UITableViewCell into multiple View Controllers - ios

I started to develop an app that use two view controllers (VCs). For each VCs I use a uitableview that use the same uitableviewcell. My ask is if exist a same queue between uitableview where to use a uitableviewcell between two view controllers or if i should create a custom queue where i can to reuse the contentview of uitableviewcell
More graph
VC1 - UITableView1 -> UITableViewCell1
VC2 - UITableView2 -> UITableViewCell1
I would like to reuse the UITableViewCell1 in both tables and decrease the use of memory.
pd: the navigation between these vcs is with a uinavigationcontroller.

Yes. You can do it by creating Custom Table View Cell and Use it in all table views.
I'd added solution for the same kind of issue on Collection View.
You just refer the same for your Tableview. You just repeat the same with Tableview cell.
Common Collection View Cell in all collection Views
Hope it helps.


How I can be reusable design custom cells for other view controllers?

I want to design a custom cell for the TableView but want to reuse the same cell for other view Controllers. Before .xib used files, my question is if they are the only option or you can do something like that with the Storyboard.
Yes, You can reuse custom cell for many tableviews creating "CustomCell" class.
To reuse custom cell you have to #import"yourcustomcell" in viewcontroller where ever you want.
You can do it and can learn step by step from custom table view cell.

UITableView - how to register a cell from secondary view?

If you drag a UITableViewCell onto the top toolbar of a view controller, it appears above the view controller in IB as a secondary view. This is nice because you can do all the layout there. But how do you then get a table view to load the cell from there?
This doesn't work:
[self.tableView registerClass:[MyCustomTableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:#"MyCell"];
And since it's not in a separate nib file, registerNib doesn't seem appropriate either. Any ideas?
Although that may be possible you have several options when designing tableview cells. You can either design it in a separate .xib file or you can use a prototype cell. Below is an example of a separate .xib file. When you use a separate .xib you would use the registerNib method.
Or with a prototype cell in which the cell is automatically registered with the tableView.

Defining Storyboard segue from UITableViewCell loaded from a XIB

I have a UITableViewController subclass in a Storyboard which loads it's cells from a UITableViewCell defined in a XIB file (this is done so that a custom cell can be re-used across a deep hierarchy of table view controllers).
I need to define the segue from this table view controller to the next table view controller. Normally you would do this by control dragging from the cell of the source to the view controller of the destination. But since there are no prototype cells in the source table view controller, there is no way to connect the segue.
Do I have to resort to implementing -tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in my table view controller and triggering a manual segue? Or is there a better way?
Yes, present the new UIViewController from -tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:. Since you don't have a prototype cell, you have nothing to link the segue with. Just -presentViewController:animated:.

UITableView inside a UITableView?

Is it OK to add a UITableView as a subview of another UITableView? Or, should I create a UIView and add each UITableView to it?
For a ComposeTableViewController with a typeahead, like in the iPhone's native Mail app, which approach would you recommend and why?
Note: I prefer to construct things 100% programmatically (no Interface Builder).
Subclass UITableViewController.
Then, to show the typeahead results, create and add a resultsTableView as a subview of self.tableView positioned directly underneath the the cell (of self.tableView) with the typeahead text field.
The nice thing about this approach is that resultsTableView scrolls with self.tableView automatically.
But, is it OK to add a UITableView as a subview of another UITableView?
Subclass UIViewController.
Create and add tableView (custom property) as a subview of self.view.
Create and add resultsTableView also as a subview of self.view.
The annoying thing about this approach is that I have to reposition resultsTableView manually anytime self.tableView scrolls.
I think I'd prefer approach 1, but adding a UITableView as a subview of another UITableView just seems smelly to me.
TableViews cannot have subviews. You can try adding a tableview as the view of a TableViewCell, but then you have to ask yourself how it would scroll, if you tried scrolling in the subtableview would it scroll the child tableview or the parent tableview? It is much easier to present multiple tableviews within a view. This can be done easily by setting your custom viewcontroller as the datasource of both tableviews contained within its view and then comparing the tableview pointer that is sent as a parameter of the datasource method to the two tableview pointers that are IVars of your custom view controller.
Hold stuff like this in a container. Create a container view controller which only does typeahead. This container view controller will hold your main table view controller (and its table view) and it will hold the typeahead view controller (and its view).
It will keep the logic needed for the typeahead out of your main table view and as a bonus you might end up with a reusable typeahead container which could be applied to other views.
Yes it is good to go for adding UITableView in as a cell of another UITableView.
I had one issue and posted a question
Multiple Views as subviews
And requirement was like a group of controls with list of other controls. I thought that time that it will be messy if i'm going to add UITableView as a cell of UITableView.
What i found that... Boy !! it's how iOS meant to be. There is no any lag while doing this.
Tested for below functionalities:
Scrolls like a charm
Separate delegates called for each
Reordering of both UITableView cell
Swipe and remove cell
Runtime datasource update for both UITableView and reload both at the same time.
There is no any reason not to add subview UITableView.
You can do it but it is against the principle of MVC. You will be setting the delegate of a view to another view which is wrong.

Adding elements to top and bottom of UITable View Controller

I am new to objective C. I have a small app where I have used a UITableviewcontroller(TVC). I need to add four elements.,label and button above TVC and a label and button below TVC. But it is allowing only to add 2 elements., one above TVC and other below TVC. Also added element is occupying the entire width of screen. Can I overcome this restriction???
Customize the table view cell – instead of using the default style of table view cell.
this link is helpful you with sample project
These two are tableview properties.
By using the above properties you can show your own custom view on top / bottom of table view.
sample code
[self.tableView setTableHeaderView:yourHeaderView];
[self.tableView setTableFooterView:yourFooterView];
Write this code in viewDidLoad.
UITableViewController is kind of a screwed up class, in my opinion. A UITableViewController can only manage a table view, and nothing else. If you want a more complex layout where you have a table view on part of the screen, and then other view objects elsewhere, you can't do that with a UITableViewController.
However, with iOS 6 and later, there is a pretty easy solution.
You can embed a UITableViewController as a child view controller of another view controller.
What you do is to create a parent view controller with everything you need. Then you create a container view on your parent view controller and size it to contain your table view. Then you create a separate scene in your storyboard that defines a table view controller. Finally, you control-drag from your container view to your UITableViewController, and create an embed segue.
I have a project on github that demonstrates this technique:
Demo project using UITableViewControllers as child view controllers
