group by in view or controller - ruby-on-rails

i am trying to loop through a list of products which a supplier sells via its different variants. i can get the list of products to display, but i wish to group these by the product id as to only display it once.
in my controller i have
#supplier = Supplier.joins(products: :variants).find(params[:id])
in my view i have
- #supplier.variants.group_by(&:product_id).each do |product_id, item|
= render :partial => 'product', :locals => {:item => item }
and my partial
= link_to shopping_supplier_path(item) do
= item.product.description.downcase
which when the sql executes returns the following query
Started GET "/shopping/suppliers/latte-cartelle-drive-thru-coffee-241---245-princes-hwy--ha-1" for at 2016-04-19 23:22:08 +1000
Processing by Shopping::SuppliersController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"latte-cartelle-drive-thru-coffee-241---245-princes-hwy--ha-1"}
User Load (0.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
Supplier Load (32.7ms) SELECT "suppliers".* FROM "suppliers" WHERE "suppliers"."permalink" = $1 ORDER BY "suppliers"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["permalink", "latte-cartelle-drive-thru-coffee-241---245-princes-hwy--ha-1"]]
Supplier Load (41.9ms) SELECT "suppliers".* FROM "suppliers" INNER JOIN "variant_suppliers" ON "variant_suppliers"."supplier_id" = "suppliers"."id" INNER JOIN "variants" ON "variants"."id" = "variant_suppliers"."variant_id" INNER JOIN "products" ON "products"."id" = "variants"."product_id" INNER JOIN "variants" "variants_products" ON "variants_products"."product_id" = "products"."id" WHERE "suppliers"."permalink" = $1 ORDER BY "suppliers"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["permalink", "latte-cartelle-drive-thru-coffee-241---245-princes-hwy--ha-1"]]
Variant Load (0.9ms) SELECT "variants".* FROM "variants" INNER JOIN "variant_suppliers" ON "variants"."id" = "variant_suppliers"."variant_id" WHERE "variant_suppliers"."supplier_id" = $1 [["supplier_id", 1]]
Rendered shopping/suppliers/_product.html.haml (53.5ms)
NoMethodError at /shopping/suppliers/latte-cartelle-drive-thru-coffee-241---245-princes-hwy--ha-1
undefined method `name' for #<Array:0x007faa5302d5a0>

Use SQL joins. When you create a query joining the tables that you are going to use, they will be previously loaded in memory, so the famous n+1 queries will not occur.
#supplier = Supplier.joins(variants: :products).find(params[:id])
# This will translate to something like this
SELECT * FROM suppliers
INNER JOIN variants ON variants.supplier_id =
INNER JOIN products ON products.variant_id =
Remember to always avoid the lazy loading of your associations.


Eager loading model instances using single SQL statement with Mobility table backend

Using Rails 7 and Mobility 1.2.9:
# config/initializers/mobility.rb
Mobility.configure do |config|
config.plugins do
backend :table
# app/models/content.rb
class Content < ApplicationRecord
extend Mobility
translates :slug, :title
How to find contents by slug, instantiate them into Content objects and query their translated attributes using one single SQL statement (for an unchanging locale)? The examples below with and without eager_loading run 2 SQL statements.
> content = Content.i18n.find_by(slug: "foo")
Content Load (0.7ms) SELECT "contents".* FROM "contents" INNER JOIN "content_translations" "content_translations_en" ON "content_translations_en"."content_id" = "contents"."id" AND "content_translations_en"."locale" = 'en' WHERE "content_translations_en"."slug" = 'foo' LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 1]]
> content.title
Content::Translation Load (0.3ms) SELECT "content_translations".* FROM "content_translations" WHERE "content_translations"."content_id" = $1 [["content_id", "..."]]
> content = Content.i18n.eager_load(:translations).find_by(slug: "foo")
SQL (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT "contents"."id" FROM "contents" LEFT OUTER JOIN "content_translations" ON "content_translations"."content_id" = "contents"."id" INNER JOIN "content_translations" "content_translations_en" ON "content_translations_en"."content_id" = "contents"."id" AND "content_translations_en"."locale" = 'en' WHERE "content_translations_en"."slug" = 'blog-1-en' LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 1]]
SQL (0.8ms) SELECT "contents"."id" AS t0_r0, "contents"."created_at" AS t0_r1, "contents"."updated_at" AS t0_r2, ..., "content_translations"."id" AS t1_r0, "content_translations"."locale" AS t1_r1, "content_translations"."created_at" AS t1_r2, "content_translations"."updated_at" AS t1_r3, "content_translations"."slug" AS t1_r4, "content_translations"."title" AS t1_r5, "content_translations"."content_id" AS t1_r6 FROM "contents" LEFT OUTER JOIN "content_translations" ON "content_translations"."content_id" = "contents"."id" INNER JOIN "content_translations" "content_translations_en" ON "content_translations_en"."content_id" = "contents"."id" AND "content_translations_en"."locale" = 'en' WHERE "content_translations_en"."slug" = 'blog-1-en' AND "contents"."id" = $1 [["id", "..."]]
> content.title
# no DB statement, but there were 2 statements at instantiation
NB: I do not want to pluck attributes but instead to create model instances.

How can I use a scope in a join query?

I want to use a scope of a joined table.
The goal is to write a scope for autors that have reports with a specific stat_id (for example 15)
Rails 5.2.3
class Author < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :report
class Report < ApplicationRecord
has_many :authors
scope :with_stat, ->(s) {
where(stat_id: s)
This works fine:
Autor.joins(:report).where(reports: {stat_id: 15})
If the scope is more complex. How can I use the scope from class Report?
This doesn't work:
Autor.joins(:report).where(reports: {with_stat(15)})
What is the correct syntax?
That scope will not give you the correct query.
What you want is Author.joins(:report).where(reports: { stat_id: 1 }). Which gives a single query:
Author Load (1.0ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" INNER JOIN "reports" ON "reports"."id" = "authors"."report_id" WHERE "reports"."stat_id" = $1 LIMIT $2
This is what happens if you use the scope instead:
irb(main):004:0> Author.joins(:report).where(Report.with_stat(1))
Report Load (1.6ms) SELECT "reports".* FROM "reports" WHERE "reports"."stat_id" = $1 [["stat_id", 1]]
Author Load (0.6ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" INNER JOIN "reports" ON "reports"."id" = "authors"."report_id" LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
irb(main):005:0> Author.joins(:report).where(report: Report.with_stat(1))
Author Load (2.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" INNER JOIN "reports" ON "reports"."id" = "authors"."report_id" WHERE "authors"."report_id" IN (SELECT "reports"."id" FROM "reports" WHERE "reports"."stat_id" = $1) LIMIT $2 [["stat_id", 1], ["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
The later uses a subquery which should give the same result but should be less effective.
What you can do is place the scope on the other side of the association:
class Author < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :report
scope :with_stat, ->(s){
joins(:report).where(reports: {stat_id: s})
irb(main):010:0> Author.joins(:report).where(reports: { stat_id: 1 })
Author Load (1.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" INNER JOIN "reports" ON "reports"."id" = "authors"."report_id" WHERE "reports"."stat_id" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["stat_id", 1], ["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>

Spree currency convertor is not working for AED

I have included following gem in my gem file
gem 'spree_multi_currency', github: 'spree/spree_multi_currency', branch: '2-3-stable'
in my application following currencies are already present:
and these are converting price properly. But my requirement is to add AED currency to so I have added that also SGD,USD,EUR,AUD,GBP,PHP,THB,MYR,AED from backend
Now I automatically got this option in my header now when i click on AED it gives me following error
Started GET "/assets/world-globe.png" for at 2016-01-26 10:26:08 +0100
Started POST "/currency/set" for at 2016-01-26 10:26:11
+0100 Processing by Spree::CurrencyController#set as JSON Parameters: {"currency"=>"AED"} Spree::Country Load (1.1ms) SELECT "spree_countries".* FROM "spree_countries" WHERE "spree_countries"."name" = 'N/A' LIMIT 1 Spree::User Load (1.2ms) SELECT "spree_users".* FROM "spree_users" WHERE "spree_users"."id" = 1 ORDER BY "spree_users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 Spree::Order Load (1.2ms) SELECT "spree_orders".* FROM "spree_orders" WHERE "spree_orders"."completed_at" IS NULL AND "spree_orders"."currency" = 'USD' AND "spree_orders"."guest_token" = 'ZtR5IUlQUC40ueZBlo21Pg' AND "spree_orders"."user_id" = 1 LIMIT 1 Spree::Adjustment Load (1.4ms) SELECT "spree_adjustments".* FROM "spree_adjustments" WHERE "spree_adjustments"."adjustable_type" = 'Spree::Order' AND "spree_adjustments"."adjustable_id" IN (6084) ORDER BY spree_adjustments.created_at ASC Spree::Order Load (0.9ms) SELECT "spree_orders".* FROM "spree_orders" WHERE "spree_orders"."user_id" = $1 AND "spree_orders"."completed_at" IS NULL AND (id != 6084) [["user_id", 1]] (0.9ms) BEGIN Spree::Order Exists (1.7ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "spree_orders" WHERE ("spree_orders"."number" = 'R501407003' AND "spree_orders"."id" != 6084) LIMIT 1 Spree::LineItem Load (1.3ms) SELECT "spree_line_items".* FROM "spree_line_items" WHERE "spree_line_items"."order_id" = $1 AND (currency != 'AED') ORDER BY created_at ASC [["order_id", 6084]] Spree::Variant Load (1.3ms) SELECT "spree_variants".* FROM "spree_variants" WHERE "spree_variants"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]] Spree::Price Load (1.3ms) SELECT "spree_prices".* FROM "spree_prices" WHERE "spree_prices"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "spree_prices"."variant_id" = $1 AND "spree_prices"."currency" = 'AED' ORDER BY "spree_prices"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["variant_id", 2]] Spree::Product Load (1.3ms) SELECT "spree_products".* FROM "spree_products" WHERE "spree_products"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]] Spree::Product::Translation Load (1.3ms) SELECT "spree_product_translations".* FROM "spree_product_translations" WHERE "spree_product_translations"."spree_product_id" = $1 [["spree_product_id", 2]] (1.5ms) ROLLBACK Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 56ms
RuntimeError - no AED price found for 28 Day Ultimate Teatox (28 Day): () Users/TopFormInvestment/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4#skinnymint/bundler/gems/spree-cfe7e96539b6/core/app/models/spree/order/currency_updater.rb:34:in `update_line_item_price!' () Users/TopFormInvestment/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4#skinnymint/bundler/gems/spree-cfe7e96539b6/core/app/models/spree/order/currency_updater.rb:18:in `block in update_line_item_currencies!'
Please guide me how to solve this error. As I am new in spree
Go to the Products in admin panel. There you can see the price tab, click the tab and then you change the prices there itself.
You did not set an AED price for the variant 28 Day Ultimate Teatox. In update_line_items_price! it has a local variable price which returns the variants price in the newly set currency. If the price isn't present it will raise the RuntimeError you are getting.
def update_line_item_currencies!
line_items.where('currency != ?', currency).each do |line_item|
# Returns the price object from given item
def price_from_line_item(line_item)
line_item.variant.prices.where(currency: currency).first
# Updates price from given line item
def update_line_item_price!(line_item)
price = price_from_line_item(line_item)
if price
line_item.update_attributes!(currency: price.currency, price: price.amount)
raise RuntimeError, "no #{currency} price found for #{} (#{line_item.variant.sku})"

ActsAsTaggableOn: tags not persisting in DB

I'm using the acts_as_taggable_on (3.4) plugin for tagging with Rails (4.2.4). I've tried adding custom tags both via my seed file and the console and while it appears to add the attributes, I can't then access them.
My model:
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_taggable_on :tags
acts_as_taggable_on :dietaries, :meals, :cuisines, :sources
Seed file:
tarte = Recipe.create(title: "Caramelized Tomato Tarte Tatin", url: "", notes: "Lorem ipsum", favorite: false)
tarte.dietary_list.add("vegetarian," "vegan")
tarte.meal_list.add("appetizers", "mains", "dinner")
tarte.source_list.add("Chocolate and Zucchini")
Console steps (after running seed to create the recipe in the seed file above):
tarte = Recipe.first
tarte.dietary_list.add("vegetarian," "vegan")
tarte.meal_list.add("appetizers", "mains", "dinner")
tarte.source_list.add("Chocolate and Zucchini")
When I call Recipe.first.dietary_list, it runs a query
Recipe Load (0.6ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag Load (0.7ms)SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" INNER JOIN "taggings" ON "tags"."id" = "taggings"."tag_id" WHERE "taggings"."taggable_id" = $1 AND "taggings"."taggable_type" = $2 AND (taggings.context = 'dietaries' AND taggings.tagger_id IS NULL) [["taggable_id", 1], ["taggable_type", "Recipe"]]
But it returns an empty array:
=> []
If I call Recipe.first.dietaries, it returns an empty Collection Proxy:
Recipe Load (0.6ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag Load (0.5ms) SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" INNER JOIN "taggings" ON "tags"."id" = "taggings"."tag_id" WHERE "taggings"."taggable_id" = $1 AND "taggings"."taggable_type" = $2 AND "taggings"."context" = $3 [["taggable_id", 1], ["taggable_type", "Recipe"], ["context", "dietaries"]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>
Is there something about using this tool that I'm missing? Alternatively, are there better tagging tools out there?
Solved by calling .save after entering all tags

Rails: How would I retrieve records where child element includes any of another array?

I have a User and Document model, which both have tag_lists (from acts_as_taggable)
I want to find the Documents that have any of the tags a certain user has. So for example,
user.tag_list = ["ceo" , "sales"]
documentA.tag_list = ["ceo"]
documentB.tag_list = ["all-users']
documentC.tag_list = ["sales", "marketing"]
documentD.tag_list = ["marketing"]
I want to do something like
Document.where(tag_list.includes_any?("all-users" || user.tag_list))
-> which would retrieve document A,B,C.
Obviously the syntax is wrong, but you get the idea. How would I do this in an efficient way?
Just fyi, the tag_list is not a direct attribute of either User or Document model, but a active record relation from the acts_as_taggable gem: how would I call this in a .where operator?
2.1.1 :036 > Document.last.tag_list
Document Load (3.7ms) SELECT "assignable_objects".* FROM "assignable_objects" WHERE "assignable_objects"."type" IN ('Document') ORDER BY "assignable_objects"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag Load (3.5ms) SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" INNER JOIN "taggings" ON "tags"."id" = "taggings"."tag_id" WHERE "taggings"."taggable_id" = $1 AND "taggings"."taggable_type" = $2 AND (taggings.context = 'tags' AND taggings.tagger_id IS NULL) [["taggable_id", 52], ["taggable_type", "AssignableObject"]]
=> []
This might help you:
Document.where((tag_list-["all-users", user.tag_list].flatten).size != tag_list.size)
