Lookup and calculation with mulitple criteria also based on a cell value - google-sheets

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will allow me to quickly calculate the amount of time my trains were delayed on a daily basis.
I need a formula that will check for all trains on a particular route after a planned departure time (written in a cell),check these trains actual arrival time and then display the earliest possible time I could have arrived at my destination.
spreadsheet image
For example, in G4 I would like a formula that looks for all trains that depart after 7:49 (A4) and also match both of it's "From" and "To" (C4 & D4). It would then need to check these trains corresponding "actual arrival times" in column F and show the earliest possible train. So for row 4 this would be 9:36.
Any help would be really appreciated as I have been messing around with this for over a day and have gotten nowhere!
A link to the example is here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eE8t4-_hKB6o5j3W57EHgKzsF9p1usm7nojerjmrDwY/edit#gid=0

Not sure about 9:36 Do you mean 9:39 ?
It's a little difficult to do this but i think what you are looking for is a multiconditional lookup array. I have put below what I think you are trying to achieve.
If A2:A8 is greater than A4, C2:C8 = C4 and D2:D8 = D4, what is the lowest value in F2:F8
Is this correct?
If so then I came up with this formula:
If you get 0.402 or something, format the cell to time.
Otherwise, could you break it down for us a bit more?


Trying to only SUM values in one column based on if the adjacent cells in another column contain a formula

So I'm creating a Google Sheets doc that contains my hours and overtime for an hourly position I have, and how much overtime I'll need to make the amount of money I need to make to survive.
In addition to this I am also trying to track my hours so I can track the actual amount of money I'm making.
So I have a projected clock out time in Column B that uses a formula to tell me what time I need to ideally clock out at based on how many hours I need and what time I clocked in at. When I clock out, I enter the actual time I clocked out at.
In Column C I have the total amount of hours I worked that day, formatted in duration based on the difference between the value in Column A and Column B. If I haven't entered in a value in Column B, it shows me the ideal amount of hours I need that day.
I want to calculate my actual hours worked per week as I'm working that week, so I need to ONLY sum the values in Column C if the adjacent value in Column B is NOT a formula. So I need it to sum the values in column C if I've entered the actual time that I clocked out at in column B.
I've looked up this question and tried multiple solutions I've found here, even tried troubleshooting with ChatGPT, but most are just trying to sum the range that contains the values/formula, and not summing a different column based on if another column has formulas or not.
There seems to be a lot of posts that come super close but don't seem to work for how I need this to work.
Edit: Here is the example sheet.
So F3:F6 are values that have been manually entered, while F:7 has been calculated by a formula.
I need H9 to sum the values of H3:H7, but only the values adjacent to the times in the F column that have been manually entered. In this example, I need it to sum H3:H6 and ignore H7 until I enter a time and remove the formula in F7.
You may filter and check if there is a formula with FORMULATEXT. If there isn't it will throw a #N/A error. Then with ISNA it will keep the values in which its adjacents did'nt have a formula:

Sheets record time vs PB time delta

I'm making a spreadsheet to track and compare PB times in a racing game to records in different regions. Trying to figure a way to show a + / - time differential comparing my time to the selected region's record time.
I found a way to make this work in Excel (using the SIGN formula and an if statement to combine the + or - to the calculated difference, required 2 extra columns which had to be hidden which wasnt ideal), but sheets doesn't agree with the format of my data (Tried with it being number, text, time and a custom mm:ss.000 format too).
Is there a way to do this in sheets and preferably a way that just requires the single cell to figure it out?
*Looking to have the time differences shown in the J column, comparing my PB time to the times adjacent times
Here's one solution, but you need to adjust your time format from mm:ss.000 to HH:mm:ss.000 to be able to subtract your time values. Then use TEXT() to convert the results to your desired format
Sample Formula: (Format: +/- s.000)
=if($B$1-$B2>0,"+ ","- ")&text(abs($B$1-$B2),"s.000")
Sample Formula: (Format: +/- mm:ss.000)
=if($B$1-$B2>0,"+ ","- ")&text(abs($B$1-$B2),"mm:ss.000")

Is there a google sheets function to count with using arrays of sums as criteria?

I have been struggling for a few days with this problem. Anyone kind enough to show some interested will be highly appreciated.
I have the table shown below.
Suppose columns represent months. I would like to know up to which months' orders have been used up.
I have tried criteria with sums of demand up to that point but I cannot seem to use criteria with the sum of total demand and an array of sums of "total units ordered".
F.e. =COUNTIF(SUM($S$2:($S$2:S$2))<SUM($S$1:S$1) is not possible.
I have tried using an index-match combo but i would have to deduct the previous max sum of "total units ordered" that meets the condition up to the previous cell.
Is that possible without using vba?
Thanks in advance for your interest and time spent.
You can use a standard method of getting running totals using Sumif, combined with Match:
I put rows 3 and 4 in just as a check of my calculations and to show the results of the two Sumifs evaluations - they aren't necessary.
You may wish to specify what should happen if the demands add up to exactly 3000, for example. The above formula would actually go to the next month, so may need some refinement if that is not what you want.

How do I calculate average tons per hour by driver in Google Sheets?

What would a formula look like to calculate the average tons per hour by driver in this example spreadsheet? Correcting for long times or even days between loads.
We're being charged on an hourly basis for freight so I'd like to figure out which drivers are the most efficient.
It's been tricky because the only concrete source of information we have is the scale tickets. So if they only do a single load in a day or go several hours between loads then the data would be skewed if you use a simple metric like time elapsed.
Also, I'll need the time elapsed between rows (not just the difference between Time In and Time Out) unless that time is > 1.5 hours. So something like:
...With some added logic to not include anything over 1.5 hours.
If a pivot table would be better than a lengthy formula, that's fine with me.
Here's an example for some added context: Driver Cody goes to Farm Nic to receive a load of hay, then comes back to the weigh station (Ticket, Time In, Gross are then determined), dumps the load, comes back to weigh again empty (Tare, Net, and Time Out are determined here), and goes back to Farm Nic until all the hay is harvested. Then it's on to Farm Zach and Farm Williams to repeat the process. There are several Drivers going at a time, which can be seen if the spreadsheet is sorted by Ticket. My goal is to figure out how many Tons each driver delivers per hour. The time elapsed would include the time between Tickets, because Time In and Time Out just show the time elapsed between coming in with a load of hay and leaving to go back to the field. To get a true measure of tons delivered per hour, you'd need to include the time between tickets, but also remove any instance where that time is greater than 1.5 hours. That will account for circumstances where the Driver isn't working and we aren't being billed, such as during equipment breakdowns.
I'm not much of a formulas guy so I hope this suffice your needs.
First I added a column to your sheet, to calculate how many amount of hours is taking for every single row, to do that I made use of the TIMEVALUE function:
Now you just need to get all the driver's hours and tons and make the quotient total_tons / total_hours. For that they may be some other functions that would do the job, myself I have used QUERY:
=QUERY(Sheet1!A:M, "select C, sum(I), sum(M), sum(I) / sum(M) group by C", 1)
I think pretty straightforward query, group all the data by C (Driver's name) and then sum the column I (tons) and the column M (hours).
With the following result:
The format may be a little off but you can change it as mush as you want. You can copy or play with the sheet
After you change your requirements I made a change to my formula to calculate the hours worked:
(TIMEVALUE(E3)-TIMEVALUE(D2))*24) <= 1.5,
Let me explain here, before there was a much simpler formula but now having multiple rows that we need to check makes the formula more lenghty.
First with the IF and AND statement we check if the next row has:
The same day (A3=A2)
The same Driver (C3=C2)
Less than an hour and a half of difference (TIMEVALUE(E3)-TIMEVALUE(D2))*24) <= 1.5)
And also because the last row throws an error trying to TIMEVALUE an empty column I had to add the IFERROR
After that the TRUE condition (same day, same driver, under 1.5h hours difference) will calculate from the current Time in (D2) to the next Time in (D3):
And in the FALSE statement we do the same we were doing before:
The QUERY function stays the same. And the results have decreased drastically:
If you have any doubts you can go ahead and see the sheet

Google Sheets: Add value to total if a row condition matches for infinite column

I am attempting to make a Google Sheet that has a column for a rate and a value of that rate. Each night I am adding a new value to the bottom of this list so I want it to continue as an infinite list. What this sheet should do is look down the list of rates, if the rate matches a predefined rate, it should add the corresponding value to the total for that rate. I have four common rates that occur in no particular order and with some given value. I would like to total the values for each of those rates and give them in the totals section so each rate can be easily referenced.
Is there a way to do this using Google Sheets built-in commands? Pseudocode would be something like IF(A2:A = rate, add value in B to total). I know to make an infinite reading of a column by A2:A, but I don't know how to check each value as it goes through that column. I have attached a test spreadsheet with some sample values and the output that should be given by the formula. Thank you in advance for your help.
I managed to discover my own answer using the SUMIF statement. My code for the rate of .75 is ""=SUMIF(A2:A,"=.75",B2:B)"". I ran into some more trouble with the section for a different rate because I was having trouble saying not equal to .75 or 1 or 1.5 or 1.75. I solved this problem by completely bypassing it and adding the all the values and subtracting away the values already added. I would still like to know how to give the list of "ors" if someone could shed some light on this. But I now have a working solution regardless. I have updated the test sheet to show the solution.
