Visual Studio 2015 - Merge tool button missing - tfs

I'm having problems with merge tool in Visual Studio 2015. I didn't need the merge tool for the longest time, I haven't used it for couple of months. Now when I need it I can't find it. I was trying to google and find an answer, checking VS settings but with no success. I can only see buttons 'Overwrite Local File or Folder' and 'Keep Local File Contents'. When I press Compare button, I see diff tool but I'm not able to accept changes (check buttons are missing).
What am I doing wrong? How can I merge two files?

Please navigate to files in source control
Right click on file/folder you want to branch>>Merge
Full list of other solutions.

This is because these files in your local folder are not been tracked by TFS Version Control. For example, you added a file "readme.txt" in you local folder and hadn't check-in them into version control. Another people in your team also added this file in the same relative path and checked it into version control. Now, when you get the latest version or check in your changes, you will get the behavior as your screenshot. A similar question can be found here: TFS Conflict Type: Writable File - A writable file by same name exists locally

It's doing exactly the same things in Visual Studio 2017.
If you had a problem in workspace and you rollback it from a save, you can have the same issue.
You need to rebind some of the project by yourself first like the asked question here : Re etablish TFS source control bindings, then if all is going well you will see the button.
If it's not working, try to use external merge tool which will allow you to edit thoses files.


TFS tool to show file changes when getting latest?

I know I can look at the "Source Control - Team Foundation" output in the Output window but it's hard to tell where the results from the current request begin and the last request ended sometimes, and any files that I want to compare that are in the list I have to go look up.
In the past when I used subversion, I had a tool (I think tortoise) that did an awesome job showing me all the files that were changed and I could click directly on them to compare with latest version. I would often use this to do quick code reviews, and it made it much easier to make sure I wasn't about to get an updated project file that had been improperly merged.
Are there any extensions/plugins or anything that can help with this for TFS when getting latest?
Unfortunately there isn't such a tool can exactly achieve that, there is a user voice submitted here, and it's ARCHIVED.
Based on my experience, the best thing to do is a folder comparison before you get the latest version. In Source Control Explorer, you can compare the differences between two server folders, two local folders, or a server folder and a local folder. Right click on the target folder and select Compare. Read more here.
To see the changes block you can introduce the third compare tools. (e.g BeyondCompare, ExamDiff, Code Compare etc, you can reference my answer in another thread : Visual Studio TFVC Merge Lines Misaligned). In short you can get the change list from Output window, then compare each file accordingly.
Besides, you can also try using the Tf Command Line Utility and the Visual Studio extension Diff All Files for VS2013. Reference this thread for details : TFS Shortcut to do a diff on all modified files with latest version

How to check in mass changes into TFS

I have a situation where a developer made mass changes to a project outside of TFS (long story), and now we want to put those changes back into TFS (files added, removed, renamed).
Of course, TFS is not like Git; if I check out the project, then delete the files from the workspace and copy over the new files, TFS won't adapt to those changes.
I have discovered that I can do a Compare from File - Source Control, and that the Compare screen allows me to mark files as added/deleted. This helps, but is a slow process for a large project, and quite prone to human error.
So, my question is: Is there an automated way to get TFS to simply add all new files and remove all deleted ones?
I don't care about tracking history of renamed files--they can be
considered "removes" and "adds."
I have tried unbinding and rebinding the workspace; this did not work for me (or I didn't do it correctly).
I am using VS 2015, TFS 2015, and I have the TFS Power Tools.
If you are using a Local Workspace then you should be able to get latest on the workspace, then copy over all the new files in Windows Explorer which will generate pending changes and file adds.
If you go into Pending Changes in Team Explorer you will have lots of detected changes for new files etc. but you can promote them to included changes.
This isn't going to deal with file renames or deletions though so it might not be the best solution.
Alternatively you could use Reconcile Changes in Version Control
In Source Control Explorer, right-click a folder, and then click Compare.
In the Compare dialog box. select the folder versions to compare.
In the Folder Difference window, right-click the folder or file you want to reconcile, and click Reconcile.
This will allow you to choose what to add or change to version control
You might try using tfpt online. I would add the /adds /deletes /diff /recursive flags as well.
I think in almost any case you will have some conflicts/manual work to do here.
There is a blog post on a possibly similar situation that used tfpt online as well: Discover File Changes Made Outside of Visual Studio
Since I did not get to try the above suggestions, I'll post the workaround I did, in case it helps anybody else. Hopefully, the above suggestions are better than what I ended up doing.
Make sure nothing is checked out
Open solution
Team - Go Offline
Close solution
Windows Explorer - Copy latest source folder into the current source folder (Windows Explorer will do a Merge).
VS - Open solutin, select solution file
File - Source Control - Advanced - Change Source Control
if you get a message about unloaded projects, make sure all projects loaded. Click "Reload" on those that didn't.
Shift to select all project, click Bind
Do a Compare in Source Control Explorer. Manually add all new files. Manually delete all deleted files. Frown.

Complete nuke all changes in visual studio and reset from TFS

I am using Visual Studio 2013. Regarding TFS workflow, there are issues I have when working on a bug or work item, after I am finished, I move the changes into a shelfset for further review, undo my changes by right clicking on the pending changes and clicking undo. The move on to the next issue or enhancement. The shelfsets can be indpendendly reviewed and then applied to whatever branch they are currently needed.
The problem I have is that undoing through visual studio does not completely reset the solution to a completely clean state. There are often orphaned files around or projects that have references to non-existing files or other such problems. I'd like to be able to completely nuke and reset my solutions from source control as if I am a new developer and I have not found an easy solution to do this.
Currently, the only way I can accomplish this is to go to "Source Control Explorer" remove the file system mapping for the project. Go to the file system, removed the folder. Go back into "Source Control Explorer" add the mappings back in. And then "Get Latest Version".
Is there an easy way to completely reset a solution in Visual Studio with TFS?
You can achieve this in Visual Studio 2010 without Power Tools. Process is likely similar for other VS versions.
Open the Source Control Explorer. Right-click the entry you want to reset, then choose "Get Specific Version." Select the version you want to reset to. Ensure that the two checkboxes are checked:
☑ Overwrite writeable files that are not checked out
☑ Overwrite all files even if the local version matches the specified version
This will overwrite all locally mapped files with the server's version. (And will correspondingly take time proportionate to the number of files.) I do not believe that this operation will remove any unmapped files.
If you have the Power Tools installed, call tfpt scorch /deletes /recursive /diff. That should make your local folder match the server exactly.
You can also call tfpt treeclean, which will just delete any item that is not mapped to TFS. It won't update or replace any changed files though, like scorch will.

Exclude from project, source control issue

I'm using team foundation server 2010 # work and home.
I want to exclude some element from the project build but still have them exist in Team Foundation Server 2010 source control. How do I achieve this?
Exclude From Project will delete the item.
Same problem here, only way to do this is manually edit project file :(
Please vote that this bug is important to fix
Workaround posted on Connect:
Open the csproj file in notepad and find the files that need to be
excluded and remove or comment the compile element for that file, and
any related designer and resx files.
Editing a project file and removing the references to the files you want to exclude would be the easiest solution.
Another solution would be to remove files from the project via UI, but only checkin changes in the project file and undo the delete operations.
In the future you can add files directly to the TFS folder in Team Explorer.
May I ask: why would you want to do that? As I commonly have a problem of files which are not bound to any project and have to be getted manually.
I work in a TFS environment, and if it were me? I'd just change the name of the file (instead of excluding it from the project), and check that in instead. Since your project is expecting that particular won't find it. We use this when we're developing prototypes or holding on to antiquated code for documentation purposes. Sorry VS is eating your stuff!
Kind Regards,
I think these steps should help you do what you are looking for.
To exclude an item from a deployment project:
In Solution Explorer, select the file you want to exclude.
On the Solution Explorer toolbar, select Properties.
In the Properties window, set the Exclude property to True.
And this page explains the actions for project files supported by VS 2010:
--- Edit ---
At work I tried 'Exclude From Project' in one of the files of a project we have in VS 2010, which is bound to a TFS 2010 server, and this action did not delete the item from TFS; the Source Control Explorer window shows the red delete mark next to the item, and the 'Pending Change' column says delete, but item is there. Right click the item in the Source Control Explorer window, one of the commands in the context menu that pops-up is 'Check In Pending changes' and another one is 'Shelve Pending changes'. Shelving enables you to set aside the pending changes.
The file is still in the local hard drive. If I do 'Include In Project' the item comes back to normal.

TFS out of sync between local and remote - how to "re-sync"?

I have a Project on CodePlex which is using TFS and I am using the TFS Plugin for Visual Studio. Now I have copied this project and worked on another PC without TFS and done some refactoring. Foolishly, I have then just used copy/paste and manual text editing to merge my changes, expecting that TFS just picks up the changes.
Apparantly, that is not the case.
Here is a screenshot of my local directory:
My Local TFS
Notice how some files are missing the lock symbol - those are missing. If you look at the current TFS Tree on Codeplex, there are some files which do not exist locally anymore, i.e. WikiPlexExtensions.cs in the main folder.
Is there any way to easily tell TFS to compare my local to the remote repository and pick up the changes? I could re-add the local files using "Exclude from local project" and re-adding them, and I could create the "deleted" files as empty files just to delete them, but if I can avoid the manual messing around that would be good as well :)
The easiest way is to exploit VS 2008's "online" feature. Basically you want to set your solution offline, then bring it online while connected to the proper Codeplex server. TFS should figure out the rest.
Feature overview:
Tweaking the settings by hand:
To compare local and server folders, you can check out TFS Power Tool. After installing it, you can bring up the source control explorer, right click on the server folder and then select 'Compare'. Folder difference window will display the differences. You can also right click on the differences to see available commands such as 'Get Latest' to update your local folder for example. Check out Bryan Harry's blog post on the power tool
I don't think there is an easy fix... What I've done in the past is back up those files that I have edited, then do a "Get Latest Version..." for the files I edited. This should change the files back to being read-only etc... Now, check out the files the regular way and paste the backups you had into the checked out files. Obviously this really only works when there are a couple of files you have edited.
TFS (in Visual Studio) has a "Reconcile" command for this, see Microsoft documentation, or this answer with steps.
BTW: This command may not haven been existing at time of original question, but this question came first when I was searching.
