iOS Safari loads a wrong page - ios

I've met a very strange bug when tried to open my web site in iOS Safari. Please see the screenshot below.
It seems like some elements are loaded from a completely other web site. The new site is a copy of the old one, but layout files (I'm using Phalcon) are changed. There is no link to the old web site at the page.
Also I've noticed doubled logo, it seems like a rendering bug.
When I refresh the page it is loaded normally.
I'm weird what might make Safari to load some fragments of the page from completely another domain.
The screenshot

Try to remove cache from browser. Or maybe it's just an issue of DNS. In that case you just need to wait untill DNS will get updated.


Bootstrap Glyphicons not visibile after refreshing IE

If I start the Project with Visual Studio(2013) and choose HTTPS the first time the application starts I see the glyphicons but not if I refresh the page.
If I do the same with HTTP then I dont have this Problem.
In my web.Config I don't use Cache and I also checked the Font Folder everything seems OK.
I saw many similar question on stackoverflow like this link
or this one but nothing helped.

Safari ignoring/removing anchors (or "hashtags") when clicking hyperlinks?

I need to point one page to another and then scroll to a particular section. In Chrome and Firefox, using an URL like does the trick. (#section1 can be an anchor or an element's id).
However, in Safari, the hash disappears when I click the link.
Why is this happening? Is it possible to do it on Safari? If not, how can I get around this problem?
When using hyperlinks that point to inside sections on other pages you must remember to add a slash (/) before the hashtag for cross browser compatibility.
doing isn't accepted by all browsers (apparently by Chrome and Firefox it is)
Case: I have parameters after '#' like url#myParam=123, when I changed params like
url#myParam=789 Safari sometimes loaded previous page based on myParam=123,
although in Address bar it showed myParam=789
Solution : Use url?#myParam=123, then Safari will everytime load new page.
Using '?' before '#' solved my problem.
I had a related problem with Safari (on iPhone/iOS) seemingly stripping off the hash/fragment when doing a:
var newHash = ...;
window.location.replace("#" + newHash);
The actually problem was a javascript error that only appeared on Safari. Since I could not easily assess a javascript console for the iPhone, I chose to download an old version of Window's Safari (related post, download).
Then, I could replicate the problem from the iPhone on my Window's desktop using the old version of Safari. At that point, I found a javascript tag had a missing ']'. This was a legitimate bug, but it was somehow ignored by Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
The window.location.replace() was not even being called, because the code was breaking out on the javascript error. So the problem wasn't that Safari was stripping the hashtag, even though it appeared that way from multi-browser testing.
I just experienced an issue like this. I was using a URL re-write in the web.config. With Safari, the hash and everything after was removed. After trying some of the things mentioned above I was still having problems. The issue for me was that this was all happening under HTTPS. Once I specified the full URL in the redirect and included the https:// scheme the redirect worked correctly and preserved the hash. Note this wasn't an issue with Chrome or Firefox.
For me it was the exact same issue like mrbinky3000 has stated above: The server mod-rewrite was killing the hash in safari.
The solution was to use a full absolute link like:

Google Analytics MIME type issue in Chrome using Rails 3

I'm adding GA to a Rails 3 app, which would normally be extremely simple, of course. I've added the GA JS snippet, which is rendering just fine. Everything works perfectly in Safari. In Chrome, however, it's giving me a console error: Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "about:blank", pointing to the JS line that loads the ga.js file: s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s). Some things I've investigated:
I created a plan HTML page with the JS snippet, and it loads outside Rails in Chrome with no error.
The same HTML page, when put in /public, gives the error above.
The same HTML page, loaded in Safari from /public, doesn't give any error according to Firebug.
I tried the GA Debug extension in Chrome, but it remains silent, because ga.js isn't getting loaded.
Looking at the developer console in Chrome, I see a request for "" that seems to stay in "pending" state, and a redirect to "about:blank" seemingly initiated by, which makes very little sense.
So this seems to be related to Rails (since the snippet works in the HTML outside Rails), and doesn't affect Safari, but other than that I'm stumped. Hopefully I've just been staring at it wrong, and someone else will point out the obvious to me...? Anyone come across this before? Any ideas will be very much appreciated.
Came across this issue myself. "Disconnect" disabled share buttons on my site (g+, twitter and fb). Had to remove it to view the site properly.

jQuery Mobile: How can I link to an external page without breaking web app view?

I created a web app (without browser chrome) which loads most of its pages locally from index.html. Now I have one page which i can not integrate into index.html, since it has to be refreshed when loaded. I placed it on the same server and called it stats.html and link to it like this:
When I click this link, the browser pops to the front instead switching to the page without browser chrome.
How can I link to an external page in a way that it still looks like one app?
I appreciate any hints to solve this problem.
just found that seems to be the solution.

Why does SIFR rendering this page in Chrome as a blank page?

In chrome - loads for a few seconds that changes into a blank white page. This site was working fine up until a few months ago.
Upon inspection it just loads the 2 swf files. In FireFox it loads just fine.
Any thoughts?
I posted some information regarding the same bug that seems to be removed. So I poked around the javascript source for sifr r436 and discovered as was mentioned here:
That there was an issue with the prefetch function and indeed commenting the prefetch function out fixes the problem. I looked at the site linked above and this is not their solution. I have not been able to figure out how they resolved it, the prefetch function is unchanged on their site. So removing the prefetch would make this problem go away, however it is important to know that this will slow total page load time by putting off calling the flash file until after the rest of the page loads.
