how to get Background calls from IOS like google Authentication in android? - ios

I want to do the verification like google Authentication in Android. First How my android app do like below
The token was issued by server.
The token was sent to a device that was being operated by the person identified.
The token was obtained by the Android app identified by the Client ID.
I found some Documents related to This but I don't know how to achieve this kind of security authentication in IOS. is their any way to do with out using google authentication in ios. Is there somethings similar for iOS from Apple, where I can get a ID token signed by Apple when Apple will observe that the iOS app and the client?
I found some Links on Google but no use Please any body guide me how to achieve This.


Can we use same google clientID for iOS and android app?

I am trying to implement google sign in and it worked fine but we have to collaborate with android app too, so we want to use a common client ID for both the apps. Is there any way to achieve this. Why we want to do so because we are sending token to our backend server through an API, then we get user details in the API response. The backend team and the android team are using the same google client ID but I don't have any idea how can I use the same google client ID, if anybody has some idea please help me out.

How to integrate Alexa feature in an iOS app

Am trying to implement Alexa feature in an iOS app. From the amazon developer documents, I find that it requires the access token, to send the HTTP POST requests. And I did the Login using Amazone. Now I have the access token. I don't know how to continue to the next level. Anyone can help me to get implement Alexa feature in an iOS app.

404 Error in user response to user authentication api IOS

I have a Uber like taxi solution. I am facing a problem with the user authentication API in iOS. The same API is working for Android.
I am an Android developer and not so familiar with iOS.
But my developer says it is due to some expired key parameter which is not accepted.
There must be a wrong parameter or url issue. It can be possible on typing a path api. Match the url and parameter keys with android.

GMail API iOS Authorization

I am using the Gmail API in iOS with the code that is given on the link
and I tried running the application on an iPhone but every time, when I start the application it is asking for a Google login for authorization.
The page at Google Developers says that:
Authorization information is stored in your Keychain, so subsequent executions will not prompt for authorization.
So my question is that for my application is the Keychain value not being stored, if so how can I correct it and if not what can be the possible error in the code that is in the link provided above?

Is Google Cross-client Auth possible with iOS, and if so, how?

I'm using oAuth2, and I have a project in my google API console with an iOS client and a Web client registered.
I'd like to auth in from my iOS app, and have my web backend retrieve an access token so it can do the heavy processing work with the Google api.
I've tried following these instructions which are for android:
But I keep getting an invalid scope when I assign the scope as:
Anyone successfully implement a similar set up for iOS? If so please explain or share documentation? What libraries or SDKs did you use to get the code from google on the iOS app that the web backend could use to generate a proper access token of it's own?
As of June 18th, the google iOS SDK 1.7.0 supports one-time authorization code which is consistent with the Android feature:
