My app on iPad can't read photo after iOS9.3 - ios

My app only support iPhone device, it can run correctly under iOS9.2 on both iphone and iPad. But after updating to iOS9.3 and iOS9.3.1, my app on iPad can't read user's image. (Both ALAsset and PhAsset have the same problem. )
The image will return nil, and I ensure it's a bug, because it can read image correctly, when I change my support device to universal in Xcode.
Is it a bug for iOS? Or it becomes the rule? All app need to support universal ??
What's the fastest way to make myapp support iPad? I just want to use the scaling like the way iPhone app run on iPad.

I have also faced same kind of problem two days ago, I think you need to update your xcode. Update your xcode to the latest version 7.3
It worked in my case.

I met exactly the same problem and I fixed it.

I can't find any quick solution, and I decide to make my app into support universal.
This means support both iPad and iPhone.
The main efforts are the resolution issues. iPhone is 16:9(320x568 for logical resolution) and iPad is 4:3(768x1024 for logical resolution).
To speed up the modification and no change for my art images, so I put my content int the middle on 4:3 screen.
One good thing to support iPad, users can easily search on app store when he use iPad.


Apple Rejection App: We also noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2.1 [duplicate]

I made an iPhone App with Xcode. The devices setting is set to "iPhone". But in iTunes Connect it is rejected because it doesn't run on the iPad.
That is weird because it is an iPhone app, but when I checked it in Xcode, I can run it with the iPad simulator,however I think that normally this is not possible with an iPhone app.
I have added pictures to make my question clearer:
So what is gone wrong and how can I fix it?
Picture from resolution center:
Thanks all, I Found the problem/solution:
In my info.plist there was an extra row called supported interface orientations(iPad) where the portrait mode was added.
I have no idea how this got added here but when I removed it, the problem was solved.
From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Basically, if you set an app to "Universal" it will have iPad and iPhone versions of the UI and will appear in the search results for both. If you set it to iPhone only, it will still be installable on iPads, but it doesn't appear in the search results by default. Additionally when a user does install it on an iPad it will just scale up the UI to best fit the screen. You cannot prevent your app from running on iPads.
Every app can run on the iPad no matter if it is supported or not. The option you have in Xcode is if you want to configure it to look good on the iPad using it's own storyboard. If you configure it for both iPad and iPhone your app fill get a + in the right corner of the price on the App Store and show up on iPad searches. However if you don't configure it to support iPads it'll not show up on searches of the Apple App Store, unless osmose selects iPhone only. You can easily submit your app to the App Store, without it being rejected my friend.
Hope that helps. Keep coding.
Nothing is wrong here , you can do this in debug mode for development purpose. Even you can run it on your iPad device from xCode. Don't worry about it, nothing wrong here.

Coverting iphone app to universal

I know that there are several answers for this question, but I was not clear about the result. Here are a few questions:
1) If I created a project as an iPhone project, selecting device as iPhone in deployment info, and designed the app using universal storyboard (i.e any width and any height (600x600) ). Once the design is completed and it is run on an iPad, the UI does not look good. If that is the case then, what's the point in selecting the device as an iPhone? Am I right that when selecting the device as iPhone or iPad, Xcode will allow the app to only run on those devices?
2) Now converting iPhone app to universal app: since image resolution varies from iPhone to universal app, do we have to replace all old images with new images supporting the universal app?
3) If I have an iPhone app, the Apple team will test it, both on an iPhone as well as on an iPad. If they found the UI doesnt match the iPad, will they reject the app?
I would imagine the UI looks just like it does on the iPhone, just enlarged to fit on the iPad. Basically this is because iPhone only apps can be run on iPads, but not vice versa. If you change the app to a Universal app, it will try to run natively on the iPad, and may look better if you have appropriately used auto-layout and size classes.
(Optional other cause) The other option is you're running into an iOS 8 issue where if you use an storyborad or nib for the launch file, it will mistakenly make an iPhone only app work as a Universal one. The use of Launch Screen File in iOS 8.0, 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 will make you universal.
This is a know bug and fixed in iOS 8.1, for you only option is to use assets catalog with a launch images.
Or you can add the device modifier in the Launch file name, like <launchNib>~iphone.nib
As far as images go, you will want to make sure you have images for the different resolutions (#1x, #2x, #3x). If you haven't already, I recommend reading up on asset catalogs ( Images are not inherently different between iPhone and iPad (except for launch images), but it's the pixel density that really matters (older devices are 1x, most retina devices are #2x, and the 6 Plus is #3x).
If it is truly just an iPhone app, Apple will not reject the app because it looks pixelated and ugly on an iPad. The ability to run iPhone only apps on iPads stems from the initial release of the iPad when people hadn't created iPad or Universal apps yet. Apple basically provides it if someone REALLY wants an app that hasn't been created to specifically support the iPad yet.
That said, I would just go ahead and release it as a universal app. If you don't have revenue reasons for creating separate apps, I wouldn't recommend the extra hassle of having two apps. If course, if your app doesn't make sense on the iPad, simply make it iPhone only.
These are the common practices according to your questions
User interface doesn't depend on deployment devices. User interface depends on your implemented UI logic. As you said, default storyboard size is 600x600 (this could be easily changed), but this doesn't mean, that all devices should be this resolution. When the resolution is different, images and UI elements are misplaced. There are several ways to implement UI logic and make UI flexible, but I guess your question is not about that. So, short answer - devices selections are more about deployment than UI.
It might be some different images for different devices, but images such as buttons or text fields or etc should be flexible.
No, Apple doesn't care about your application appearance and design.
I hope I have answered to your questions.

Cordova iPhone app appearance on iPad

So I'm working on a Cordova-based app for both iOS and Android. The iOS portion of it is meant to run only on iPhones and iPod Touches.
When I last submitted my app for reviewal, I got this rejection message from them:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Thing is, here is what my app looks like in an iPad:
I hunted around for another app that is also running on the iPad at iPhone sizes, and I found FourSquare:
As far as I can tell, they're running at the same resolution.
I did a $(window).width() and .height() call in my app, and I get 320x480, which as far as I can tell is the resolution of the original iPhone.
I found this other SO question here that addresses a similar (I think) problem: 2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
But when I check my settings ([project target] > App Icons and Launch Images), "Launch Images Source" is set to LaunchImage, and "Launch Screen File" is blank. (my experience with native iOS settings and storyboards is limited, so I'm not sure if I'm correctly implementing the solution prescribed in the linked SO question).
I also found this other one here: Make an iPhone specific app work on iPad to meet Apple requirements
It talks about editing one's .plist file to remove all references to iPad. I found two entries in mine, 'CFBundleIcons~ipad' and 'Main nib file base name (iPad)', both of which have no values (the value column is empty). Should I remove those? I'd run them to try, but I'm slightly afraid I might explode something beyond repair (plus the time taken to try, submit for review, and wait for Apple to get back to me is infinity+5 seconds, and the project's already behind schedule as is :( ).

Does my iPhone app have to work on iPad too?

I was reading the apple guidelines are there is a point which says
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Does this mean if my app doesn't work perfectly fine on an iPad, it gets rejected? I'm posting this here as I found many contradicting information regarding this.
It means it has to run, not that it has to be optimized for iPad.
There is a big difference in that. You don't have to create iPad storyboard in order to make app run on an iPad - Xcode lets iPad use the iPhone storyboard and open it as if it was an iPhone. The view is then shrunk into a smaller rectangle.
You are aiming for something like this:
Apple has build Xcode in way that when you build and iphone app, it will also be compatible for iPads with 1x and 2x resolution. So you need not worry about creating a separate storyboard for iPad. Hope you find this helpful. Happy coding !

Are non-retina images required for purely iOS7 apps? [duplicate]

The next update of my iPhone app will be targeted for iOS7 only. A couple of questions?
Does this mean I can delete all the non-retina images from my app?
If I have only retina images left do I still need to mark them #2x?
Does Apple keep older iOS versions of my app on the store so those running older versions of iOS who have bought or want to buy can still access it?
Any help would be most appreciated.
Yes you still need to have the #2x at the end. Yes you can drop all the non-retina images but could affect performance as even the newer devices will use some none-retina images but the main performance hit was to iPhone 3GS and below but as iOS 7 will not run on iPhone 3GS or below it isn't a requirement you'll just have to handle the performance issues. No Apple do not keep hold of older versions of your app on the app store, if you drop support for it then it is gone.
To answer the second part of your question YES, Apple does indeed store older versions for download.
For my app Parkable I created one for iOS5/6 then when 7 came about I specifically targeted it and dropped support for older iOS builds, now if you're not on 7+ you can still download the old version (instead of the old error telling the user to update their OS). This happens automatically as I recall, simply change your deployment target in both your project and target under the info tab.
Feel free to test if you have a pre-7 device (iPhone or iPad) and 7+ device
