Rails model with multipe values for a field - ruby-on-rails

I have a model Movie. That can have multiple Showtimes. Each Showtime is a pair of start and end times. Movies get saved in the database.
So although a Movie might have_many Showtimes, does that really need to be a model, or just a class, or some kind of custom tuple-like type?
I have seen where you can have a field with an array of values, but this would not be basic values as each value is a pair of times.
What is the best way to achieve this?

Showtimes should be a model, yes. Here are a few reasons:
Most relational databases don't natively support a tuple or array type.
What if you want to query movies occurring at a particular time? This would be difficult to do with a custom field, but would be relatively trivial with a separate table.
Most importantly, it enables better flexibility and extensibility through decreased coupling. For instance, does a showtime always exist exclusively to a movie? What if you want to extend your schema to add theatres where each theatre has many showtimes?


Storing Product Properties

I'm creating a jewellery product catalogue application and I need to store properties for each product such as material, finishes, product type etc.
I've concluded that there needs to be a model for each property, mainly because things like material and finishes might have prices and weights and other things associated with them.
Which of the two options will be the most efficient way to store data and be scalable
Create a model PropertyMap that will map property types and IDs to a Product ID.
Create several other models such as ProductMaterial, ProductFinish etc that will made a property to a product
All the data needs to be searchable & filterable. The database will probably index around 10K products.
Open to other smarter ways to store this data as well!
As a rule of thumb, to get the most out of your database tools, it's best to normalize your data according to the typical SQL conventions. That means that a bunch of fields that have a one-to-one relationship with each other should be collected together into the same table. That way you can grab them all (and they're frequently needed together) with a simple and efficient query.
If you instead have to gather them up from some different organization, both you and the database will end up having to do a lot more work. It will scale poorly, both on the hardware and in your brain as you struggle to maintain and extend it.

ActiveRecord tables with many columns: is there a better way?

I would like to know whether I am appropriately using table attributes to describe objects or whether there is a more efficient and advisable approach for certain types of attributes.
I have two ActiveRecord tables, foods and lists. Both tables have many columns because each object has many attributes (calories, fat, protein, etc.).
In addition to these intrinsic characteristics, I find myself adding columns to the table for attributes that represent an object’s membership in a group or user-defined properties.
Group membership data indicate whether a food is a dessert or a meat, among other categories. For this, I have columns with binary or categorical (char) data.
User-defined property data include “maximum calories” or “maximum fat” attributes for a list. If I have a column for “maximum” corresponding to each “total” (e.g., “maximum calories” and “total calories”), this of course doubles the number of columns.
Dessert and meat are intrinsic properties in that they cannot be altered by the user, but it seems they could be more efficiently represented by an array of food ids or a hash. Having so many data points (and columns) to represent this simple categorization seems redundant, and my tables are so big. The reason I have not switched to arrays for group membership data is because I like how this data is currently accessible by the object itself. It’s intuitive, centralized, and seemingly less error-prone.
I don’t have an idea for how else I would manage user-defined “maximums” for lists, and maybe this proliferation of columns/attributes is the best option.
I would appreciate any advice or appraisal of my approach and suggestions of possible alternatives.
you can use serialize and store an text object in the database but when you selecting it will be accessed as an HASH or ARRAY again, this can solve the problem for you instead of duplicating fields store it as HASH and then read from it.
check out this:
Rails: Serializing objects in a database?

Rails - EAV model with multiple value types?

I currently have a model Feature that is used by various other models; in this example, it will be used by customer.
To keep things flexible, Feature is used to store things such as First Name, Last Name, Name, Date of Birth, Company Registration Number, etc.
You will have noticed a problem with this - while most of these are strings, features such as Date of Birth would ideally be stored in a column of type Date (and would be a datepicker rather than a text input in the view).
How would this best be handled? At the present time I simply have a string column "value"; I have considered using multiple value columns (e.g. string_value, date_value) but this doesn't seem particularly efficient as there will always be a null column in every record.
Would appreciate any advice on how to handle this - thanks!
There are a couple of ways I could see you going with this, depending on your needs. I'm not completely satisfied with any of these, but perhaps they can point you in the right direction:
Serialize Everything
Rails can store any object as a byte stream, and in Ruby everything is an object. So in theory you could store string representations of any object, including Strings, DateTimes, or even your own models in a database column. The Marshal module handles this for you most of the time, and allows you to write your own serialization methods if your objects have special needs.
Pros: Really store anything in a single database column.
Cons: Ability to work with data in the database is minimal - It's basically impossible to use this column as anything other than storage - you (probably) wouldn't be able to sort or filter your data based on it, since the format won't be anything the database will recognize.
Columns for every datatype
This is basically the solution you suggested in the question - figure out exactly which datatypes you might need to store - you mention strings and datestamps. If there aren't too many of those, it's feasible to simply have a column of each type and only store data in one of them. You can override the attribute accessor functions to use the proper column, and from the outside, Feature will act as though .value is whatever you need it to be.
Pros: Only need one table.
Cons: At least one null value in every record.
Multiple Models/Tables
You could make a model for each of the sorts of Feature you might need - TextFeature, DateFeature, etc. This guide on Multiple Table Inheritance conveys the idea and methodology.
Pros: No null values - every record contains only the columns it needs.
Cons: Complexity. In addition to needing multiple models, you may find yourself doing complex joins and unions if you need to work directly with features of different kinds in the database.

Model design -- What's the optimal way to do this?

I have this app I am writing in Rails 3.1, I am wondering the best way to model this.
Would it be best if I created a model called "Movie" with a "title" and then create a new model for each "movie asset" such as "poster, trailer, screener" etc and relate it to the "Movie" by associations? Or would it be best if I just created this as one and do-away with the of associations of each asset to "Movie"?
My assumption is to just make it as one as it will remove all the overhead of the FK's and joins to get retrieve the data related to the movie but I am looking for opinions/suggestions. Thanks
There can be three types of attributes(columns) for movies.
Which have exactly one value, and are present in every movie e.g. title, year, official trailer etc.
Keep them in the movie table.
Which have exactly one value, but are present in few of the movies e.g. total Academy Awards.
Keep them in separate table, and use has_one+belongs_to association.
Which have multiple values e.g. trailers
Keep them in separate table, and use has_many+belongs_to association.
More suggestions:
For many key-value attributes, it is easier to use one json/yaml column using serialize instead of creating one column for each key.
Do not store images in DB, keep them in file-system or cloud storage.
You can create your models in the order you want since you have to fill in both models to create a unique association (such as belongs_to and has_many) so I think it doesn't really matter !

Rails 3.0 - best practices: multiple subtypes of a model object

So this is probably a fairly easy question to answer but here goes anyway.
I want to have this view, say media_objects/ that shows a list of media objects. Easy enough, right? However, I want the list of media objects to be a collection of things that are subtypes of MediaObject, CDMediaObject, DVDMediaObject, for example. Each of these subtypes needs to be represented with a db table for specific set of metadata that is not entirely common across the subtypes.
My first pass at this was to create a model for each of the subtypes, alter the MediaObject to be smart enough to join into those tables on it's conceptual 'all' behavior. This seems straightforward enough but I end up doing a lot of little things that feel not so rails-O-rific so I wanted to ask for advice here.
I don't have any concrete code for this example yet, obviously, but if you have questions I'll gladly edit this question to provide that information...
Creating a model for each sub-type is the way to go, but what you're talking about is multiple-table inheritance. Rails assumes single-table inheritance and provides really easy support for setting it up. Add a type column to your media_objects table, and add all the columns for each of the specific types of MediaObject to the table. Then make each of your models a sub-class of MediaObject:
class MediaObject < ActiveRecord::Base
class CDMediaObject < MediaObject
Rails will handle pulling the records out and instantiating the correct subclass, so that when you MediaObject.find(:all) the results will contain a mixture of instances of the various subclasses of MediaObject.
Note this doesn't meet your requirement:
Each of these subtypes needs to be represented with a db table for specific set of metadata that is not entirely common across the subtypes.
Rails is all about convention-over-configuration, and it will make your life very easy if you write your application to it's strengths rather than expecting Rails to adapt to your requirements. Yes, STI will waste space leaving some columns unpopulated for every record. Should you care? Probably not; database storage is cheap, and extra columns won't affect lookup performance if your important columns have indexes on them.
That said, you can setup something very close to multiple-table inheritance, but you probably shouldn't.
I know this question is pretty old but just putting down my thoughts, if somebody lands up here.
In case the DB is postgres, I would suggest use STI along hstore column for storing attributes not common across different objects. This will avoid wasting space in DB yet the attributes can be accessed for different operations.
I would say, it depends on your data: For example, if the differences between the specific media objects do not have to be searchable, you could use a single db table with a TEXT column, say "additional_attributes". With rails, you could then serialize arbitrary data into that column.
If you can't go with that, you could have a general table "media_objects" which "has one :dataset". Within the dataset, you could then store the specifics between CDMediaObject, DVDMediaObject, etc.
A completely different approach would be to go with MongoDB (instead of MySQL) which is a document store. Each document can have a completely different form. The entire document tree is also searchable.
