what is the ip of hiveserver2 in CDH quickstart vm? - beeline

How to establish a connection with the hiveserver2 using jdbc connectivity with Beeline? What ip address should be used to connect?

This blog post is a little bit dated but still relevant:


Home Assistant Mosquitto - What can I use as MQTT broker address?

I'm using Home Assistant OS as a Virtualbox in Windows 10. I'm accessing it via homeassistant.local:8123. So I'm trying to configure my Mosquitto broker in Home Assistant. It wants to know my broker address. I'm guessing I need to use an ip. Where do I find this? Should I use localhost,, homeassistant.local or maybe an unused ip like from my router?
If you are following this page, I find it is a bit misleading. Hope the following steps help you.
Install mosquitto (broker)
Suggest follow official github doc to configure mosquitto addon; (This step doesn't require IP configure)
Configure client integration within home assistant
Refer to here for your client integration, use localhost for your ha integration to connect your mosquitto broker;
Configure MQTT client outside home assistant
you need to find the exposed IP of your mosquitto broker, in your case, it shall be your VM's IP.

openvpn client in docker with centos and mikrotik server

I owned a openvpn server in mikrotik
i want to setup open vpn client in docker over centos
So that I can access the database on the server centos
Please guide me on how to establish a connection between the Docker as an ؤمهثىف
To connect to a server openVPN mikrotik
Thank you for helping me
Resultados de tradução
hello you need to check 2 steps:
1# configuration of cents on open VPN with due Docker client... after that just make a configuration within your mikrotik server connecting to Open VPN.
So come on...
The first thing to do is to configure the open VPN on VPN in the Cents operating system.
Follow the link with tutorial.
Reference GITHUB= https://github.com/yivo/docker-centos7-openvpn
After following the setup mentioned above...
2 you must configure the VPN on mikrotik.
Follow the official link to the mikrotik website
With mikrotik's official video tutorial, dedicated to this question....
In this case... you should have asked a question but I understand that your objective is pluralized.
I hope it helped you!

How to run Grails application so that other computers on network can access it?

I've developed a Grails application and I want my coworkers to be able to test it. They are on my network so I figure they can access it by using my IP address and the port number (8080). I've tried running it according to the steps laid out here and here to no avail.
I noticed that whenever I run the program, even when I follow those instructions, it says:
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
Basic networking stuff here.
When something starts on interface port something
Usually that port is then available for all the interfaces on the machine
if you run netstat -plant you will see running ports open on the machine.
Basically what ever ipconfig or ifconfig tells under Linux as your internal interface something like 192.168.1.x
The app is then available on http://192.168.1.x:8080
If you can't access it from other machines on network start by trying to ping {your machine ip}
It sounds like network security stopping local access from 1 machine accessing another.
Or even better still your good old MS firewall try stopping your security stuff on your desktop
It's not clear if you can access the app yourself on your own machine? It should be available at:
Your co-workers should be able to access the app by changing localhost to your computer name:

connecting to cassandra nodes on a datastax cluster on EC2 Ruby on Rails

I created a datastax cassandra Enterprise cluster with 2 cassandra nodes, 2 search nodes and 2 Analytics nodes.
Everything seems to work correctly EXCEPT, I can't connect to it from outside. If I'm on node0 server I can run the cassandra-cli and connect to the cassandra nodes on port 9160 but when I tried to connect using datastax-rails gem, I get "No live servers" I also tried datastax devCenter which tries to connect to the native port 9042 but also didn't work. I'm really puzzled, any help is appreciated.
So after some digging I found some issues
1. Port 9160 is connected and I can connect to it from telnet node0_ip 9160
2. when I run rake ds:migrate, I get No live servers in node0_ip
3. I tried to connect to 'cassandra' gem instead from IRB and tried
a. client = Cassandra.new('example', 'node0_ip:9160')
b. client.insert(:users, "5", {'screen_name' => "buttonscat4"})
I got a similar error with ThriftClient::NoServersAvailable: No live servers but this time with all the IPs of all the nodes in the cluster
4. I tried adding "client.disable_node_auto_discovery!" and I was able to connect and add stuff using 'cassandra' Gem.
5. I also found on https://github.com/cassandra-rb/cassandra/issues/171 that I need to change your server to bind on a non-loopback address but have no idea what does that mean
The question now is how
Sounds like you need to open up your EC2 security group to the outside on port 9160. Specifically the security group that your node0 is using.
You can find more information about them here:
I was getting the same error and got this to work by using disable_node_auto_discovery!
You can see in the documentation for this method that it says "This is primarily helpful when the cassandra cluster is communicating internally on a different ip address than what you are using to connect. A prime example of this would be when using EC2 to host a cluster. Typically, the cluster would be communicating over the local ip addresses issued by Amazon, but any clients connecting from outside EC2 would need to use the public ip."

Setup server for ruby on rails

working under linux server Centos remotly in local network, my rails server working there too. How can I enable remote web access? And if so how can I enable only couple of ip addresses for web access?
You should check on which addresses the server applications binds. If it has no external IP-Address then it wont be possible to access it directly from the internet. Then it is possible to use port forwarding to forward your application over your router. If you havent any access to the router you should ask the administrator of your network to forward it for you.
Another possibility is to plug a VLAN to a secound interface but you should think about security when you have a server that is connected to your NATed network and the internet directly!
if its only rails production server setup then you can try with this:
it uses https://github.com/ballistiq/ruby-passenger-nginx-installer and they are maintaining the installer. I found its very helpful. it works like no-pain
