Strategy for scrolling a small area of content in SpriteKit - ios

I'm creating an adventure game in Swift and allow the player to view their inventory. I have a very small set of items you can acquire (only about 25 items for your inventory) and I'd like them to display about 5-6 at a time in a rectangle. My thought was the player can scroll through them by swiping horizontally, and it will take them through the whole list, only ever showing 5-6 at a time across. The entire area is roughly 1/4 of the size of the screen.
I was looking at something like this but when I tried it, it seems to be suited to a giant area (the entire screen) and the items then scroll off the screen when you scroll. I played with the content size thinking of it as a "viewport" but didn't have ay luck.
In my case, I want the items to scroll only within the confines of a
300 x 150 rectangle or so. (so the item does not go beyond the width of the box containing it).
I couldn't really figure out a reliable way of doing this and wanted to ask someone if they've done something similar and how they achieved it. What's a good strategy for this? Perhaps a camera + pan using SKCameraNode?
Thanks so much!

I think I can do it using a cropping mask - an initial test worked. Let me post something once I can figure it out but wanted to let anyone know in case they were wondering.


How can I get boxes to snap into position when I drag and drop them into certain regions of the screen?

I am currently building a game on swift, using Storyboards. The game revolves around generating income from fishing lobsters. Users have lobster pots, which they can place into either inshore or outshone regions of the water. With no prior experience. I have minimal knowledge on how to code in swift.
My problem at the moment is understanding collision detection. There are three regions of the screen where the users can drag their pots into. The first screen is the starting position of the lobster pots, from which the player must drag the pots into either inshore or offshore locations. Currently, I have managed to code the action of dragging and dropping the pots, so they can be placed into any point on the screen. What I hope to do is to be able to have the pots to snap into position when the pots are dropped within the regions of either the inshore of offshore boxes. Furthermore, when the pots are dropped into place, I would like them to be organized in a row, equally spaced, and dropping into a row below, filling up the box.
Image -
I think I should also mention that the background is an image view, taken as a screenshot of the view when the game is running. I did this to avoid layering, as some pots would sometimes move behind the boxes when dragging them.
Thanks in advance.
Here some ideas:
You already have the code to move the tiles, that's good. All you now need is same math.
Although your background is an image, you also need some data model to keep, where your stuff is (or where your pots belong to). It is important to know, if a pot is in "My Pots" or "Inshor" or "Outshore". This information has to keep in some objects, like "myPots" and "inshore" and so on.
So dragging doesn't only move the pots on screen, it also changes where a pot belong to.
Hint: A representation of a area (myPots, ...) can be done with invisible areas. Invisible, because you already have the background. But a invisible rectangle gives you the ability to resize the ui without complicated re-calculations.
I would devide the area like this:
The coordinates are just examples for better understanding.
Most game engines work with coordinate (0,0) at top left.
So if you drag and release a pot, you have to calculate the end point of drag and compare it with your areas. No complicated collision detection necessary, because you only test if a point is in an area. But if you want collision detection, search for AABB collision detection (like here
In your case it would be enough to have the decision:
if draggedPot.endCoordinate.y > 100 {
// in or out shore
if draggedPot.endCoordinate.x > 300 {
// outshore
else {
// inshore
else {
// still in myPots
I hope you get the idea :)
For arrange in a row it's also some math. Loop over the pots in an area, place one by one, always start-x + width-of-pot + some space. If this is greater than width of the area, set y to height of pot + some space and x starts at zero.

Scaling SVG past unknown threshold causes elements to disappear

I'm using openseadragon with the excellent svg overlay plugin.
On Chrome, the app behaves as expected: users can tap to zoom in until a table rendered in SVG is fully visible, the note on the table is legible.
Here's the link to the demo. Zoom out to see the SVG version of the table appear, overlaying the fuzzy raster version of the background.
On Safari on iOS or OSX when zooming past a seemingly arbitrary threshold the table and everything on it start to disappear. The point of disappearance seems to depend on other factors I don't understand, hence this question for insight. For example, a orange circle drawn with two.js will disappear when the scale transform is precisely 51201 (at 51200 the circle is there). For the more complex table SVG, elements on the table will disappear at different scale levels, between ~23000 to 50000. Sometimes they'll disappear and then reappear upon a slight zoom in. Sometimes they'll disappear on zoom and then reappear as I pan around, the objects nearing the edge of the viewport.
IE 11 has a very similar issue.
Has anyone dealt with this before or solved it?
That's a really slick project!
In my experience, that kind of problem with SVG disappearing has to do with extreme amounts of zoom. The good news is you should be able to work around it by changing your viewport coordinates. By default the width of the image is a viewport value of 1, but you can set your image to be width 10,000 or some such, which will look exactly the same on the screen, but it means that the SVG thinks it's zoomed out a lot at first, so when you zoom in you can go a lot further.
If you're using two.js, another possible fix would be to switch over to canvas rendering and use
Btw, I'd love to share your project when it's done... please file a ticket at when you're ready and we can add it to

Move image view by touch, but a little more specific

I really would like to know how to make an image view move when I touch the screen. Though, I would like specific coordinates to be specific directions.
Imagine breaking up the screen into 9 identical squares, the middle being my image view, the rest being the direction in which they are pointing.
If you see this please don't flag it down, tell me why you want to flag it down and I'll fix it. I've spent over 6 hours trying to find out how to do this. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Square Cash Label Animation

Does anyone know how Square Cash animates their label?
The label does two things, appears to resize to fit the numbers on screen like SizeToFit might, but I don't believe that you can animate based on SizeToFit.
Secondly, numbers that disappear seem to animate downwards and disappear. Numbers that are entered animate down from above. That doesn't seem too tricky, but the comma does it too when we go from 4 digits to 5 digits!
I coded something similar and yes, it is very tricky to make it perfect.
It may help you to know that I used collection views. Then you can customise cell/layout transitions.
Hope this helps.
It would be helpful if you posted a short video so we could see the animation you are talking about.
Based on your description, I'm guessing that they build the full number themselves by putting a single digit/symbol on a layer (or view) and then animating each character separately.
If you have a separate tile for each symbol it is pretty easy to change the size of the previous tiles to make room for a new tile, and animate a new number tile down at the same time. You could do the animation with UIView animation or with a set of coordinated CABasicAnimations.
I know the answer is late but may be help to some other,
I developed demo screen similar to square cash you can check here

handling finger detection on small objects

The application I am working on requires a 4px bar height with a full screen size width. I need to be able to select this 4px bar and move it around. I also can not change the size of this bar it has to be 4px in height.
This wouldn't be that big of an issue if I wasn't using OpenGL to create the object. OpenGL obviously does not have its own selection features so I am needing to program my own.
Initially after research I built a color selector to identify the object. How my color selector works is what ever x and y my finger touch returns from touchesBegan: is the pixel I grab from a screenshot of the OpenGL View. The issue with this is finger location is not precise at all. If I use the mouse it works perfect...
I decided to maybe loop through a buffer zone of the selected x and y but unfortunately a screenshot of the OpenGL view has antialiasing happens to the image when it's stored in memory and the buffer returns several shade of my objects color. I could possibly do a comparative color look up, to see if its in the range of colors but that seems overly complicated with how much I have already had to do. Plus cycling through the buffer zone isn't quick.
I also have thought maybe just remembering the location of my line on the screen and if my finger is close to that location just know that that's the one I want to select and move it around.
The future of this application can have up to 4 lines just like this so, I want something more secure then just knowing the location of where it is in memory.
What better way is there out there of handling selection of small objects?
How about maintaining an array of frames for the four objects, but expand the heights to something more manageable (8px or bigger)? Then, a touch within the larger region could be compared against the array (using CGRectContainsPoint). If you get a hit, then "snap to" the center point of the smaller (4px) rectangle before beginning the drag.
I do something like this by maintaining a list of "drop targets" for drag & drop, where it snaps to the drop target when it gets pretty close. Don't know if I'm conveying the idea very well, but it ought to work.
If the four 4px rectangles are going to be contiguous or very close together, you'll have to be able to make the selected one stand out or the user won't be able to tell which they're dragging -- but you could do that by making it bigger (maybe 6-8 px) then bringing it to the front so it overlays its adjacent neighbors.
More of an idea than an answer I guess.
I would suggest a different approach. As you've discovered, touches in iOS are very imprecise. Apple usually suggests that the "hit box" for your controls be at least 40x40 points. I've gone as small as 30x30 points, but that starts to get hard.
What I would suggest you do is to factor your code so the app knows where the line is, and keeps track of it as a logical object. Then in your touch handler, interpret touches based on a large "buffer area" around the things you want the user to be able to move. If you just have a single horizontal bar, this should work great. Where you'll get into trouble is if you have multiple, thin horizontal bars that are close together. In that case you might need to rethink your app design and find another way to solve the problem.
As for the implementation details, you might add a pan gesture recognizer to your OpenGL view, and have it notify the OpenGL view of touch and drag actions. Then your OpenGL view can use knowledge of where your draggable objects are to decide how to interpret the touches.
