Why wont my MQL4 EA code change my open positions to breakeven? - trading

Trying to add a StopLoss to my open market positions which also takes into account my brokers stoplevel. I have set this to add a breakeven stop loss when my trade gets to 100 points in profit.
This is the code - but its completely ignoring any order modification during my back testing.
OK this is now what I have so far, one for loop for the buy, one for the sell. I;ve also declared the "BuyMod" & "SellMod" to true as was suggested in pervious answers, as well as Normalzing prices in the OrderModify signature.
/*Breakeven Order Modification*/
bool BuyMod = true;
bool SellMod = true;
for(int b = OrdersTotal()-1;b>=0;b--)
double aBidPrice = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);
double anOpenPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double aNewTpPrice = OrderTakeProfit();
double aCurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
double aNewSLPrice = anOpenPrice;
double pnlPoints = (aBidPrice - anOpenPrice)/_Point;
double stopPoints = (aBidPrice - aNewSLPrice)/_Point;
int stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL));
int aTicket = OrderTicket();
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
if(stopPoints >= stopLevel)
if(aTicket > 0)
if(pnlPoints >= breakeven)
if(aNewSLPrice != aCurrentSL)
BuyMod = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(aNewSLPrice,Digits),NormalizeDouble(aNewTpPrice,Digits),0,buycolor);
SendMail("Notification of Order Modification for Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10),"Good news! Order Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10)+"has been changed to breakeven");
for(int s = OrdersTotal()-1; s>=0; s--)
double anAskPrice = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);
double anOpenPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
double aNewTpPrice = OrderTakeProfit();
double aCurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
double aNewSLPrice = anOpenPrice;
double pnlPoints = (anOpenPrice - anAskPrice)/_Point;
double stopPoints = (aNewSLPrice - anAskPrice)/_Point;
int stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL));
int aTicket = OrderTicket();
if(OrderType()== OP_SELL)
if(stopPoints >= stopLevel)
if(pnlPoints >= breakeven)
if(aNewSLPrice != aCurrentSL)
if(aTicket > 0)
SellMod = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(aNewSLPrice,Digits),NormalizeDouble(aNewTpPrice,Digits),0,sellcolor);
SendMail("Notification of Order Modification for Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10),"Good news! Order Ticket#"+IntegerToString(OrderTicket(),10)+"has been changed to breakeven");

This code will not work due to several reasons:
First:The function-call signature of OrderModify() is wrong.
You might want to know, that OrderModify() call-signature requires as per MQL4 documentation to include also an OrderExpiration value in the call, even though the Order is currently not a pending order any more.
Check the documentation and the IDE tooltip, which helps one remind the order of the function call parameters.
Second:The other, less-visible reasons could be reported by GetLastError() after the OrderModify() function call returns a False as an indication of failure.


Why Buy order is not placed when calculated Stoploss and Take profit are used

I have a simple BUY order that, when the Take Profit and Stoploss are in points (ie: Ask+10*_Point), operates correctly. But when I change the take profit and stop loss from points to my own calculated values (CL_OP), the BUY order is not placing trades. How can I solve the issue:
input int _Hour =16;
input int _Minute =30;
bool NewBar()
static datetime OldTime = 0;
if(OldTime < Time[0])
OldTime = Time[0];
void OnTick()
int Hour_Int = Hour();
int Minute_Int = Minute();
double CL_OP = (Close[1] - Open[1]);
bool LastBearHiLoEngulf = (Close[1] < Open[1] && High[1] > High[2] && Low[1] < Low[2] );
// Apply signals on Buy opportunities
if( Hour_Int == _Hour && Minute_Int == _Minute && LastBearHiLoEngulf == TRUE)
int buyticket = OrderSend
Symbol(), // all symbols
OP_BUY, // Buy without delay
1, // 1 Microlots
Ask, // for market price
3, // 3 pips slippage
Ask - CL_OP, // Stop Loss - 1000*_Point
Ask + CL_OP , // Take profitworks with 100*_Point
"Buy LastBearHiLoEngulf Target: ", // comment
144, // Magic number
0, // no experiation day
Green // draw green arrow
double CL_OP = (Close[1] - Open[1]);
CL_OP is not a normal price to open trade. Actually, it is the Size of the Candle 1!
It should be something like this:
double CL_OP = Close[1] + (Close[1] - Open[1]);

how to track take profit and stoploss in mql4

I have the following code in mql4 and it is partially working but having an issue with order tracking.
int ticket;
void OnTick(){
... not included code, setting variables, etc ...
if(tenkan_sen < kijun_sen){
comment += "\nSHORT!";
if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET) && OrderType() == OP_BUY){
ticket = 0;
if(ticket <= 0){
// need to set stoploss and takeprofit prices
double short_tp = current_close - (atr*6);
double short_sl = current_close + (atr*2);
ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol,OP_SELL,0.01,Bid,1000,short_sl,short_tp,"This is a sell",1,0,clrPink);
} else if(tenkan_sen > kijun_sen){
comment += "\nLONG!";
if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET) && OrderType() == OP_SELL){
ticket = 0;
if(ticket <= 0){
// need to set stoploss and take profit prices
double long_tp = current_close + (atr*6);
double long_sl = current_close - (atr*2);
ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol,OP_BUY,0.01,Ask,1000,long_sl,long_tp,"This is a buy",1,0,clrCrimson);
This was previously based on the logic of closing the previous position upon opening the last position, it was working as expected before I added the sl and tp values. I am not sure how I should reset the ticket variable to 0 in the event of a sl or tp, or if there is a different way I should be handling this.

Only One EA works at a time. The others won't open as long as there's a trade

The Orderselect is used to control the number of trades the EA opens. I didnt use OrdersTotal because it creates the problem of blocking other EAs. Now it seems OrdersSelect also does the same thing. I need each EA to only open two trades and allow other EAs to open theirs too.
void OnTick()
double movingAverageSS = iMA(NULL,60,LowerMAS,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double lastmovingAverageSS = iMA(NULL,60,LowerMAS,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
double movingAverageSB = iMA(NULL,60,LowerMAB,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double lastmovingAverageSB = iMA(NULL,60,LowerMAB,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
double movingAverageFS = iMA(NULL,60,UpperMAS,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double lastmovingAverageFS = iMA(NULL,60,UpperMAS,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
double movingAverageFB = iMA(NULL,60,UpperMAB,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
double lastmovingAverageFB = iMA(NULL,60,UpperMAB,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1);
for(int b=0;b<OrdersTotal();b++)
if (OrderSelect(b,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) == true)
if (OrderMagicNumber() != MagicB)
if((lastmovingAverageFB<lastmovingAverageSB) && (movingAverageFB > movingAverageSB))
b = OrderSend (Symbol(),OP_BUY,lotSize,Ask,4,Ask - SLPB*_Point, Ask + TPB1*_Point,NULL,128,0,Green);
b = OrderSend (Symbol(),OP_BUY,lotSize,Ask,4,Ask - SLPB*_Point, Ask + TPB2*_Point,NULL,128,0,Green);
else if((lastmovingAverageFS>lastmovingAverageSS)&&(movingAverageFS<movingAverageSS))
b = OrderSend (Symbol(),OP_SELL,lotSize,Bid,4,Ask + SLPS*_Point,Ask - TPS1*_Point,NULL,128,0,Red);
b = OrderSend (Symbol(),OP_SELL,lotSize,Bid,4,Ask + SLPS*_Point,Ask - TPS2*_Point,NULL,128,0,Red);

Rounding a Duration to the nearest second based on desired precision

I recently started working with Dart, and was trying to format a countdown clock with numbers in a per-second precision.
When counting down time, there's often a precise-yet-imperfect way of representing the time - so if I started a Duration at 2 minutes, and asked to show the current time after one second has elapsed, it is almost guaranteed that the precision of the timer will report at 1:58:999999 (example), and if use Duration.inSeconds() to emit the value, it will be 118 (seconds) which is due to how the ~/ operator works, since it's rounding down to integers based on the Duration's microseconds.
If I render the value as a clock, I'll see the clock go from "2:00" to "1:58" after one second, and will end up displaying "0:00" twice, until the countdown is truly at 0:00:00.
As a human, this appears like the clock is skipping, so I figured since the delta is so small, I should round up to the nearest second, and that would be accurate enough for a countdown timer, and handle the slight imprecision measured in micro/milli-seconds to better serve the viewer.
I came up with this secondRounder approach:
Duration secondRounder(Duration duration) {
int roundedDuration;
if (duration.inMilliseconds > (duration.inSeconds * 1000)) {
roundedDuration = duration.inSeconds + 1;
} else {
roundedDuration = duration.inSeconds;
return new Duration(seconds: roundedDuration);
This can also be run in this DartPad: https://dartpad.dartlang.org/2a08161c5f889e018938316237c0e810
As I'm yet unfamiliar with all of the methods, I've read through a lot of the docs, and this is the best I've come up with so far. I think I was looking for a method that might looks like:
roundedDuration = duration.ceil(nearest: millisecond)
Is there a better way to go about solving this that I haven't figured out yet?
You can "add" your own method to Duration as an extension method:
extension RoundDurationExtension on Duration {
/// Rounds the time of this duration up to the nearest multiple of [to].
Duration ceil(Duration to) {
int us = this.inMicroseconds;
int toUs = to.inMicroseconds.abs(); // Ignore if [to] is negative.
int mod = us % toUs;
if (mod != 0) {
return Duration(microseconds: us - mod + toUs);
return this;
That should allow you to write myDuration = myDuration.ceil(Duration(seconds: 1)); and round the myDuration up to the nearest second.
The best solution according to the documentation is to use .toStringAsFixed() function
Examples from the Documentation
1.toStringAsFixed(3); // 1.000
(4321.12345678).toStringAsFixed(3); // 4321.123
(4321.12345678).toStringAsFixed(5); // 4321.12346
123456789012345678901.toStringAsFixed(3); // 123456789012345683968.000
1000000000000000000000.toStringAsFixed(3); // 1e+21
5.25.toStringAsFixed(0); // 5
Another more flexible option can be...
You can use this function to roundup the time.
DateTime alignDateTime(DateTime dt, Duration alignment,
[bool roundUp = false]) {
assert(alignment >= Duration.zero);
if (alignment == Duration.zero) return dt;
final correction = Duration(
days: 0,
hours: alignment.inDays > 0
? dt.hour
: alignment.inHours > 0
? dt.hour % alignment.inHours
: 0,
minutes: alignment.inHours > 0
? dt.minute
: alignment.inMinutes > 0
? dt.minute % alignment.inMinutes
: 0,
seconds: alignment.inMinutes > 0
? dt.second
: alignment.inSeconds > 0
? dt.second % alignment.inSeconds
: 0,
milliseconds: alignment.inSeconds > 0
? dt.millisecond
: alignment.inMilliseconds > 0
? dt.millisecond % alignment.inMilliseconds
: 0,
microseconds: alignment.inMilliseconds > 0 ? dt.microsecond : 0);
if (correction == Duration.zero) return dt;
final corrected = dt.subtract(correction);
final result = roundUp ? corrected.add(alignment) : corrected;
return result;
and then use it the following way
void main() {
DateTime dt = DateTime.now();
var newDate = alignDateTime(dt,Duration(minutes:30));
print(dt); // prints 2022-01-07 15:35:56.288
print(newDate); // prints 2022-01-07 15:30:00.000

How to Round numbers at 0.6, 1,6, 2,6,...?

I want this to be true for all numbers. I don't want to type this for all numbers of course.
if (overs == 0.6) {
overs = 1.0;
I want that if for example 1.6, is reached, it should be converted to 2. I want this to be true for all numbers.
Further Clarification: I don't want it to round at For eg 0.5, i want it to round at 0.6
One Liner
double roundAt6(double n) => (n - n.floor()) > 0.5 ? n.ceil() : n;
void main() {
final double overs = 5.6;
print('result: ${roundAt6(overs)}');
double roundAt6(double n) {
final double decimalPart = n - n.floor();
print('decimal part: $decimalPart');
final bool didExceed = decimalPart > 0.5;
print('didExceed: $didExceed');
return didExceed ? n.ceil() : n;
Maybe ceil()
Returns the least integer no smaller than this.
overs = overs.ceil()
Use round() method.
Returns the integer closest to this.
overs = overs.round()
Insights porvided by #Amsakanna helped me solve the problem. I am posting the exact solution here:
if ((overs - overs.floor()) > 0.55)
overs = overs - (overs - overs.floor()) + 1;
