Database server and application server speed issue - ruby-on-rails

I have a web application developed in ROR and used MongoDB as a database.
When the application and database are on the same server, the application loads faster and also the queries execute faster.
But when I move them on separate servers(separate database and application server), the application works as expected but the queries to database server take more than 5-7 minutes to give a response. I also tried to put those servers in the same region, but that doesn't improve anything.
These are some possible scenarios,
Check if both the server are in same region eg. Asia Pacific(checked)
Check if do we need to do some extra OS level configs for MongoDB to increase the size of virtual memory
Check if mongoid.yml has some options to improve access
Check for MongoDB documentation for other hints
Has anyone faced similar problem? If yes then how did you resolved it?


How to properly organize work with database connections?

I have a Rails application that I've been developing for quite some time. All this time I tested it locally and on a DEV server. On the DEV server, next to the deployed application, there is also a PG database. And there were no problems with connections. I think there is simply no connection limit, or it is too high - not so important.
Today I started doing deployment to the PROD server. It is similar in power to that for DEV, but BD is already in the DO Database. By the way, the servers themselves are also located in DigitalOcean.
The problem is that DO Database has a limit of 20 connections. And as far as I understand, exceeding this limit - the Rails application gives an error:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished (FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections)
The most obvious option is to reduce the number of requests on page load. But this still did not solve the problem if, for example, the number of users increases.
Can you please tell me which way to look? Are there any solutions to the problem other than updating the DO Database power?
You might want to try PG Bouncer (never tried it though, so i can't really tell how it will impact the app).

How to Speed up execution time of DB

I have developed an application in ASP.Net MVC 4.5 framework which is hosted on Application server. I am using two DB Server, One is for Development and another one is for production.
Whenever I have linked my application to Production DB Server, it uploads file very slowly, and when I have linked my application to Development DB Server it uploads file quickly.
Note : Application is hosted on different server.
So, Please guys suggest me, what I have to do.
You either have a network problem or the production server is slow.
Since your local machine's web application can reach the database I guess the database I guess you can upload files too. Try to copy a similar file through Windows Explorer and decide if it is fast or not. If it is slow, you know more.
Get hold of an ops s/he can help you with sniffing the network because being two at a problem is nicer and ofter smarter than sitting in your own chamber.
If the network is fast. Use the same ops to find out the load on the database, if it is using to much cpu/memory.

Heroku “psql: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections”

I got the above error message running Heroku Postgres Basic (as per this question) and have been trying to diagnose the problem.
One of the suggestions is to use connection pooling but it seems Rails has this built in. Another suggestion is that the app is configured improperly and opens too many connections.
My app manages all it's connections through Active Record, and I had one direct connection to the database from Navicat (or at least I thought I had).
How would I debug this?
Turns out it was an Heroku issue. From Heroku support:
We've detected an issue on the server running your Basic database.
While we pinpoint this and address it, we would recommend you
provision a new Basic database and migrate over with PGBackups as
detailed here:
. That should put your database on a new server. I apologize for this
disruption – we're working to fix this issue and prevent it from
occurring in the future.
This has happened a few times on my app -- somehow there is a connection leak, then all of a sudden the database is getting 10 times as many connections as it should. If it is the case that you are getting swamped by an error like this, not traffic, try running this:
heroku pg:killall
That will terminate all connections to the database. If it is dangerous for your situation to possibly cut off queries be careful. I just have a rails app, and if it goes down, losing a couple queries is not a big deal, because the browser requests will have looooooong since timed out anyway.
You might be able to find why you have so many connections by inspecting view pg_stat_activity:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity
Most likely, you have some stray loop that opens new connection(s) without closing it.
To save you the support call, here's the response I got from Heroku Support for a similar issue:
One of the limitations of the hobby tier databases is unannounced maintenance. Many hobby databases run on a single shared server, and we will occasionally need to restart that server for hardware maintenance purposes, or migrate databases to another server for load balancing. When that happens, you'll see an error in your logs or have problems connecting. If the server is restarting, it might take 15 minutes or more for the database to come back online.
Most apps that maintain a connection pool (like ActiveRecord in Rails) can just open a new connection to the database. However, in some cases an app won't be able to reconnect. If that happens, you can heroku restart your app to bring it back online.
This is one of the reasons we recommend against running hobby databases for critical production applications. Standard and Premium databases include notifications for downtime events, and are much more performant and stable in general. You can use pg:copy to migrate to a standard or premium plan.
If this continues, you can try provisioning a new database (on a different server) with heroku addons:add, then use pg:copy to move the data. Keep in mind that hobby tier rules apply to the $9 basic plan as well as the free database.

Moving Heroku Shared Database

I recently reached the 5mb database limit with heroku, the costs rise dramatically after this point so I'm looking to move the database elsewhere.
I am very new to using VPS and setting up servers from scratch, however, I have done this recently for another app.
I have a couple questions related to this:
Is it possible to create a database on a VPS and point my rails app on heroku to use that database?
If so, what would database.yml actually look like. What would be an example localhost with the database stored outside the app?
These may be elementary questions but my knowledge of servers and programming is very much self taught, so I admit, there may be huge loopholes in things that I "should" already understand.
Note: Other (simpler) suggestions for moving my database are welcomed. Thanks.
OK - for starters, yes you can host a database external to Heroku and point your database.yml at that server - it's simply a case of setting up the hostname to point at the right address, and give it the correct credentials.
However, you need to consider a couple of things:
1) Latency - unless you're hosting inside EC2 East the latency between Heroku and your DB will cause you all sorts of performance issues.
2) Setting up a database server is not a simple task. You need consider how secure it is, how it performs, keeping it up to date, keeping it backed up, and having to worry day and night about it being up. With Heroku you don't need to do this as it's fully managed.
Price wise, are you aware of the new low cost Postgres plans at Heroku? $15/mo will get you 20Gb (shared instance), and $50/mp will get you a terabyte (dedicated instance). To me, that is absurdly cheap as I value my time much more, and I know how many hours I would need to invest in making my own server to save maybe $10 a month.
It would be cheaper to use Amazon RDS, which is officially supported by Heroku and served from the same datacenter (Amazon US-East). If you do want to use a VPS, use an Amazon EC2 instance in US-East for maximum performance. This tutorial shows exactly how to do it with Django in detail. Even if you don't decide to use EC2, refer to that tutorial to see how to properly add external database information to your Heroku application so that Heroku doesn't try to overwrite it.
Still, Heroku's shared database is extremely cost-competitive -- far moreso than most VPSes and with much less setup and maintenance.

ASP.Net MVC Poor Production Performance

We have a MVC 3 application which has been deployed onto a newly built Windows 2008 R2 Web Edition server which is performing badly.
This application has been through development, quality assurance and user acceptance testing cycles on the same operating system (different boxes) with no performance issues.
The only difference we can see with the server is that it sits in the DMZ and as such has two network adapters configured, one for the internet, and one to punch through the firewall.
We have put all sorts of logging into the application and confirmed that up until the 'return ActionResult' everything is working correctly (ie ~500ms). It then takes 15 seconds to render the page.
We have tried turning on debug=false in the config file, i'm not sure what else to look for here, it seems like an environment issue.
Any suggestions please ? I am about to investigate if the thread pool size could be causing problems.
Also, if it helps the page is using multiple partial views, i have read others having problems with them.
Since the application performs ok in other environments I would suggest you investigate following:
Database - are you running against different database? How long the queries execute? If you have non-optimized database with million records on production, and only few records in test you want find performance problems soon enough.
Network - what is the latency between web box and database? If you loose 100ms for each database query just because of network than if your page triggers 50 queries you've lost 5secs. I've seen poorly configured routers / load balancers that were doing just that.
Try profiling each component of your system (db, network, web box) in order to find out where you're wasting all that time. Try
PS. You MUST have debug=false in your prod env.
