Grails spock- how to mock/stub a particular method of class - grails

I am writing Junit testcases for a Grails project.
Here I am using Spock framework to write testcases.
Here I am trying to test following method.
But I want to mock/stub the method. I don't want call the actual url passed.
def RestResponse restPost(String url, Map headerMap, Map jsonDataMap) {
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
RestResponse response = {
headerMap.each { k, v -> header(k, v) }
header('contentType', 'application/json')
header('Accept-API-Version', 'resource=2.0,protocol=1.0')
if (jsonDataMap)
I tried with MockFor. It is calling actual url.
void "test restPost"() {
RestResponse resMock = new RestResponse()
def httpBuildMock = new MockFor(RestBuilder) >> resMock
def url = "http://testme"
def headerMap = [
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + 'encodedStr'
def dataMap = [
'operation': 'replace',
'field' : 'userPassword',
'value' : 'devicePassword'
RestResponse res = service.restPost(url, headerMap, dataMap)
So how to mock/stub a particular method of class?

You could create a seperate method to create the RestBuilder so createRestBuilder and then return a mock everytime this method is called:
def RestResponse restPost(String url, Map headerMap, Map jsonDataMap) {
RestBuilder rest = createRestBuilder()
RestResponse response = {
headerMap.each { k, v -> header(k, v) }
header('contentType', 'application/json')
header('Accept-API-Version', 'resource=2.0,protocol=1.0')
if (jsonDataMap)
then define service with
def service = Spy(ServiceClass) {
// stub a call on the same object
createRestBuilder() >> Mock(RestBuilder)


Grails 3.3.11 Integration Test (GrailsApplication)

I am now in trouble with the configuration variable GrailsApplication in my Integration Tests. I don't know why, but, I am not managing to get its value when testing my api. I am using Grails 3.3.11. The value of the variable is being null and, due to it, I can't authenticate to perform the tests. I would appreciate your help. I am using Grails 3.3.11.
//Imports were moved out to simplify understanding
class IdControllerSpec extends Specification {
def grailsApplication
Integer serverPort
String accessToken
String baseUrl
JSONObject documentPropertiesForTesting
JSONObject documentForTesting
String partTest
String userTest
String typeIdTest
String refreshToken
void setup(){
baseUrl = "http://localhost:${serverPort}/cmbid/api/v1"
partTest = "partTest"
void "Saving a new and valid document properties"() {
refreshToken = grailsApplication.config.getProperty('refreshToken')
accessToken = "Bearer " + authenticateXxxAut()
documentPropertiesForTesting = createNewTestDocumentProperties()
typeIdTest = documentPropertiesForTesting.get("message").toString().substring(20,52)
documentPropertiesForTesting.get("status") == "ok"
documentPropertiesForTesting.get("message").contains("properly saved!")
DocumentProperties.withNewSession {
def dp = DocumentProperties.findById(typeIdTest)
dp.delete(flush: true)
def authenticateXxxAut() {
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
String response = ""
try {
JSONObject responseBody
def httpPost = new HttpPost(grailsApplication.config.getProperty('aut.newTokenUrl') + grailsApplication.config.getProperty('refreshToken)'))
CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost)
if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
responseBody = new JSONObject(EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()))
response = responseBody.get("access_token")
} else {
response = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode().toString()
} catch (Exception e){
} finally {
return response
I've been upgrading a Grails 2.x app to version 3.3.11 and just referencing the (provided) variable serverPort worked for me. The IDE shows it as being uninitialized but running the tests, it gets the correct value assigned. I also have my test classes annotated with #Integration(applicationClass = Application.class).
Here's how I get the URL to point against:
def url = "http://localhost:${serverPort}${grailsApplication.config.getProperty('server.contextPath', String, '')}"

How to use annotations to create OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation on Grails 4

We are creating API documentation for an existing Grails 4 App. We are having difficulties in understanding how to use Swagger annotations.
Let's assume the following Controller:
class IntegratorController {
def maintenanceService
def saveMaintenance() {
def message = 'success'
def status = '200'
try {
def maintenanceJson = request.JSON.maintenances
def ret=maintenanceService.processMaintenanceJSON(maintenanceJson)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error to process restricions", e)
message = 'error : ${e.getMessage()}'
status = '500'
def result = ['message':message]
render(status: status, contentType: "application/json", text: result as JSON)
This controller expects you to send a request JSON like this example:
{ "job":42,
"maintenances": [
{"idPort":42, "idMaintenance":42, "shipName":"myship01", "obs":"asap"},
{"idPort":43, "idMaintenance":43, "shipName":"myship02", "obs":"asap"}]}
A basic annotation will be this:
class IntegratorController {
def maintenanceService
#Post(uri="/saveMaintenance", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
#Operation(summary = "Create one or more ship maintenance")
#ApiResponse(responseCode = "500", description = "If internal service throws an Exception")
def saveMaintenance() {
def message = 'success'
def status = '200'
try {
def maintenanceJson = request.JSON.maintenances
def savedMaintenances=maintenanceService.processMaintenanceJSON(maintenanceJson)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error to process restricions", e)
message = 'error : ${e.getMessage()}'
status = '500'
def result = ['message':message]
render(status: status, contentType: "application/json", text: result as JSON)
Where and how to annotate the request JSON sent in the post operation?
Thank you!
The request object is "scoped" by Grails. So you need to use #RequestBody annotation to declare what it is outside the method declaration. You also need to create classes to describe what it is because the JSON deserialization is loosely typed.
This is an example:
#Post(uri="/saveMaintenance", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
#Operation(summary = "Summary here",
description = "Description here",
requestBody = #RequestBody(description = "Inside Operation"), tags = ["IntegratorWebController"])
#RequestBody(description = "Description here", required = true,
content = #Content(schema = #Schema(implementation = YourRequestDAO.class, anyOf = [YourRequestDAO.class, YourRequestDAODependency.class])))
#ApiResponse(responseCode="200", description = "Return status=OK in success", content = #Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = #Schema(implementation = YourResponseDAO.class))),
#ApiResponse(responseCode="404", description = "Return status=BAD_REQUEST if you mess up", content = #Content(mediaType = "application/json", schema = #Schema(implementation = YourResponseDAO.class)))])
def saveOrUpdateActivity(){
Well Swagger and OpenAPI are 'schemas' that are preloaded at runtime to build the call structure; GraphQL also has a schema as well to load its call structure.
I did a video on it here to help you understand how this works:
The way Grails did this prior to 4.0 was with plugins like the 'swagger plugin' or with BeAPI plugin (which I maintain).
I don't see a supported plugin in 4.0 so I don't see how they are doing this now.

Groovy httpbuilder post list params

I'm trying to consume a web service from my grails project. I'm using httpbuilder 0.7.2. Below is my http client.
static def webServiceRequest(String baseUrl, String path, def data,method=Method.GET,contentType=ContentType.JSON){
def ret = null
def http = new HTTPBuilder(baseUrl)
http.request(method, contentType) {
uri.path = path
requestContentType = ContentType.URLENC
uri.query = data
body = data
headers.'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 Ubuntu/8.10 Firefox/3.0.4'
response.success = { resp, json ->
println "response status: ${resp.statusLine}"
ret = json
println '--------------------'
return ret
The issue is coming when i'm trying to send something like this:
def input = [:]
input['indexArray'] = [1,5]
api call
def response = webServiceRequest(url,uri,input,Method.POST)
when i'm printing the value of post data in my server it shows only last value of list.
it should show both 1 and 5
If you want to send json data using contenttype application/x-www-form-urlencoded you have to explicitly convert the data before adding it to the body, you can use (data as JSON).
I am using RESTClient (nice convenience wrapper on HTTPBuilder, It is as simple as this with Spock.
RESTClient restClient = new RESTClient("http://localhost:8080")
restClient.contentType = ContentType.JSON
Also it automatically parses the JSON data, so my Spock test is:
when: "we check the server health"
HttpResponseDecorator response = restClient.get([path : "/health"]) as HttpResponseDecorator
then: "it should be up"
response != null
200 == response.status
'application/json' == response.contentType

Unable to implement Grails-jaxrs multipart file upload integration Test

I am using grails-jaxrs for exposing an api which accepts multipart/form-data..
ChatMessage addChatMessageWithAttachment(#Context HttpServletRequest req) {
log.debug "> addChatMessageWithAttachment"
def fileStores = []
def chatMessage
GrailsWebRequest request = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest()
def params = request.getParams()
if (!(params.messageBody.length() > 0)) {
log.error("Empty message body")
throw new LocalisedException(ErrorCode.CHAT_MESSAGE_CREATE_FAILED)
The implementation is working properly as expected. I am able to send form-data (with file and other parameters successfully.
Now I am trying to implement integration test for above logic.
I am using IntegrationTestCase to achieve this.. so my code snippet is as below:
class ChatMessageResourceV1Tests extends IntegrationTestCase{
//other implementation and setup ommited
void "Create new chat message for event id - customer user"() {
def headers = ['Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', 'Accept': 'application/json']
def data = "My message..."
def cm = new ChatMessage(messageBody: data)
def content = "{'eventId':'$','messageBody':'My message...'}"
sendRequest("/api/v1/chatMessage/addMessage", 'POST', headers, content.bytes)
assertEquals(200, response.status)
When I run the test.. I can see the call reaches inside the API method.. But however, the parameter messageBody is coming as null and exception is being thrown.
I have tried every possible combination of test.. But no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.

Return value from HTTPResponse closure Grails HTTPBuilder to outer method

I have some code like this
def lookupTickets() {
User currentUser = webAuthService.currentUser()
def http = new HTTPBuilder(zdURL)
http.auth.basic("${zdUser}/token", zdApiKey)
http.get(path: "/api/v2/users/search.json",
query: [query: currentUser.emailAddress],
requestContentType: ContentType.JSON, { resp, json ->
println "Response status: ${resp.statusLine}"
def zenDeskUserId = json?.users[0]?.id
The line def zenDeskUserId = json?.users[0]?.id gives me the result I am looking to return to the browser.
How can I return this value in the outer method when it is only in scope from within the inner closure?
Do you think this will not work?
def lookupTickets() {
def zenDeskUserId
User currentUser = webAuthService.currentUser()
def http = new HTTPBuilder(zdURL)
http.auth.basic("${zdUser}/token", zdApiKey)
http.get(path: "/api/v2/users/search.json",
query: [query: currentUser.emailAddress],
requestContentType: ContentType.JSON, { resp, json ->
println "Response status: ${resp.statusLine}"
zenDeskUserId = json?.users[0]?.id
return zenDeskUserId
