_nested_form"></span>
<%= f.file_field :image, id:"file-input#{}" %>
With this css trick :
.image-upload > input
display: none;
.image-upload > label{
ERROR = I can create as much nested form than I want, but paperclip only save the last image that I upload into the first nested element. Do you have an idea of where the mistake might come from
You assign an id to the file_field, a html-id is supposed to be unique. While the page will render correctly, upon form submit only one will be submitted to the server. Instead write your field like this:
<%= f.file_field :image, class:"file-input#{}" %>
Why do you want to assign a specific id?

DateTimePicker Ruby On Rails

I am trying to add a datetimepicker to rails.....
These are the instructions
So I have downloaded /jquery.datetimepicker.css and added it to my stylesheets folder…and downloaded jquery.js and /build/jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js and added them to my javascripts folder….
Here is the code that I am using to try to display the date picker...
<div class="col-md-6">
<label>Start Time</label>
<%= f.text_field :start_time, readonly: 'true', placeholder: 'Start Time', class: 'form-control' %>
<div class="col-md-6">
<label>End Time</label>
<%= f.text_field :end_time, readonly: 'true', placeholder: 'End Time', class: 'form-control', disabled: 'true' %>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/jquery.datetimepicker.css"/ >
<script src="/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/build/jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js"></script>
Do you know what im doing wrong??? It is not showing up at all!
not sure if you got this resolved, but...
Your jquery code should really be in a separate js file and referenced in your application.js (since you're writing in rails). But, minimally, it should be within script tags at the bottom of the file, not after them.
Try this:

Styling file upload button for simple_form_for with Bootstrap in Rails 3

Using simple_form_for, Bootstrap and Rails 3. In a form:
<%= f.input :upload, label: 'PDF file:' , input_html: {accept: ('application/pdf') } %>
I don't know how I'd style this so that the "choose file" button can have a different class ('btn btn-primary').
Additionally, when using with Bootstrap at least, its severely misaligned by default. See attached image.
Finally, how do I redefine the text from "No file chosen" to "Chose file" when there isn't one added yet, and show the file name when there is one.
This is how I do it:
In the view add your form file field and hide it
Add a styled additional field just to display the file name
Add a button to trigger the file browse dialog
<div class="control-group">
<div class="attach-set">
<%= f.input :real_file, input_html: { hidden: true }, label: 'Upload Attachment' %>
<div class="input-append">
<input id="file-display" class="input-large uneditable-input" type="text">
<a id="upload-btn" class="btn"><i class="icon-upload-alt"></i> Browse</a>
</div> <!-- /attach-set -->
</div> <!-- /control-group -->
In your JS (Coffee w/ jQuery shown), pass the click from the display button onto the real file input and when they select a file drop the file name in the display text field (I drop the path so that I don't see C:\FakePath....)
$(document).ready ->
# ------------------------------------------------------
# pretty-fy the upload field
# ------------------------------------------------------
$realInputField = $('#real_file')
# drop just the filename in the display field
$realInputField.change ->
$('#file-display').val $(#).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
# trigger the real input field click to bring up the file selection dialog
$('#upload-btn').click ->
This worked great for me and only requires HTML
<label class="btn btn-primary">
Add a file!
<span style="display:none;">
<%= f.file_field :image, required: true, multiple: true, name: 'picture' %>
I ran across and am using Jasny's extension to Bootstrap 3. It seems to work well so far.
No JS required, just plain css
.fileinput-button {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
float: left;
margin-right: 4px;
width: 110px;
height: 32px;
opacity: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
transform: translate(-300px, 0) scale(4);
direction: ltr;
cursor: pointer;
html / slim
span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button"
| Select File
= f.file_field :cover_ar
I recommend using compass for cross browser compatibility
As #rafaelfranca said you can't style file input but you can add your own button which will be clicking your hidden original button. See example here
Every Browser has a different type of file input field button and this makes it a pain. You can play a little with css. This has given me a basic styling with JS without the annoying "No file chosen" text in chrome and Safary:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".your_button").css("width", "80px");
Otherwise the best solution is to hide it and show a fake one that intercepts the click:
With respect to the question of how to show that a file has been uploaded, a basic solution with jquery file upload is to detect the upload complete event and replace some of your text with a success message (The exact file name I believe it is not possible to obtain with modern browsers):
dataType: "json",
done: function(e, data) {
$(".place_for_your_text").text("File uploaded.");
In summary, a basic solution is to use javascript in your assets to:
Hide the annoying "No file chosen text" with css.
Place your "Chose file" text next to the button and give it a class you can reference.
Replace the text with "File uploaded"
No fancy shiz required:
<form method="post" action="/api/admin/image" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="<%= boxes[i].url %>" />
<input class="image-file-chosen" type="text" />
<br />
<input class="btn image-file-button" value="Choose Image" />
<input class="image-file hide" type="file" name="image"/> <!-- Hidden -->
<br />
<br />
<input class="btn" type="submit" name="image" value="Upload" />
<br />
$('.image-file-button').each(function() {
$(this).off('click').on('click', function() {
$('.image-file').each(function() {
$(this).change(function () {
CAUTION: The three form elements in question MUST be siblings of each other (.image-file-chosen, .image-file-button, .image-file)
If you are using Bootstrap, Simple Forms, Jasny, and ReFile, this post may be of interest to you refile simple_form undefined method attachment_field
<label class="btn btn-primary"
<%= f.input :upload, label: 'PDF file:',
class:"hidden", input_html: {accept: ('application/pdf') } %>
Works for me
Using class="hidden"
PS: I'm using Tailwind CSS

Rails toggle function hidden by default?

I'm using the "toggle" function in my code to show / hide a div. I want it to be hidden by default though. How should I do this.
Here's the line of code:
<%= link_to_function "+ Add a comment", "$('comment-form').toggle()" %>
in your css:
.hidden { display: none;}
And give your div the hidden class
This can also be done UJS by having
<script type="text/javascript">
Somewhere on the page. This will let you also run many different javascript/jquery calls once the page loads.
Just expanding a little on the previous 2 answers:
In your template
<div class="commment_form hidden">
<!-- Comment form markup -->
<%= link_to"+ Add a comment", "#", :id => "comment_link" %>
In your css
.hidden { display: none }
In your application.js
$(document(ready) {
$('#comment_link').click(function() {
I'm going from memory, so my apologies if the code isn't perfect!\
