Is it possible to delete the private id of a video at Dailymotion? - dailymotion-api

A different private id is genererated on each request (regarding the api documentation). Is it possible to delete the old private ids?
Best regards

No, it is not possible to delete the private ID of a video on Dailymotion.


Can I create private key that will stay "unlocked" for certain amount of time?

I have an app which generates couple of private keys. When user needs to sign data, they have to authenticate with biometrics and Secure Enclave signs it with the proper private key. Simple.
I got a new requirement - the app needs to be able to sign multiple pieces of data as they arrive in the device and user should authenticate only when signing the first piece.
So my questions are:
Is possible to create a private key that stays unlocked for certain amount of time after user authenticates with biometrics? If so, how?
Is possible to create a private key that stays unlocked until program tells Secure Enclave to lock it? If so, how?
I searched documentation and stack overflow thoroughly, but without any luck. Any help is much appreciated!
Alright, so after some testing I found the answer to my questions. Normally (in my case), user needs to authenticate each time the private key is used.
In order to be able to do batch operations, we need to use LAContext and set reuse duration:
let context = LAContext()
context.touchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration = 10.0 // 10 seconds
Add the context into attributes while loading the private key:
let attributes: [CFString: Any] = [
// ...
kSecUseAuthenticationContext: context
// ...
var item: CFTypeRef?
let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &item)
This, however, has an unexpected behavior. The private key remains "unlocked" even after the time limit has passed. Invalidating the context to lock the private key doesn't work either.
In order to lock the key after the batch signing is done, we need to:
Deallocate the context, or reinitialize for future use
Reload the private key with the new context (or without context), because the private key is holding strong reference to the context.
Only after that, the user will need to authenticate with biometrics again, so keep that on mind.
It's also fair to say that there's no need to generate new keys. This approach works with existing keys.

Check ownership of record in public CloudKit database

I've just began working with CloudKit and planning to store data in a public CloudKit database. One feature I need is to display information about who has created a record and also let that owner to modify or delete their own records.
None of the tutorials I've read so far talk about this.
How is this done?
Just get that from the CKRecord like this:
The rights for the user (public, authenticated, owner) who can create / update / delete a record can be setup in the CloudKit dashboard

How to get all the recent session for a user

I'm using the spring-session project and I find it quite awesome. My requirement is to show the customer a list of his latest logins (IP address, date/time of his latest logins). I'm looking at the SessionRepository but I can't seem to find such a method. Is it possible to introduce such a method to return a of latest sessions for a given customer? If not could anyone suggest how to tackle this problem?
We want to keep SessionRepository as simple as possible, so it will not be introduced into that API. Instead, we will likely create an extension to the interface when resolving gh-7 is resolved.
In the meantime, you can extend the existing implementation to provide additional methods that map the additional necessary information.
for org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder
example usage:
public static HttpSession session() {
ServletRequestAttributes attr = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
return attr.getRequest().getSession(true); // true == allow create

EventMachine Channel - get subscribers count

How to get an amount of subscribers for specific EventMachine::Channel to know that no subscribers are left and I can remove the channel?
Currently there is no way of getting this information - the subscribers is a private hash that doesn't have a public accessor method (see the source here). I've got a pull request open to add this functionality, in the meantime it's pretty straightforward to extend the Channel class to add it yourself.

How to set Parameters for Titanium.Yahoo.YQL?

I cant find anyway to put parameters into YQL to fetch private data like contacts lists etc.I dont find it documented anywhere..
I know we can fetch public data without parameters but i am asking about private data which needs parameters like oauth_token and oauth_signature ?
Made my own alternative.It fetches Yahoo,MSN,Google Contacts for now.
