Backend for a social media application - ios

What is the best backend service for creating a social media application? Since is shutting down I now need to find something else, and I do not know witch backend is best for creating a social media app where users post images and videos. Any suggestions?

Use digital ocean and the open source parse server. Done me a world of God. Very flexible and has built in dashboard and push notifications


Creating a push notification system with a React Native front end and a Java Spring back end?

Currently building a mobile application that ideally would have functionality that allows one user to "nudge" another user, pretty much the equivalent to a Facebook "poke." For the sake of building quickly, we'd like to use as many third-party libraries/services as possible. So far we were looking into using pusher and expo, but to be totally honest, we are a bit confused as to how to architecture this.
From what I understand, the front-end (ios app) would subscribe (open a socket) to a specific channel/server and the server would then send messages to the client(s) that subscribed whenever necessary. How this works with users being subscribed to every other user they are friends with, I don't understand. What's the proper way to architecture this?
I also read that on the front end, when a user doesn't have the ios application open you can't have any websockets open to the server, so how does that work?
Additionally, how does one bundle notifications??
Really confused with this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, push notifications now mostly are implemented with Firebase. This is a service inside most of mobiles, so you only need use these libraries to implement your client application.
From the server, you only need to consume a rest api of Firebase.
Now there are permissions to allow mobile applications receive push notifications in background. You do not need to implement a socket or websocket, that is a feature of Firebase.
Read more about this.

Unity Chat application

i am currently working on a real-time chat app in Unity
and i found those platforms to work with,
Firebase : Can we send Videos efficiently ??
MatriX :
but i am not sure that we can send videos with MatriX ?
i wanted to know from your experience
what is the best way to make real-time chatting (support photos and videos sending) in Unity ?
thanks in advance
You need to find or create services where your clients can connect and:
upload files (photos, videos .etc) and get an public and downloadable URL.
send messages to other connected clients that apart from the string, also contain media metadata (.eg a list of file attachments which are actually URLs uploaded at service (1))
Now, if you cannot find a single service that supports those two then you could try to find two different ones.
here is an example of a chat console application in C#. It contains a web service and client library that is used by the console app. Instead of a console app, it could be used in a Unity app. It does not support file uploading but it can send messages between clients over web sockets.
If you were to create something yourself, instead of finding a 3rd party service, I would recommend node.js/express and for a server since its quite beginner friendly.
here is a C# client library that can listen to events from the server. It must be the same that is used in the console application I shared above.

Swift4- Is there any way to build an chatting app without fire base

Swift4- Is there any way to build an chatting app with normal api with web service with no fire base ?!! Any help any tutorial
Yes there are so many ways of building chatting app. You have to choose backend or technology which helps you to maintain continuous connectivity between your app and your backend server which stores your chat data.
You can use, or SignalR, etc. based on which suits to your backend or requirements.
I hope this will help you.

Building iOS app, website, and backend

I've only recently started to delve into how building apps work. I'd like to know what the general setup is for a mobile app and a website, in which users can update information on the app through the website.
I'm trying to learn how to make an iOS app with Swift, and use Amazon Web Services as the backend for it. If I wanted to then make a website that would change data on the mobile app, would I have to create a website from scratch with Ruby or Python, and then somehow connect that to the same AWS backend that my iOS app uses?
Usually, most data is stored on a website. Your website can have ways of viewing the data, such as web apps, like jcaron said. An app is usually used for viewing data from the website. When I develop apps (with Swift) I setup a database on a website and connect it to the app using PHP scripts. Then I make the app, with it's own UI, which does HTTP requests to the website and uses the data.
That's a very broad question, with lots of possible answers, but here are some of the options:
you have a native (Objective-C or Swift) iOS app, with its own UI, etc. It exchanges data with your back-end server, which stores stuff in a database and/or forwards messages between clients. Then, you have a website, using any language/framework you want, accessing the same database.
you have a web-based application: you use exactly the same code (with responsive design of course), serve it from your servers using any language/framework you want, and just embed that in a web view in your app
you have an hybrid application: this is close to the previous option, but you do most of the coding client-side (i.e. using Javascript, possibly with frameworks such as Angular) within a Cordova/Phonegap app. The same app would then be deployable as a native app as well as served as a website. You would just have back-end code on the server.

Developing a Bluemix app that is a backend for an iOS app

I am making an app that allows the user to upload photos and videos into the Bluemix server and classify it under a certain category. Another user who subscribed to that category would be able to see what the user uploaded. I have connected my iOS app to Bluemix. So how would i do this from the backend of the server without having any code in my Xcode.
You could use the Mobile Backend as a Service to accomplish this. Check out this for more info on how to do it.
