How can I figure out which Sidekiq jobs are taking up so much memory? - ruby-on-rails

I am running 4 Sidekiq processes on an R3 Large AWS VM, and a total of 100 sidekiq jobs. An R3 has 15.25 GB RAM assigned to it, and 2 CPUs.
Jobs consistently fail due to extremely heavy swapping. The worst I've ever seen. I have just decided to shut down the production background environment while I bring up a bigger VM.
I don't want to keep doing this though. I need to do the hard work to find out where I can optimize my jobs. I am absolutely certain that there are only 1 or 2 kinds of jobs that are causing me these headaches. I just don't know how to find them.
How can I see which processes are causing the biggest problems with memory among my Sidekiq jobs?


ruby requests more memory when there are plenty free heap slots

We have a server running
Sidekiq 4.2.9
rails 4.2.8
MRI 2.1.9
This server periodically produce some amount of importing from external API's, perform some calculations on them and save these values to the database.
About 3 weeks ago server started hanging, as I see from NewRelic (and when ssh'ed to it) - it consumes more and more memory over time, eventually occupying all available RAM, then server hangs.
I've read some articles about how ruby GC works, but still can't understand, why at ~5:30 AM heap size jumps from ~2.3M to 3M , when there's still 1M free heap slots available(GC settings are default)
similar behavior, 3:35PM:
So, the questions are:
how to make Ruby fill free heap slots instead of requesting new slots from OS ?
how to make it release free heap slots to the system ?
how to make Ruby fill free heap slots instead of requesting new slots from OS ?
Your graph does not have "full" fidelity. It is a lot to assume that GC.stat was called by Newrelic or whatnot just at the exact right time.
It is incredibly likely that you ran out of slots, heap grew and since heaps don't shrink in Ruby you are stuck with a somewhat bloated heap.
To alleviate some of the pain you can limit RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS to a sane number, something like 100,000 will do, I am trying to lobby setting a default here in core.
Create a persistent log of jobs that run and time they ran (duration and so on), gather GC.stat before and after job runs
Split up your jobs by queue, run 1 queue on one server and other queue on another one, see which queue and which job is responsible for the problem
Profile various jobs you have using flamegraph or other profiling tools
Reduce the amount of concurrent jobs you run as an experiment, or place a mutex between certain job types. It is possible that 1 "job a" at a time is OKish, and 20 concurrent "job a"s at a time will bloat memory.

Multiple workers on machine - Memory management ( Resque - Rails )

We've migrated our Resque background workers from a ton of individual instances on Heroku to between four and ten m4.2xl (32GB Mem) instances on EC2, which is much cheaper and faster.
A few things I've noticed are that: The Heroku instances we were using had 1GB of RAM and rarely ran out of memory. I am currently allocating 24 workers to one machine, so about 1.3GB of memory per worker. However, because the processing power on these machines is so much greater, I think the OS has trouble reclaiming the memory fast enough and each worker ends of consuming more on average. Most of the day the system has 17-20GB memory free but when the memory intensive jobs are run, all 24 workers grab a job almost at the same time and then start growing. They get through a few jobs but then the system hasn't had time to reap memory and crashes if there is no intervention.
I've written a daemon to pause the workers before a crash and wait for the OS to free memory. I could reduce the number of workers per machine overall or have half of them unsubscribe from the problematic queues, I just feel there must be a better way to manage this. I would prefer to be making usage of more than 20% of memory 99% of the day.
The workers are setup to fork a process when they pick up a job from the queue. The master-worker processes are run as services managed with Upstart. I'm aware there are a number of managers which simply restart the process when it consumes a certain amount of memory such as God and Monit. That seems like a heavy handed solution which will end with too many jobs killed under normal circumstances.
Is there a better strategy I can use to get higher utilization with a lowered risk of running into Errno::ENOMEM?
System specs:
OS : Ubuntu 12.04
Instance : m4.2xlarge
Memory : 32 GB

Running large amount of long running background jobs in Rails

We're building a web-app where users will be uploading potentially large files that will need to be processed in the background. The task involves calling 3rd-party APIs so each job can take several hours to complete. We're using DelayedJob to run the background jobs. With every user kicking off a background job, each of which will take a few hours to finish, that will add up to a lot of background jobs every quickly. I am wondering what would be the best way to setup the deployment for this? We're currently hosted on DigitalOcean. I've kicked off 10 DelayedJob workers. Each one (when ideal) takes up 157MB. When actively running it utilizes around 900 MB. Our user-base right now is pretty small so it's not an issue but will be one soon. So on a 4GB droplet, I can probably run like 2 or 3 workers at a time. How should we approach this issue? Should we be looking at using DigitalOcean's API to auto-spin cheap droplets on demand? Should we subscribe to high-memory droplets on a monthly basis instead? If we go with auto-spinning droplets, should we stick with DigitalOcean or would Heroku make more sense? Or is the entire approach wrong and should we be approaching it from an entire different direction? Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.
It sounds like you are limited by memory on the number of workers that you can run on your DigitalOcean host.
If you are worried about scaling, I would focus on making the workers as efficient as possible. Have you done any benchmarking to understanding where the 900MB of memory is being allocated? I'm not sure what the nature of these jobs are, but you mentioned large files. Are you reading the contents of these files into memory, or are you streaming them? Are you using a database with SQL you can tune? Are you making many small API calls when you could be using a batch endpoint? Are you assigning intermediary variables that must then be garbage collected? Can you compress the files before you send them?
Look at the job structure itself. I've found that background jobs work best with many smaller jobs rather than one larger job. This allows execution to happen in parallel, and be more load balanced across all workers. You could even have a job that generates other jobs. If you need a job to orchestrate callbacks when a group of jobs finishes there is a DelayedJobGroup plugin at that allows you to invoke a final job only after the sibling jobs complete. I would aim for an execution time of a single job to be under 30 seconds. This is arbitrary but it illustrates what I mean by smaller jobs.
Some hosting providers like Amazon provide spot instances where you can pay a lower price on servers that do not have guaranteed availability. These pair well with the many fewer jobs approach I mentioned earlier.
Finally, Ruby might not be the right tool for the job. There are faster languages, and if you are limited by memory, or CPU, you might consider writing these jobs and their workers in another language like Javascript, Go or Rust. These can pair well with a Ruby stack, but offload computationally expensive subroutines to faster languages.
Finally, like many scaling issues, if you have more money than time, you can always throw more hardware at it. At least for a while.
I thing memory and time is more problem for you. you have to use sidekiq gem for this process because it will consume less time and memory consumption for doing the same job,because it uses redis as database which is key value pair db.if the problem continues go with java script.

Current Sidekiq job lost when deploying to Heroku

I have a Sidekiq job that runs for a while and when I deploy to Heroku and the job is running, it can't finish within in the few seconds.
That is fine, as the job is designed to be able to be re-run if needed.
The problem is that the job gets lost (instead of put back to redis and run again after deploy).
I found that it is advised to set :timeout: 8 on heroku and I tried it, but it had no effect (also tried seeting to 5).
When there is an exception, I get errors reported, but I don't see any. So not sure what could be wrong.
Any tips on how to debug this?
The free version of Sidekiq will push unfinished jobs back to Redis after the timeout has passed, default of 8 seconds. Heroku gives a process 10 seconds to shut down. That means we have 2 seconds to get those jobs back to Redis or they will be lost. If your network is slow, if the Redis server is swapping, etc, that 2 sec deadline might not be met and the jobs lost.
You were on the right track: one answer is to lower the timeout so you have a better chance of meeting that deadline. But network or swapping delay can't be predicted: even 5 seconds might not be enough time.
Under normal healthy conditions, things should work as designed. Keep your machines healthy (uncongested network, plenty of RAM) and the basic fetch should work well. Sidekiq Pro's reliable fetch feature is a fundamental redesign of how Sidekiq fetches jobs and works around all of these issues by keeping jobs in Redis all the time so they can't be lost. But it comes with serious trade offs too: it's more complicated, slower and more Redis intensive than "basic" fetch.
In short, I don't know why you are losing jobs but make sure your instances and Redis server are healthy and the latency is low.
This is actually feature of sidekiq - designed to steer you toward paying pro version:
More reliable message processing.
Cloud environments are noisy and unreliable. Seeing timeouts? Wild swings in latency or performance? Ruby VM crashes or processes disappearing?
If a Sidekiq process crashes while processing a job, that job is lost.
If the Sidekiq client gets a networking error while pushing a job to Redis, an exception is raised and the job is not delivered.
Sidekiq Pro uses Redis's RPOPLPUSH command to ensure that jobs will not be lost if the process crashes or gets a KILL signal.
The Sidekiq Pro client can withstand transient Redis outages or timeouts. It will enqueue jobs locally upon error and attempt to deliver those jobs once connectivity is restored.
Deploy terminates all processes that belongs to user, therefore job is lost. There is actually not much you can do there.
As #mike-perham and #esse noted, Sidekiq is designed the way it can loose jobs due to its fetching mechanism. Your options to get around this are:
To buy Sidekiq Pro (although it was reported to cause the same issue)
To write your own fetcher (but that would mean you can not use most of 3rd party libraries, as they will not work with your custom fetcher)
To mimic Sidekiq Pro's reliable fetch by backing up your jobs data. In case you are up for this way, check out attentive_sidekiq gem which does exactly that.

Delayed Jobs leaking memory?

I'm using collectiveidea's delayed_job with my Ruby on Rails app (v2.3.8), and running about 40 background jobs with it on an 8GB RAM Slicehost machine (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Apache 2).
Let's say I ssh into my server with no workers running. When I do free -m, I'm see I'm generally using about 1GB of RAM out of 8. Then after starting the workers and waiting about a minute for them to be utilized by the code, I'm up to about 4GB. If I come back in an hour or two, I'll be at 8GB and into the swap memory, and my website will be generating 502 errors.
So far I've just been killing the workers and restarting them, but I'd rather fix the root of the problem. Any thoughts? Is this a memory leak? Or, as a friend suggested, do I need to figure out a way to run garbage collection?
Actually, Delayed::Job 3.0 leaks memory in Ruby 1.9.2 if your models have serialized attributes. (I'm in the process of researching a solution.)
Here's someone who seemed to have solved it,
Here's the issue from Delayed::Job
Just about every time someone asks about this, the problem is in their code. Try using one of the available profiling tools to find where your job is leaking. ( or similar.)
Triggering GC at the end of each job will reduce your max memory usage at the cost of thrashing your throughput. It won't stop Ruby from bloating to the max size required by any individual job, however, since Ruby can't free memory back to the OS. I don't recommend taking this approach.
