Prevent UISearchBarController to show UINavigationBar - ios

I'm using a UINavigationBar ALWAYS hidden (I'm using NavigationBar facilities to push ou pop views but I'm not showing it to final user), the problem is that in one of those views I have a tableView with UISearchBar. When I select the searchBar, make a search and click on it's "Cancel" button the NavigationBar appears, but I want to keep the Navigation hidden as it is.
I've tried to hidden the navigationBar one more time by willDismissSearchController or didDismissSearchController by
func willDismissSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true
but it did not worked as I want.
Thank you in advance.

I've found a solution, so as it is a unusual question I'll reply for other people know the solution.
the following code did worked for me:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true


How to enable/disable navigation bar buttons [XCode] (swift)

I was wondering how I would be able to go about changing the status of buttons. I want to make it if one of two text fields has text in them then the button will become useable. I have currently turned off the button from the storyboard. The code I have to check if there is text inside of the text fields is as follows:
The code to check if the text field has any text in it works perfectly fine.
#IBAction func textFeildEditingChanged(_ textField: UITextField) {
if FirstName.hasText == true {
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.isEnabled = true
print("First name isn't empty")
The current code that I have in there to set the button to enabled and disable doesn't work however the code to test if the text field has content does work. I just need to figure out how to disable and enable the button of a navigation item.
code that doesn't work is below:
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.isEnabled = true
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I am using a navigation controller, don't know if that's important or not.
If you are using the storyboard, just connect the outlet then disable it.
#IBOutlet var navigationItemButton: UIBarButtonItem!
navigationItemButton.isEnabled = FirstName.hasText

Change UINavigationItem accessibility elements order

I have a UINavigationBar which contains 3 parts:
titleView (which is UISearchBar)
when the voice-over is on, the search bar will be the first one to be focused.
which is not confirmed to the left to right order we are familiar with.
I tried to set UINavigationItem's accessibilityElements, but it still will highlight the searchBar first. assume because, inside the UINavigationItem, the titleView is the first subView.
any ideas on how to change the order, thanks~
Any ideas on how to change the order?
I assume your problem deals with the way you added the search bar in the navigation bar.
I created a blank project as follows:
The code snippet hereafter is an example of adding a search bar as the title view: 🤓
class SearchViewController: UIViewController, UISearchBarDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let search = UISearchBar()
search.showsCancelButton = true
search.delegate = self
self.navigationItem.titleView = search
The result with VoiceOver on gives rise to the following screenshots:
Following this rationale, you have the VoiceOver initial reading order from left to right in the navigation bar. 🥳🎊🎉
I suggest to take a look at this site if further information is needed about a11y in the navigation bar and especially if you want to make a specific reading order. 👍

Grey background in navigation bar with searchController added to navigationItem during push

I have a table view in navigation controller so that I can push the detail view controller on the stack. It works fine, until I add a search controller to the navigation item, like so:
searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
searchController.obscuresBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false
searchController.searchBar.delegate = self
searchController.searchBar.tintColor = Colors.mlLabel
navigationItem.searchController = searchController
definesPresentationContext = true
It results in temporary grey background, see below:
When debugging the view hierarchy, it looks like UIViewControllerWrapperView's _UIParallaxDimmingView(selected below) is causing this, as both navigation bar and status bar are transparent.
How can I fix this?
Note: Setting the animated property in pushViewController() to false works, but I'd like to keep the animation.
Update: This seems to be issue only on iOS 13. Probably from some recent version even, as I didn't have this issue earlier.
Update 2: I've noticed the same issue on multiple places in my app now, and it's not just in combination with SearchController. Basically the _UIParallaxDimmingView sticks its nose out.
Here's the code I use to go from a large title to a small title. These are properties for the large title viewcontroller, or more specific its navigation controller:
navigationController.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController.topViewController?.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = true
Perhaps the second line above might help you?
As for pushing any view controllers, I see I've overridden the push-function from the navigation controller (as I use the navigation controller for each tab in my tabbar):
override func pushViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
if viewControllers.count >= 1 {
viewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true
viewController.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
super.pushViewController(viewController, animated: animated)
Previous answer
I saw this a couple of times before in my life and it always had to do something with the background color of the view controller itself. If it's transparent you see this stuff when animating.
But since it's a search controller, it might be the navigation bar. Anyway, since the issue is only since iOS13, I believe the issue can be resolved using this:
searchController.searchBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear (or whatever color)
This new property (UISearchBar.searchTextField.backgroundColor) has been added since iOS13, so maybe this will solve it for you? :)
I've finally found a solution. One of the problems was that I've set a background color for the navbar like so:
UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = .white
So removing the above line and adding the below line to the view controller being pushed fixed it.
extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = true

Toolbar disappear after push

I have FormViewController that I made full programmatically with Eureka form builder (link). I dont have view controller in storyboard for that. Class name of that view controller is NewPasswordVC. When I click od add bar button I open NewPasswordVC with this code:
let newPasswordVC = NewPasswordVC()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(newPasswordVC, animated: true)
I open NewPasswordVC but when I go back in root view controller my bottom toolbar disappear. Why? How to fix this?
This is storyboard:
This is my problem in gif:
Can't speak about Eureka specifically, but chances are the UIViewController being pushed in has hidesBottomBarWhenPushed set to true.
So I would look into setting it to false, which can be done programmatically.
The solution to my problem I found here: link
override func willMove(toParent parent: UIViewController?){
super.willMove(toParent: parent)
if parent == nil{
self.navigationController?.isToolbarHidden = false

UISearchController Needs an extra tap to become first responder

I switched my apps one screen from UISearchBar to UISearchController. It's a tableview controller. As per design I should not keep the search bar on UI initially unless it is activated, (Normally it's a common practice to keep search bar as the 'tableHeaderView'). The problem was, I have a search button, when tapped 'search bar' should be activated and become first responder.
When tapped on cancel button, it should be removed from UI. However when I'm tapping on the 'Search Bar Button' on navigation bar, the UISearchController gets activated, providing a dim background but the keyboard doesn't appear. I need to tap one more time on search bar to bring the keyboard upon UI.
Here's my search bar button action:
#IBAction func onTapSearch(_ sender: AnyObject) {
searchController.isActive = true
isSearchActive = true
self.navigationController?.setToolbarHidden(true, animated: false)
I'm configuring the UISearchController in my viewDidLoad method. Let me know if that part code is any of you want to see, however it's usual code. And I verified I'm not calling anywhere resignFirstResponder() method anywhere.
try this,
Just replace this line,
With this below,
func didPresentSearchController(_ searchController1: UISearchController) {
Implement this delegate method and try.
