I have a search built on date fields. I want to use the date_field instead of date_selector if possible.
The date field works fine in chrome. However, in IE 11, the placeholder and controls do not work. The date select does work in IE.
<%= f.date_field( :req_resolution_from_date) %>
<%= f.date_select( :req_resolution_to_date) %>
In chrome, both date_field and date_select work.
However, in IE, only the date_select works
Is there any way to get the date_field to show in IE with the date controls?
I'm really new to Rails and I'm using v6.1.4. In my application I'm using I18n localization. At other places for view-only label dates(not using BIP) I use
<%=l #client.active_date.to_date %>
and it works. However, in Best-In-Place there is a different syntax.
<span class="date-container"><%= best_in_place task, :due_date, :as => :date, class: 'hyperlink' %></span>
This causes the dates to be displayed in the yyyy-mm-dd format throughout. I want the dates to be formatted according to the locales currently in my application. I'm using the JQuery datepicker, but it is activated after I click on the date, and the format is changed to what I have set on the jquery setDefaults option.
How do I tackle this?
I think this post addresses your question.
You could add a display_as: :formatted_date to your method call and define that formatted_date method in your model. From there you should be able to format dates as needed.
I have a form that received dates via two variable :start and :end. When I input the date they look right, but when I save, the model receive a date with the days and months flipped, and when the day is greater than 12, say 13th of March, it will simply show nil error.
My form field look like:
<div class="input-group date" id="datetimepicker4" data-target-input="nearest">
<%= f.text_field(:start, value: f.object.start ? f.object.start.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %l:%M %p') : nil, class: "form-control datetimepicker-input", data: {target: "#datetimepicker4"}, placeholder: "#{t :From}", required: true) %>
<div class="input-group-append" data-target="#datetimepicker4" data-toggle="datetimepicker">
<div class="input-group-text"><span class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></span></div>
Same for :end variable
The input form looks like :
The results looks like:
Looks like you try to use US date format, but rails is parsing submitted params with month and day switched. I am not sure if you would prefer to use US or international date format and I advise you to check how rails is handling parsing submitted params.
Also, have a look at defaults of calendar date time picker you use.
I will try to provide more details. In one of my projects I am using a similar date time picker that looks like this
When submitted you will have the following params in our controller
The reason my date time picker formats date as YYYY-MM-DD is that in the view code I am using an option that is taken by datetimepicker code upon initialisation, something similar to
date_format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
(this can be different in the date time picker you use and I suggested earlier to check documentation on options you can use).
I don't have to use strftime on date time provided to text_field, because date time JS code will format the date in format of your choice.
I have followed Ryans railscast #196 (revised) in order to dynamically add and remove fields to a nested form. It seems to be working just fine but I am having two issues.
I have 2 fields in the nested form (child area) that use the JQuery datepicker and as such have a class on them in the partial that displays the initial records. Initially the form is created with just 1 child. On this 1st child row the datepicker works just fine. However, when a new row is added the 2 fields with the datepicker no longer work. I believe the issue is due to the fact that when the new record gets created it does not assign the class to them, therefore the JS will not work :( No idea how to go about attempting to fix this, if it's even possible. If this is not possible then do I need to have a button to add a new record that will basically do this and refresh the form? I am hoping there's a way to do this dynamically since it just looks smoother.
When I go to edit the above record the same 2 fields are not showing the actual dates. The dates are fine and I can see that they are saved in the DB. I have another form that has a date field with the datepicker but that field is at the header and it is showing a value when editing the field. Obviously, the code I have to set the value of the date field is just not working. Again, would appreciate some help. The code is below for the partial view of these two fields.
<% fromdate_display = :fromdate %>
<%= f.text_field fromdate_display, placeholder: "mm/dd/yyyy", required: true, id: "price_fromdate", value: :fromdate.try(:strftime, "%m/%d/%Y") %>
<%= f.hidden_field :fromdate, id: "price_fromdatealt" %>
<% todate_display = :todate %>
<%= f.text_field todate_display, placeholder: "mm/dd/yyyy", required: true, id: "price_todate", value: :todate.try(:strftime, "%m/%d/%Y") %>
<%= f.hidden_field :todate, id: "price_todatealt" %>
I have tried changing the value: to be something as follows, but that throws an error:
value: #plan.plan_prices.fromdate.try(:strftime, "%m/%d/%Y")
Error message thrown:
undefined method `fromdate' for #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy_PlanPrice:0x36eb428>
I think the datepicker inputs dont work because are added dynamically after the datepicker plugin is loaded. Try to call the js plugin after you add a new input, maybe in the click event of link that add the inputs. Or try use this gem https://github.com/nathanvda/cocoon. By the way, what plugin you use for datepickers?
In Rails' forms, date select drop-downs are easy:
<%= f.label :my_date %>
<%= f.date_select :my_date %>
Then I get 3 select drop-downs for the year, month and day. Is there an easy way to add HTML between these select elements without using JavaScript? I want to be able to style and label them nicer.
Convert it to a text field and add a JQuery datepicker or similar.
Theres a good guide here, http://railscasts.com/episodes/213-calendars
You can easily style them with CSS as each part of date_select is postfixed with '_1i', '_2i' etc . For a date_select with id 'my_date' you can use
#my_date_1i // the year
#my_date_2i // the month
#my_date_3i // the day
Hope this helps
I have added datepicker in _form.html.erb page to pick date at the time of creation. but when i click on create button it is showing field cannot be blank. when i see the params, it is showing "dob"=>"08/17/2012", but it is not passing the validation. I am not sure weather it is a format problem. can anyone help me to solve this problem. thnks
my application.html.erb file contains:-
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery-1.8.0.min" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min" %>
<!--%= javascript_include_tag "application" %-->
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
and _form.html.erb contains:-
<div class="span10 date-wid">
<%= f.text_field :dob, :id => 'datepicker' %>
It probably is your format. The correct format to save time to a database is this
For the date , March 1st, 2012 or 3/1/2012 :
So the order goes Year, Month, Day in the structure of 4 digits, 2 digits, 2 digits. Protip, you can add more which would be your hours minutes and seconds as well.
So make sure your datepicker is producing that as well :
dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd"
That will add -, but it should still work. You can also do other things like have the datepicker on select drop the data format to a hidden input div, and the input field is just for show.
You can also use the Chronic gem to properly parse various different means of time.