While storing time mysql database it is converting the time - ruby-on-rails

I want to store the date and time in mysql2 database,the time which I want to store is in GMT zone, but after saving the time is getting converted in other zone,
Can any one tell how to change the mysql2 timezone.

You need to set global time zone in mysql. Use following link command to set it to gmt:
SET GLOBAL time_zone = timezone;

If the issue is specific to Rails, set the default time zone in your configuration:
config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'

A number of ways:
start the server with the '--timzeone' paramter, in this case, it would be --timezone=UTC.
You can set the TZ environment variable.
Start the server with the --default-global-timezone paramter, set to UTC.
At the start of every connection, issue a SET time_zone = GMT.


Convert particular timezone to UTC timezone

For example my local time_zone is Canada and i am getting date in Chennai timezone. How can I convert the Chennai timezone to UTC?
Using server time
You can call ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#utc on the result.
Keep in mind that .now is using the server time zone when config.time_zone is set.
When you receive a time
If you are getting the datetime in Chennai timezone it will probably look like this: 2019-11-26T12:20:00.655+05:30
To convert it in different time zone, use:
time = Time.parse("2019-11-26T12:20:00.655+05:30")
pacific_time = time.in_time_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)")
# and then UTC if you want

How to show Time.now based on TimeZone - Rails 4

Hey guys i am trying to show server time but instead it shows local time. Is it possible to set server timezone to something like canada?
i tried this in application.rb
config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
but when i use Time.now it shows local time.
Would appreciate your help.
Time.now will always print your system local time. If you want to print current time according to zone, then use:
Time.now.in_time_zone(Central Time (US & Canada))
Just use Time.current. Quote from its docs:
Time.current returns Time.zone.now when Time.zone or config.time_zone are set, otherwise just returns Time.now.

Trouble on handling cookie data with time zones

I am using Ruby on Rails 4 and I would like to handle data present in cookies the proper way. That is, when I store to cookie data as-like (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
cookies.permanent[:time_zone] = "(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)"
then in the cookie content it is stored %28GMT-06%3A00%29+Central+Time+%28US+%26+Canada%29.
That way, when I use the cookies[:time_zone] data in my code
Time.use_zone(cookies[:time_zone], &block)
then I get ArgumentError Invalid Timezone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
I think the problem is due to the fact that the cookies[:time_zone] data is read from cookies "as it is" (%28GMT-06%3A00%29+Central+Time+%28US+%26+Canada%29), so it generates the error when called in Time.use_zone.
How should I read / write the cookie data?
UPDATE after #Matt Johnson comment
My "hadcode" is
time_zone = cookies[:time_zone] || Time.zone
so that I can use the time_zone variable for my matters. However, I noted that Time.zone returns always
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
# instead of "Central Time (US & Canada)"
It is the problem: in my "hardcode" when the cookie is nil then Time.zone should return the proper value for my matters, that is Central Time (US & Canada).
So my question become: how should I handle the issue in order to properly set the time_zone variable?
Notes: The Time.zone documentation states that the method
Returns the TimeZone for the current request, if this has been set
(via ::zone=). If Time.zone has not been set for the current request,
returns the TimeZone specified in config.time_zone.
and in my application.rb file I have set
`config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'`
Rails time zones are listed here. In this particular case, you should drop the first part of your string and just pass "Central Time (US & Canada)".
You may also want to read the timezone tag wiki, which has a section about Rails time zones toward the bottom.
Updated Answer
Based on your update, I can see that you are using Time.zone. This doesn't return a string, but returns a TimeZone object. So you are getting the effect of TimeZone.to_s() which includes the GMT portion.
You should instead use Time.zone.name, which just returns the string identifier of the time zone.

Different date saved to database - wrong time zone

When I fetch a date from FullCalendar with Javascript I have the following values:
Fri Sep 13 2013 08:30:33 GMT-0400 (EDT)
After I save that date to database I see that in database there are different values:
2013-09-13 12:00:00.000000
So, date is automatically converted to UTC and saved like that into database. How to save the correct date into database? I don't want to hardcode it :)
Thank you.
For that you need to define your time zone in your application.rb
config.time_zone = 'YOUR-TIME-ZONE'
config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
config.active_record.time_zone_aware_attributes = false
By default, the rails app timezone is UTC. Whenever the record is saved the date, datetime, time fields are saved with DB's timezone but when they are fetched back in models it is converted back to UTC.
So, in your case set your application timezone in application.rb like this
config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
Now, whenever the records are fetched from database it will always be converted to CST timezone irrespective of DBs timezone.
Hope this will help.

Rails and dates, are they stored in UTC by default?

What is the best way for me to handle dates and timezones in rails?
Scenerio: I have customers who purchase products on a website from all over the world, and when they log in they will be able to choose which timezone they are from.
So I believe I should be storing everything in the database at UTC, and then on the front-end I should be converting the dates to the users set timezone preference.
Are their any gotchas with Ruby and Rails and datetimes etc?
I'm new to rails, so I am looking for guidance on how to handle this properly.
Fortunately Rails will pretty much handle things for you. As others pointed out, dates are stored by AR in UTC format. If you have a time_zone field for your users table you can do something like this:
# application.rb
config.time_zone = "Mountain Time (US & Canada)" # Default time zone
# application_controller.rb
before_filter :set_time_zone, :if => :logged_in?
def set_time_zone
Time.zone = current_user.time_zone if current_user.time_zone
All the datetimes should be shown in the proper time zone in your views.
I have had one production app that didn't like using the default time zone, but I can't remember which version of Rails/Ruby it was running.
Ok so take a look at your config/application.rb file.
You should find commented lines:
# Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone.
# Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC.
# config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
So default is UTC but you can set whatever ou need there.
Yes, they are. In app, whenever you display date or time for user, everything you need is just adding timezone offset (for example: date + 1.hour for GMT+1). Remember that you need to take care of daylight saving, too. For efficency, consider adding 2 columns in your user table: timezone and time_offset. Then you would on each case do something like
= #order.created_at + session[:user].time_offset
Instead of always checking offset for each timezone set in profile.
I found
rake time:zones:all
to be really useful. It shows a list of offsets and then zone name strings under that. eg:
* UTC +12:00 *
Marshall Is.
Solomon Is.
I needed below in application.rb (not intuitive given default time zone string of "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"):
config.time_zone = 'Wellington'
