Highmaps: how to disable map zoom by mouse scroll - highcharts

I am able to display a map on a page. However, when I scroll up or down the page with the mouse middle scroll button (Logitech mouse), the map zooms in and out. I hope to disable it.
How can I do it?

There's option for that, see mapNavigation.enableMouseWheelZoom.


Free Scrolling in Xcode 8.3.3

I want to create a page with a big image as background and buttons that users can interact with.
So imagine I put a big image such as a piece of map into the screen, but I only show a corner of the map in the display. So if a user wants to see other parts of the map, they have to "scroll" and navigate to wherever they want.
Meanwhile I also want to put a button they can tap on, and that button should lead to a php webpage (in-app, not opening in safari or else) or information page about sites and buildings in this location.
I am a rookie and I haven't have any code written down yet. I am thinking about using UIScrollView and UIButton, but am I on the right direction? Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
First you need a way to pinch zoom the image. In this mode, you can drag the image in any direction that you want. A common method can be found here. A scroll view can only scroll horizontally or vertically but with that image zooming, each image can be zoomed in and then dragged to any direction you want. You can have a scroll view with only one image.
After you have the image zooming ready, all you need to do is to create a subview on your screen to cover part of the image view or scroll view, whatever you used.

How to swipe view up to reveal a menu at the bootom of the screen using Swift

I would like to create a toolbar/navigationbar that appears at the bottom of the screen when the user swipes up on the screen. I would like it to have a bit of resistance in the same way pull to refresh works at the top of a tableview. However I am not using a tableview in my app.
I have tried searching for anything that would point me in the right direction, however the search terms seem to return results either about swiping to delete or facebook style menus.
How would I achieve the swipe up to reveal? Any advice or links to helpful tutorials would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance
Add the menu view to the view but outside of the screen. Add a UIPangestureRecognizer to the view. In the action of the pan recognizer, change the frame of the menu view according to the pan distance.

How to move (drag) a zoomed graph in overview pane?

When I'm in overview window and zoom in, some part of the graph is not visible. I want to drag the graph so that I can see it at the zoomed in size.
I tried the "Center on graph" button, but it zooms out the graph and centers it on the screen. I tried the direct and drag tool, which doesn't seem to do anything. What to do to accomplish this?
I want to drag the node in upper left corner so that I can see what it connects to:
Right-click and drag (Gephi 0.9.1 for Mac).
To move the graph at a given level of zoom, you can right click.
The keyword was "navigation" :)
Happy work!
I figured out a way to do this with the mouse. If you want to zoom in on an area, you need to position your mouse over the area you want to see, and then use the scroll wheel to zoom in. So for the case above, zoom out until you can see everything, and then hover your mouse over the area you want to zoom in on (the upper left node in this case), and you scroll your mouse wheel to zoom. That will allow you to zoom in on an area without having to move the object on the canvas first.

Recenter Chart after zoom and\or pan

Is there a way to re-center the chart after a user has zoomed in\out or panned the chart? I would like to give the user the ability to be able to get the chart back to its original zoomed and panned view. Use case would be if they zoomed in to far or off of the chart line completely.
If you do renderer.setZoomButtonsVisible(true) you will see three buttons on the bottom right side of the screen. One of them does what you need.
Otherwise, you can call chartView.zoomReset() in order to programmatically trigger this.

Scroll using jQuery touch events for jfree images

I have a chart drawing using jfree charts for ipad.
The chart image is shown in a div.
I have to implement scroll functionlitly for chart.
On Scroll:
New chart will be generated on server side and shown.
I am doing it using swipe left and swipe right.
I am not able to achieve touch and scroll.
As shown in image.
I tried using touchstart and touch move but then swipe event is not working.
Is there a way to do it?
In image when touched and scrolled to left.I should be able to identify the touch and scroll different from swipe left and swipe right
i have no working example but facing similar problems. A possible solution could be iScrollview (iScroll for JQM) https://github.com/watusi/jquery-mobile-iscrollview.
See also PINCH/ZOOM: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4
iScroll - Example: http://cubiq.org/dropbox/iscroll4/examples/zoom/
Let me know if it worked.
