iOS Import .obj file to Model I/O without duplicating vertices - ios

I'm trying to import a .obj file to use in Scene Kit using the Model I/O framework. I initially used the simple MDLAsset initWithURL: function, but after transferring the mesh to a SCNGeometry, I realized this function was triangulizing the mesh, such that each face had 3 unique vertices, and there were separate vertices at the same location for border faces. This was causing some major problems with my other functions, so I tried to fix it by instead using the MDLAsset initWithURL:vertexDescriptor:bufferAllocator:preserveTopology function with preserveTopology set to YES with the descriptor/allocator set to the default with nil. This preserving topology fixed my problem of duplicating vertices, so the faces/edges were all good, but in the process I lost the normals data.
By lost the normals, I don't mean multiple indexing, I mean after setting preserveTopology to YES, the buffer did not contain any normals values at all. Whereas before it was v1/n1/v2/n2... and the stride was 24 bytes (3 dimensions *4 bytes/float * 2 attributes), now the first half of the buffer is v1/v2/... with a stride of 12 and the entire 2nd half of the buffer is just 0.0 floats.
Also something weird with this, when you look at the SCNGeometrySources of the Geometry, there are 2 sources, 1 with semantic kGeometrySourceSemanticVertex, and 1 with semantic kGeometrySourceSemanticNormal. You would think that the semantic vertex source would contain the position data, and the semantic normal source would contain the normal data. However that is not the case. No matter what you set preserveTopology, they are buffers of size to contain both position and normal data with identical values. So when I said before there was no normal data, I mean both of these buffers, semantic vertex AND semantic normal went from being v1/n1/v2/n2... to v1/v2/.../(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)/(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)/... I went into the mdlmesh's buffer (before the transfer to scene kit) at found the same problem, so the problem must be with the initWithURL, not with the model i/o to scenekit bridge.
So I figured there must be something wrong with the default vertex descriptor and buffer allocator (since I was using nil) and went about trying to create my own that matched these 2 possible data formats. Alas after much trying I was unable to get something that worked.
Any ideas on how I should do this? How to give MDLAsset the proper vertexDescriptor and bufferAllocator (I feel like nil should be ok here) for importing a .obj file? Thanks

An obj file with vertices and normals has vertices, indicated by v lines, normals, indicated by vn lines, and faces, indicated by f lines.
The v and vn lines will just be the floating point values you expect, and the f line will be of the form -
f v0//n0 v1//n1 etc
Since OpenGL and Metal don't allow multiple indexing, you'll see the first effect of vertices being duplicated. For example,
f 0//0 1//2 2//0
can't work as a vertex buffer because it would require different indices per vertex. So typical OBJ parsers have to create new vertices that allow the face to become
f 0//0 1//1 2//2
The preserve topology option doesn't help you. It preserves the connectivity and shape of the mesh (no triangulation occurs, shared edges remain shared) but it still enforces a single index per vertex component.
One solution would be to make sure that your tool that is outputting the OBJ files uses single indexing during export, if that is an option.
Another option, and this won't solve the problem immediately, would be file a request that multiple-indexing be supported at the Model I/O level. SceneKit would still have to uniquely-index because it is has to be able to render.
Another option would be to use a format like PLY that doesn't have multiple indexing.


How to hit the texel cache in WebGL?

What i'm doing is GPGPU on WebGL and I don't know the access pattern which I'd be talking about applies to general graphics and gaming programs. In our code, frequently, we come across data which needs to be summarized or reduced per output texel. A very simple example is matrix multiplication during which, for every output texel, your return a value which is a dot product of a row of one input and a column of the other input.
This has been the sore point of our performance because of not so much the computation but multiplied data access. So I've been trying to find a pattern of reads or data layouts which would expedite this operation and I have been completely unsuccessful.
I will be describing some assumptions and some schemes below. The sample code for all these are under
Unfortunately due to size I wasn't able to use the 'snippet' feature of StackOverflow. NOTE: All examples write to console not the html page.
Base matmul implementation: Example: [2,3]x[3,4]->[2,4] . This produces in a simplistic form 2 textures of (w:3,h:2) and (w:4,h:3). For each output texel I will be reading along the X axis of the left texture but going along the Y axis of the right texture. (see webgl-matmul.html)
Assuming that GPU accesses data similar to CPU -- that is block by block -- if I read along the width of the texture I should be hitting the cache pretty often.
For this, I'd layout both textures in a way that I'd be doing dot products of corresponding rows (along texture width) only. Example: [2,3]x[4,3]->[2,4] . Note that the data for the right texture is now transposed so that for each output texel I'd be doing a dot product of one row from the left and one row from the right. (see webgl-matmul-shared-alongX.html)
To ensure that the above assumption is indeed working, I created a negative test also. In this test I'd be reading along the Y axis of both left and right textures which should have the worst performance ever. Data is pre-transposed so that the results make sense. Example: [3,2]x[3,4]->[2,4]. (see webgl-matmul-shared-alongY.html).
So I ran these -- and I hope you could do as well to see -- and I found no evidence to support existence or non-existence of such caching behavior. You need to run each example a few times to get consistent results for comparison.
Then I came along this paper which in short claims that the GPU caches data in blocks (or tiles as I call them).
Based on this promising lead I created a version of matmul (or dot product) which uses blocks of 2x2 to do its calculation. Prior to using this of course I had to rearrange my inputs into such layout. The cost of that re-arrangement is not included in my comparison. Let's say I could do that once and run my matmul many times after. Even this scheme did not contribute anything to the performance if not taking something away. (see webgl-dotprod-tiled.html).
A this point I am completely out of ideas and any hints would be appreciated.

Vulkan texture rendering on multiple meshes

I am in the middle of rendering different textures on multiple meshes of a model, but I do not have much clues about the procedures. Someone suggested for each mesh, create its own descriptor sets and call vkCmdBindDescriptorSets() and vkCmdDrawIndexed() for rendering like this:
// Pipeline with descriptor set layout that matches the shared descriptor sets
// Mesh A
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(...&meshA.descriptorSet... );
// Mesh B
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(...&meshB.descriptorSet... );
However, the above approach is quite different from the chopper sample and vulkan's samples that makes me have no idea where to start the change. I really appreciate any help to guide me to a correct direction.
You have a conceptual object which is made of multiple meshes which have different texturing needs. The general ways to deal with this are:
Change descriptor sets between parts of the object. Painful, but it works on all Vulkan-capable hardware.
Employ array textures. Each individual mesh fetches its data from a particular layer in the array texture. Of course, this restricts you to having each sub-mesh use textures of the same size. But it works on all Vulkan-capable hardware (up to 128 array elements, minimum). The array layer for a particular mesh can be provided as a push-constant, or a base instance if that's available.
Note that if you manage to be able to do it by base instance, then you can render the entire object with a multi-draw indirect command. Though it's not clear that a short multi-draw indirect would be faster than just baking a short sequence of drawing commands into a command buffer.
Employ sampler arrays, as Sascha Willems suggests. Presumably, the array index for the sub-mesh is provided as a push-constant or a multi-draw's draw index. The problem is that, regardless of how that array index is provided, it will have to be a dynamically uniform expression. And Vulkan implementations are not required to allow you to index a sampler array with a dynamically uniform expression. The base requirement is just a constant expression.
This limits you to hardware that supports the shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing feature. So you have to ask for that, and if it's not available, then you've got to work around that with #1 or #2. Or just don't run on that hardware. But the last one means that you can't run on any mobile hardware, since most of them don't support this feature as of yet.
Note that I am not saying you shouldn't use this method. I just want you to be aware that there are costs. There's a lot of hardware out there that can't do this. So you need to plan for that.
The person that suggested the above code fragment was me I guess ;)
This is only one way of doing it. You don't necessarily have to create one descriptor set per mesh or per texture. If your mesh e.g. uses 4 different textures, you could bind all of them at once to different binding points and select them in the shader.
And if you a take a look at NVIDIA's chopper sample, they do it pretty much the same way only with some more abstraction.
The example also sets up descriptor sets for the textures used :
VkDescriptorSet *textureDescriptors = m_renderer->getTextureDescriptorSets();
binds them a few lines later :
VkDescriptorSet sets[3] = { sceneDescriptor, textureDescriptors[0], m_transform_descriptor_set };
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, layout, 0, 3, sets, 0, NULL);
and then renders the mesh with the bound descriptor sets :
vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], sceneIndirectBuffer, 0, inCount, sizeof(VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand));
vkCmdDraw(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], 1, 1, 0, 0);
If you take a look at initDescriptorSets you can see that they also create separate descriptor sets for the cubemap, the terrain, etc.
The LunarG examples should work similar, though if I'm not mistaken they never use more than one texture?

WebGL one-to-many data processing

Is there any scheme using WebGL which allows to process one data record to an previously unknown number of records?
Using OpenGL for example, a geometry program can be used to multiply vertices depending on their attributes, and thus output data of unknown length.
Is there any trick to use WebGL in a likewise fashion, or is this only possible on the JavaScript side?
Yup, there is no Geometry Shader in WebGL (just Vertex and Fragment).
So, yes, something multiplicative needs to be implemented on the JS side, by making more data or more calls to gl.drawTriangles/gl.drawElements.
One approach that might be applicable, is to have lots of data (triangles, say), and use the Fragment Shader to algorithmicly throw-away some or all of them. Kind of the opposite of multiplying. But if you keep the same triangles, and change their processing with uniforms, or perhaps smaller data in textures, you can at least save the hit of sending up lots of different data.
To "Throw away" a vertex, need to put it outside the NDC (the -1 to +1 unit cube), for all three vertices of a triangle.

DirectX 11, Combining pixel shaders to prevent bottlenecks

I'm trying to implement one complex algorithm using GPU. The only problem is HW limitations and maximum available feature level is 9_3.
Algorithm is basically "stereo matching"-like algorithm for two images. Because of mentioned limitations all calculations has to be performed in Vertex/Pixel shaders only (there is no computation API available). Vertex shaders are rather useless here so I considered them as pass-through vertex shaders.
Let me shortly describe the algorithm:
Take two images and calculate cost volume maps (basically conterting RGB to Grayscale -> translate right image by D and subtract it from the left image). This step is repeated around 20 times for different D which generates Texture3D.
Problem here: I cannot simply create one Pixel Shader which calculates
those 20 repetitions in one go because of size limitation of Pixel
Shader (max. 512 arithmetics), so I'm forced to call Draw() in a loop
in C++ which unnecessary involves CPU while all operations are done on
the same two images - it seems to me like I have one bottleneck here. I know that there are multiple render targets but: there are max. 8 targets (I need 20+), if I want to generate 8 results in one pixel shader I exceed it's size limit (512 arithmetic for my HW).
Then I need to calculate for each of calculated textures box filter with windows where r > 9.
Another problem here: Because window is so big I need to split box filtering into two Pixel Shaders (vertical and horizontal direction separately) because loops unrolling stage results with very long code. Manual implementation of those loops won't help cuz still it would create to big pixel shader. So another bottleneck here - CPU needs to be involved to pass results from temp texture (result of V pass) to the second pass (H pass).
Then in next step some arithmetic operations are applied for each pair of results from 1st step and 2nd step.
I haven't reach yet here with my development so no idea what kind of bottlenecks are waiting for me here.
Then minimal D (value of parameter from 1st step) is taken for each pixel based on pixel value from step 3.
... same as in step 3.
Here basically is VERY simple graph showing my current implementation (excluding steps 3 and 4).
Red dots/circles/whatever are temporary buffers (textures) where partial results are stored and at every red dot CPU is getting involved.
Question 1: Isn't it possible somehow to let GPU know how to perform each branch form up to the bottom without involving CPU and leading to bottleneck? I.e. to program sequence of graphics pipelines in one go and then let the GPU do it's job.
One additional question about render-to-texture thing: Does all textures resides in GPU memory all the time even between Draw() method calls and Pixel/Vertex shaders switching? Or there is any transfer from GPU to CPU happening... Cuz this may be another issue here which leads to bottleneck.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Writing computational algorithms in pixel shaders can be very difficult. Writing such algorithms for 9_3 target can be impossible. Too much restrictions. But, well, I think I know how to workaround your problems.
1. Shader repetition
First of all, it is unclear, what do you call "bottleneck" here. Yes, theoretically, draw calls in for loop is a performance loss. But does it bottleneck? Does your application really looses performance here? How much? Only profilers (CPU and GPU) can answer. But to run it, you must first complete your algorithm (stages 3 and 4). So, I'd better stick with current solution, and started to implement whole algorithm, then profile and than fix performance issues.
But, if you feel ready to tweaks... Common "repetition" technology is instancing. You can create one more vertex buffer (called instance buffer), which will contains parameters not for each vertex, but for one draw instance. Then you do all the stuff with one DrawInstanced() call.
For you first stage, instance buffer can contain your D value and index of target Texture3D layer. You can pass-through them from vertex shader.
As always, you have a tradeof here: simplicity of code to (probably) performance.
2. Multi-pass rendering
CPU needs to be involved to pass results from temp texture (result of
V pass) to the second pass (H pass)
Typically, you do chaining like this, so no CPU involved:
// Pass 1: from pTexture0 to pTexture1
// ...set up pipeline state for Pass1 here...
pContext->PSSetShaderResources(slot, 1, pTexture0); // source
pContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, pTexture1, 0); // target
// Pass 2: from pTexture1 to pTexture2
// ...set up pipeline state for Pass1 here...
pContext->PSSetShaderResources(slot, 1, pTexture1); // previous target is now source
pContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, pTexture2, 0);
// Pass 3: ...
Note, that pTexture1 must have both D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE and D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET flags. You can have multiple input textures and multiple render targets. Just make sure, that every next pass knows what previous pass outputs.
And if previous pass uses more resources than current, don't forget to unbind unneeded, to prevent hard-to-find errors:
pContext->PSSetShaderResources(2, 1, 0);
pContext->PSSetShaderResources(3, 1, 0);
pContext->PSSetShaderResources(4, 1, 0);
// Only 0 and 1 texture slots will be used
3. Resource data location
Does all textures resides in GPU memory all the time even between
Draw() method calls and Pixel/Vertex shaders switching?
We can never know that. Driver chooses appropriate location for resources. But if you have resources created with DEFAULT usage and 0 CPU access flag, you can be almost sure it will always be in video memory.
Hope it helps. Happy coding!

.VTX File Format?

I've recently taken the plunge into DirectX and have been messing around a little with Anim8or, and have discovered several file types that models can be exported to that are text based. I've particularly taken to VTX files. I've learned how to parse some basics out of it, but I'm obviously missing a few things.
It starts with a .Faceset with is immediately (on the same line) followed by the number of meshes in the file.
For each mesh, there is one .Vertex section and one .Index section in that order and the first pair of .Vertex/.Index sections are the first mesh, the second set are the second mesh and so on as you'd expect.
In a .Vertex section of the file, there's 8 numbers per line and an undefined number of lines (unless you want to trust the comments Anim8or has put just before the section, but that doesn't seem to be part of the specs of the file, just Anim8or being kind). The first 3 numbers correspond to X, Y, and Z coordinates for a particular point that'll later be used as a vertex, the other 5 I have no idea. A majority of the time, the last 2 numbers are both 0, but I've noticed that's not ALWAYS true, just usually true.
Next comes the matching .Index section. This section has 4 numbers. The first 3 are reference numbers to the Vertexes previously stated and the 3 points mark a triangle in the model. 0 meaning the first mentioned Vertex, 1 meaning the next one, and so on, like a zero-based array. The 4th number appears to always be -1, I can't figure out what importance it has and I can't promise it's ALWAYS -1. In case you can't tell, I'm not too certain about anything in this file type.
There's also other information in the file that I'm choosing to ignore right now because I'm new and don't want to overcomplicate things too much. Such as after every .Index section is:
// Ambient color
0.431 0.431 0.431
// Diffuse color
0.431 0.431 0.431
// Specular color and exponent
1 1 1 2
// Kspecular = 0.5
// end of .Brdf
It appears to me this is about the surface of the mesh just described. But it's not needed for placement of meshes so I moved past it for now.
Moving on to the real problem... I can load a VTX file when there's only one mesh in the VTX file (meaning the .FaceSet is 1). I can almost successfully load a VTX file that has multiple meshes, each mesh is successfully structured, but not properly placed in relation to the other meshes. I downloaded an AT-AT model from an Anim8or thread in a forum and it's made up of 344 meshes, when I load the file just using the specs I've mentioned so far, it looks like the AT-AT is exploded out as if it were a diagram of how to make it (when loaded in Anim8or, all pieces are close and resemble a fully assembled AT-AT). All the pieces are oriented correctly and have the same up direction, but there's plenty of extra space between the pieces.
Does somebody know how to properly read a VTX file? Or know of a website that'll explain what those other numbers mean?
The file extension .VTX is used for a lot of different things and has a lot of different structures depending on what the expected use is. Valve, Visio, Anim8or, and several others use VTX, I'm only interested in the VTX file that Anim8or exports and the structure that it uses.
I have been working on a 3D Modeling program myself and wanted a simple format to be able to bring objects in to the editor to be able to test the speed of my drawing routines with large sets of vertices and faces. I was looking for an easy one where I could get models quickly and found the .vtx format. I googled it and found your question. When I was unable to find the format on the internet, I played around and compared .OBJ exports with .vtx ones. (Maybe it was created just for Anim8or?) Here is what I found:
1) Yes, the vertices have eight numbers on each line. The first three are, as you guessed, the x, y, and z coordinates. The next three are the vertex normals, nx, ny, and nz. You may notice that each vertex appears multiple times with different normals for each face that contains it. The last two numbers are texture coordinates.
2) As for the faces, I reached the same conclusions as you did. The first three numbers are indices into the vertex list above. The last number does appear to always be -1. I am going to assume that it has something to do with the facing of the face. (e.g. facing in or out.) Since most models are created with the faces all facing appropriately, it stands to reason that this would be the same number for all of them.
3) One additional note: When comparing the .obj with the .vtx, I did notice that the positions of the vertices changed. This was also true when comparing with the .an8 file. This should not be a "HUGE" problem as long as they are all offset by the same amount in each vertex and every file. At least then it could be compensated for.
Have you considered using the .obj file format? It is text-based and is not extremely difficult to parse or understand. There is quite a bit of information about it online.
I am going to add that, after a few hours inspection, the vtx export in Anim8or seems to be broken. I experienced the same problem as you did that the pieces were not located properly. My assumption would be that anim8or exports these objects using the local coordinates for each mesh and not accounting for transformations that have been applied. I do also note that it will not IMPORT the vtx file...
Based on some googling, it seems you're at the wrong end of the pipeline. As I understand it: A VTX file is a Valve Proprietary File Format that is the result of a set of steps.
The final output of Studiomdl for each
Half-Life model is a group of files in
the gamedirectory/models folder ready
to be used by the Game Engine:
an .MDL
file which defines the structure of
the model along with animation,
bounding box, hit box, material, mesh
and LOD information,
a .VVD file which
stores position independent flat data
for the bone weights, normals,
vertices, tangents and texture
coordinates used by the MDL, currently
three separate types of VTX file:
.sw.vtx (Software),
.dx80.vtx (DirectX
8.0) and
.dx90.vtx (DirectX 9.0) which store hardware optimized material,
skinning and triangle strip/fan
information for each LOD of each mesh
in the MDL,
often a .PHY file
containing a rigid or jointed
(ragdoll) collision model, and
a .ANI file for To do:
something to do with model animations
Now the Valve Source SDK may have some utilities in it to read VTX's (it seems to have the ability to make them anyway). Some people may have made 3rd party tools or have code to read them, but it's likely to not work on all files just cause it's a 3rd party format. I also found this post which might help if you haven't seen it before.
