Getting Season Stats with Falcor - falcor

What's the best way to approach getting sport season stats with Falcor and Falcor router?
My data source for a season outputs data that looks like this:
{ id: 'recNMJfs4sqiJshna',
fields: {
Wins: 23,
Losses: 51,
Team: [ 'reckEYqAz3r8pUtUg' ],
My id's are guids and I've got a teamsById route working that returns the season guid. However to try and prevent a lot of duplicate routes and code I'm trying to create a seasonsIndex route that would look something like this:
seasonIndex[0..10][year] or [seasonIndex[0..10]["2016"]
Where I can select the data that is in the season data source for a specific year. Hoping I can create an output like this:
seasonIndex: {
teamGuid: {
2016: {
Wins: 23,
Losses: 51,
2015: {
teamById: {
teamGuid: {
Name: Team Name
I'm have trouble figuring out the routes I would need to build this model response. Because I'm unsure how to get the data out of the different season's data source and associate it to the unique team guids, and still be able reference specific values in the season data like Wins, Losses, or Winning Percentage.

You need to build a route by field you want to expose. For example, for the wins field:
route: "seasonIndex[{keys:teams}][{keys:years}].wins",
get(pathSet) {
const results = []
for (team of pathSet.teams) {
for (year of pathSet.years) {
const wins = ... // get the wins for that team and year from the data source
path: ["seasonIndex", team, year, "wins"],
value: wins
The route for wins and the route for losses are probably going to end up similar, so you might be able to collapse them like so:
route: "seasonIndex[{keys:teams}][{keys:years}][{keys:property}]",
get(pathSet) {
const results = []
for (team of pathSet.teams) {
for (year of pathSet.years) {
for (property of {
const value = ... // get the value of the property for that team and year from the data source
path: ["seasonIndex", team, year, property],


How to modify context for child fields in graphql-ruby?

I have query like this:
query {
organizations {
itemA {
"data": {
"organizations": [
"id": 123,
"name": "first org",
"itemA": {
"fieldA": "some value A",
"fieldB": "other value B",
"id": 321,
"name": "other org",
"itemA": {
"fieldA": "other value A",
"fieldB": "value B",
One user have access to multiple organizations, but with different access rights for each org.
I need to have when fieldA and fieldB are resolved to validate access.
I tried to use context.merge_scoped!(organiozation_id: in resolver for a field, that returns single org.
Looks like it do what I need, child fields received correct value in context but I'm not sure. There is no documentation for that method and for scoped_context in general.
Also, if scoped_context is what I need, how can I set it for a list of items?
UPD: sample query
query {
organizations { // I need to pass item of this list to resolver of ItemA
otherModel {
itemA // access depened on organization`
Feature was documented in newer version:
I'm not 100% sure I got your problem, but I think what you need should be "transparent" to GQL.
You need two things to correctly list "items" for an organization: 1. which organization and 2. who is asking:
# type organization
def itemA
object # this is 1, the organization, current node in the graph
.get_fields_accessible_by(context[:who_is_asking]) # this is requirement 2
As you can see, there seems not to be a reason to manipulate context at all. (Unless I missed the point completely, so feel free to amend your question to clarify).
Could you try :
context[:organisation] = object #set this value in your organisation model
access it in another model using, current[:organisation]
Additionally, you can create helper method
something like
def current_organisation

How to structure falcor router to get all available IDs?

I'm experimenting with using Falcor to front the Guild Wars 2 API and want to use it to show game item details. I'm especially interested in building a router that can use multiple datasources to combine the results of different APIs.
The catch is, Item IDs in Guild Wars 2 aren't contiguous. Here's an example:
So I can't just write paths on the client like items[100..120].name because there's almost certainly going to be a bunch of holes in that list.
I've tried adding a route to my router so I can just request items, but that sends it into an infinite loop on the client. You can see that attempt on GitHub.
Any pointers on the correct way to structure this? As I think about it more maybe I want instead?
You shouldn't find your self asking for ids from a Falcor JSON Graph object.
It seems like you want to build an array of game ids:
games: [
{ $type: "ref", value: ["gamesById", 352] },
{ $type: "ref", value: ["gamesById", 428] }
// ...
gamesById: {
352: {
gameProp1: ...,
428: {
gameProp2: ...
[games, {from: 5, to: 17 }, "gameProp1"]
Does that work?
You can use 'get' API of Falcor, It retrieves multiple values.. You can pass any number of required properties as shown below
var model=new falcor.Model({
{name:"Recently Watched",
name: "Ignatius",
rating: 4}
{name:"New Release",
name: "Jessy",
rating: 3}
Getting single value
Getting multiple values
model.get('genereList[0..1].titles[0].name', 'genereList[0..1].titles[0].rating').
console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));

How can I write this relatively simple criteria query involving three domains?

Just for background, let us have these three domain classes:
class Group {
Long id
Person person
class Person {
Long id
Country country
String name
class Country {
Long id
So, with these classes in mind, I am given a Group object's id as well as a Country object's id. I would like to get the list of Person objects based on these two.
It seems relatively simple, but I am new to criteria queries and so I am struggling to figure out what I am doing wrong. This is what I have so far:
def c = Group.createCriteria()
def names = c.list (order: "asc") {
createAlias('person', 'p')
createAlias('', 'c')
and {
eq ('', Long.valueOf(countryId))
eq ('id', groupId)
projections {
Of course, this is wrong as it is throwing errors. Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
static def searchPersons(Map params) {
return Group.createCriteria().list(params, {
if(params.groupId) {
eq('id', params.groupId.toLong())
person {
if(params.countryId) {
country {
eq('id', params.countryId.toLong())
projections {
Still, it might be better to add the necessary associations (hasMany, etc.) on your domains.
The first thing you can do is improve the associations between your domain classes. This will help make criteria queries simpler (and deter monkey-patching later).
In your example, the association between Person an Group is a one-to-many; one person can have many groups. That may be your intention, but it also means that a group can have only one person. Basically, there's no way to group people together.
I'm going to assume that you want a many-to-one relationship so that many Person (people) can be in the same Group. With this in mind, the domain classes (with the explicit IDs left in) would look like this:
class Group {
Long id
class Person {
Long id
Country country
String name
Group group
class Country {
Long id
As for the query, since your expected result is instances of Person, the best place to start is with Person rather than Group.
List of Person instances
Here's how to get a list of Person instances.
Where query
def people = Person.where { == countryId == groupId
Criteria query
def people = Person.withCriteria {
country {
eq 'id', countryId as Long
group {
eq 'id', groupId
List of Person names
Notice that there's a discrepancy between your question and example. You asked for a list of Person instances, yet your example demonstrates attempting to get a list of Person names .
Here's how to get a list of names of the Person instances.
Where query
def names = Person.where { == countryId == groupId
}.projections {
property 'name'
Criteria query
def names = Person.withCriteria {
country {
eq 'id', countryId as Long
group {
eq 'id', groupId
projections {
property 'name'

Parse.js + AngularJS app relational data query issue

I have two parse classes; Companies and Ratings. It is a one to many relationship. Companies can have many Ratings. This is the statement I would perform in SQL:
SELECT, Ratings.rating
FROM Companies
ON Ratings.name_id = Companies.name_id
I want the equivalent of this in Parse, but I'm not sure of how to go about it. Here is what I've currently tried:
function getRatings() {
var tableA = new Parse.Query(Companies);
var tableB = new Parse.Query(Ratings);
tableB.equalTo("name_id", tableA.name_id);
success: function(results) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.companies = {
return {
id: obj.get("name_id"),
name: obj.get(,
rating: obj.get("rating"),
parseObject: obj
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
I am calling this function when the controller loads. This code displays the rating in my output, but not the name of the company.
I am trying to get all the companies listed in the companies object, then pair them with all the ratings they have in the ratings object. Their common key is name_id. This is the code I am using within my Angular view:
<div class="span12">
<div ng-repeat="company in companies | filter: query | orderBy: orderList"
class="well company-description">
<h3>Rating: {{company.rating}}</h3>
If I am way off base on this, please let me know
Get rid of the name_id column in the Ratings class. This isn't how you're supposed to define relationship using Parse.
There are a couple of options for you to choose.
Option 1
Using the Parse data browser, add a new column under the Companies class, called ratings. It should be a column of type Relation and point to Ratings as the target class. (Let me know if you need more information on how to do this.)
Then, when you create or edit a company, add ratings as follows:
var Companies = Parse.Object.extend("Companies");
var Ratings = Parse.Object.extend("Ratings");
var company = new Companies({name: "Some Company"});
company.relation("ratings").add(new Ratings({stars: 5}));;
Then, when querying Companies, do so as follows:
new Parse.Query(Companies).find({
success: function(companies) {
for (var i = 0; i < companies.length; i++) {
success: function(ratings) {
// Finally, I have the ratings for this company
Option 2
Using the Parse data browser, add a new column under the Companies class, called ratings. It should be a column of type Array.
Then, when you create or edit a company, add ratings as follows:
var Companies = Parse.Object.extend("Companies");
var Ratings = Parse.Object.extend("Ratings");
var company = new Companies({
name: "Some Company",
ratings: [new Ratings({stars: 5})]
Then, when querying Companies, do so as follows:
new Parse.Query(Companies).include("ratings").find({
success: function(companies) {
// Yay, I have access to ratings via companies[0].get("ratings")
include("ratings") tells Parse to include the actual objects, rather than pointers to objects for the given key.
Option 1 is better if you are expecting to have a large amount of ratings for each company, and if you don't always plan on retrieving all the ratings each time you query the companies.
Option 2 is better if the number of ratings for each company is relatively small, and you always want ratings to come back when you query companies.
I found out how to resolve the Uncaught You can't add an unsaved Parse.Object to a relation. error.
var addRating = new Ratings({stars: rating}); // save rating first, then associate it with a company{
success: function() {
var addCompany = new Companies({name: name});
The rating has to be saved first, then the company relation can be added later on... makes sense, but took me awhile to figure it out! :S

Can I recover from association (joinTable) with reference to missing data

I've read through a lot of posts and docs and must be missing something.
In my application (model below) I am having a data issue that seems to be out of my control where I have a categoryId in the join table JOBORDERCATEGORIES that has no corresponding row in the CATEGORY table. I am accessing the category data through getJobCategories() in the JobOrder. This is producing the following error when my Category table is missing a referenced row:
2012-03-07 08:02:10,223 [quartzScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR listeners.SessionBinderJobListener - Cannot flush Hibernate Sesssion, error will be ignored
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.matrixres.domain.Category#416191]
and my code is halting.
I have tried using ignoreNotFound but it is not helping me to get past the error above.
If I missed a post on the solution to this problem please link me to it otherwise thoughts are welcome on how to move forward. Perhaps there is a more direct route I will have to hammer in to achieve my goal of getting a good category list, but I am not familiar enough with the framework to know what is next. As a note, I cannot write to any of these tables.
thanks, rich
A simplified Version of my Model:
Job Order Object:
class JobOrder {
def getJobCategories() {
def cats = []
try {
def jocategories = this.categories
if(!jocategories.isEmpty() && jocategories!=null){
println "we got categories for ${}"
jocategories.each { cat ->
if(cat?.parentCategoryID == 0){
if(cat.occupation != null){
cats << cat.occupation
} else {
cats <<
} catch(e) {
cats << "Other Area(s)"
static mapping = {
table 'dbo.JOBORDER'
version false
id generator: 'identity', column: 'JOBORDERID'
* several other mapped columns deleted here
categories joinTable:[name:'jobOrderCategories', column: 'categoryId', key:'jobOrderID']
* several properties deleted here
static hasMany = [categories: Category] //several other hasMany associations exist
Category Object:
class Category {
static mapping = {
table 'CATEGORY'
version false
id generator: 'identity', column: 'categoryID'
occupation column: 'OCCUPATION'
name column: 'NAME'
parentCategoryID column: 'PARENTCATEGORYID'
* several other mapped columns deleted here
jobOrders joinTable:[name:'jobOrderCategories', column: 'jobOrderID', key:'categoryId']
String name
String occupation
int parentCategoryID
* several properties deleted here
static belongsTo = [JobOrder]
static hasMany = [jobOrders:JobOrder]
Join Table:
class JobOrderCategories {
static mapping = {
version false
isDeleted column: 'ISDELETED'
jobOrderID column: 'JOBORDERID'
categoryId column: 'CATEGORYID'
Boolean isDeleted
Integer jobOrderID
Integer categoryId
These kinds of situations aren't the most fun, but I have had to deal with this kind of Roll-Your-Own ORM problems before ;) Basically what you're going to want to do here is store the object properties not typed as Object references, but as ints, and while you'll lose some of the dynamic finder things GORM makes so nifty, you'll have a fairly straight-forward means of accessing the data that doesn't involve tangling yourself up with Hibernate's innards.
Basically, this will involve ditching your hasMany and belongsTo properties on JobOrder and Category. Instead, you'll want to do things like
def myJobOrder = JobOrder.get(yourId);
def myCategoryIds = JobOrderCategories.findAllByJobOrderID(
def myCategories = Categories.withCriteria {
in('id', myCategoryIds)
You can put variations of those traversals in helper methods on your classes, like for example, your getJobCategories method could become
class JobOrder {
def getJobCategories() {
def myCategoryIds = JobOrderCategories.findAllByJobOrderID(
def myCategories = Categories.withCriteria {
in('id', myCategoryIds)
And so on. This is definitely not the prettiest thing in the world to deal with, and you lose your ability to traverse through things easily with GORM (ex a
jobOrder.withCriteria {
categories {
eq('name', blah)
becomes a executeQuery type of situation.)
But overall, its not too bad to deal with :)
Hope that helps!
