Docker Toolbox and Terminal error - docker

I'm brand new to Docker and to containers or anything ops related at all, and am playing with this tool in order to start learning. Mostly I work with Django and Frontend, so please help me understand any answer posted. Thanks.
I installed the Docker Toolbox on my Mac (OS X) and am getting what seems to be a very common error in my terminal after I quickstart it from the Launchpad:
Error getting IP address: Something went wrong running an SSH command!
command : ip addr show
err : exit status 255
output :
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
For help getting started, check out the docs at
I tried running docker-machine ip and got an error which said:
Error getting IP address: Something went wrong running an SSH command!
I've seen some broad explanations for how to fixing this, but steps and some explanation would be very helpful. Thanks.

Docker, as it turns out, has fantastic customer service. They had me reinstall the toolkit, and then retry all the steps. The first time I quickstarted the terminal, I got a time out, but it worked fine the second time. Slow wifi may have been the problem initially.


How to set the proxy environment variables for minikube / kubectl on Windows 10?

I am new to kubernetes and I'm currently running minikube for learning purpose using Virtual Box on Windows 10 pro. Problem is that whenever I start my minikube using "minikube start" it runs in the VM and works fine for a few minutes. But after executing a few commands it says "TLS handshake timeout"....I searched on the web and it seems that some environment variable needs to be configured which I couldn't figure out..
It would be very helpful if anyone can give me a way to solve this. Thanks in advance.
I tried the following commands from
type here
```set HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy hostname:port>
set HTTPS_PROXY=https://<proxy hostname:port>
set NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,,
minikube start
I hoped that it would fix the problem of TLS handshake lost, but the problem persisted.

How do I remove a host-only adapter so I can continue with starting up the Docker Quickstart Terminal?

I used this guide to start installing Docker Toolbox. For step 3.2 I launch the Docker Quickstart Terminal. The first time I ran this a lot of progress info and status messaging was being displayed which I did not save unfortunately. In any case I believe the last message it showed is what I have pasted below. I am not sure. What I know for sure is that every time I try to start the Docker Quickstart Terminal, I see the error message below.
Starting "default"...
(default) Check network to re-create if needed...
Error setting up host only network on machine start: VirtualBox is configured with multiple host-only
adapters with the same name "HostInterfaceNetworking-Npcap Loopback Adapter". Please remove one
Looks like something went wrong in step ´Checking status on default´... Press any key to continue...
I do not understand how to get around it but I assume it has to do with me removing a host-only adapter. Any ideas how I should go about doing that?
i solved mine by uninstalling the previous virtual box and installing a new or latest version.

Running Docker locally in browser on Windows10: Error - IP Not Found

Ok, so here's my background first. I'm a noob in the world of commandline interfaces, but have been building websites off and on for a long time (10 yrs) using GUI's. So, I'm trying to make the switch to CLI's while also learning Docker.
Right now I'm stuck at trying to get Docker to load anything into my browser window. Here's what I've done successfully:
Installed Docker CE on my Windows 10 Machine
Setup a new virtual switch in Hyper-V Manager per these instructions and restarted the computer.
Created a new machine using this line of code docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch" manager1
Now here's where things get a little interesting. When I run the above function (I've done it twice now) it stalls on the line: Waiting for host to start...
I waited for five minutes to see if it would do anything, before killing the operation. (oh, did I mention I'm running PowerShell in Adminstrator Mode - right click on the icon to "run as administrator").
So when I re-open PowerShell to check if the new "manager1" machine has been created it comes back affirmative, but with this:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker-machine ls
manager1 * hyperv Running Unknown IP not found
As far as I can tell these are the steps that I need to take to get Docker to run locally in my browser window, but for the life of me, I'm lost!
Oh, I did downgrade my docker-machine version per a suggestion that I read in a git forum comment, but that was to remedy an issue with the docker-machine create command. Part of me wonders if I'm doing too much. But I honestly don't know what to do next.
I don't know that this is progress, but in the Virtual Switch Manager, I did switch the external network device from the "Ethernet Connection" to the "Dual Band Wireless" option. Then I restarted my machine. Now I'm showing that the state of the machine is "Timeout". I've also started and stopped my "docker-machine manager1". It sites on the (manager1) Waiting for host to start... line for about half a minute, then proceed to the Waiting for SSH to be available... where it just sits. Here's another screen shot that captures this:
Ok, my confusion was a result of looking beyond the documentation and getting a little confused. I still don't have this fully figured out but everything I was attempting to accomplish is detailed in this getting started with Windows 10 pro article.

docker assigned an ip I can not find ipconfig but it exists

On Windows 7 I installed docker which brings up a headless VM. For the first test I built the largest nginx and ran 8080:80, but then I could not browse it on my Windows.
Attempts by localhost:8080 failed.
Then I performed:
docker inspect [MY-CONTEINER-ID]
I tried to use the ip I found there as 172, obviously another fail
Further I used ipconfig on Windows and I found, but it also failed. Eventually after hours, I accidentally browsed and it worked!
Could you please let me know that how I could find where this is assigned, what the logic is and by which command I could reveal it?
Using the comments by Matt Clark it solved!
I commanded
docker-machine ls
and I got the ip I was confused about. Thank you.

Running HHVM's "hh_server" tool inside Docker container fails

Running HHVM's hh_server tool in Docker fails with following error:
Fatal error: exception Not_found.
Same tool works fine in the host with same OS (Ubuntu 14.04) and HTTP server (nginx).
Any idea how this might occur?
I had the exact same problem on a Debian image. After talking to a guy at hhvm's IRC channel I got it working by setting the USER environment variable to a username. Apparently hh_server don't work if USER is empty
