When connecting Twillio to my Bot, the Twilio device gets 404 when trying to post received sms - twilio

I connected Twilio connector to my registered Bot.
Whenever I send a sms to my Twilio number, I can see in the logs that Twilio service gets 404 when trying to post a message to
The bot itself works well. I can test it with the webchat iframe or through the test console. But it seems that the Twilio integration to the bot framework is broken

Twilio developer evangelist here. I've just been through the process and was able to get my messages sent to & from my bot.
The fact that your unable to do that suggests you missed a step in the configuration, so I will try and describe what I did here to see if it helps you out.
Created a TwiML application here and set its messaging url to https://sms.botframework.com/api/sms
Purchased a phone number and changed the messaging section to use my TwiML app.
Added my twilio credentials and twilio phone number to the SMS config section as follows:
One thing I noticed is that when Twilio makes a request to this URL to send an SMS, the url returns a 502.
But according to a Microsoft employee this is "harmless".
Let me know if this helps you at all, or if you still need any help.


Trying to get inbound text responses in GoHighLevel

I have Twilio integrated with GoHighlevel. I am trying to get inbound SMS responses to appear in the GHL contact. Outbound messages are functioning and logging correctly, but not inbound. Can anyone assist?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I've not used GoHighLevel, so this is a bit of a stab in the dark.
Incoming messages to a Twilio number trigger a webhook (an HTTP request) to an application to notify the application. If the webhooks aren't set up correctly, then those messages won't make it to the other application (though they are all stored within Twilio).
I would recommend you log in to your Twilio account and check the settings for your numbers. You want to ensure that your numbers have a GoHighLevel URL setup for incoming messages.
In one of the GoHighLevel support topic videos for Twilio I spotted what the webhook URL should probably look like.
Check your numbers, make sure they have something like that. And if it is still not working then I would contact GoHighLevel support to find out what the correct settings should be.

"Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From address"

I have integrated rasa assistant with twilio to show chat in watsaap messenger.
Currently, when i send the message to the bot this error is coming up.
I faced this issue while trying the Twilio WhatsApp API with test credentials (expecting it to work).
You need to use the LIVE Credentials instead of the Test Credentials. The test credentials do not support WhatsApp at time of writing. It will cost you some money per successful API call (because it is a real API call to WhatsApp).
This error indicates the destination (To:) number is not WhatsApp enabled. If that is not the case, you should open a ticket with Twilio via the Twilio console to have them further investigate.
Twilio could not find a Channel with the From address

Twilio WhatsApp Autopilot - How to Start The Conversation

Is there any way to make the Autopilot start the conversation. What i need is, I have Customer Mobile Numbers and i need to send to them a automated WhatsApp Message. and based on there inputs, Autopilot response to them.
you should be able to initiate a conversation using one of your WhatsApp approved templates using the Twilio Messages resources. Once the user responds (and the 24 hour free form text opens), you can configure the Webhook for WhatsApp to execute your Autopilot assistant.
Twilio WhatsApp production sender and template creation
Twilio API for WhatsApp *(Send an outbound freeform WhatsApp Message)
WhatsApp - Autopilot Channel
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Welcome to StackOverflow!
You can initiate a session with the user without the user greeting the bot by connecting the trigger widget's Rest API trigger event to either a make outgoing call or, in your case, the send message widget, as shown below.
Then, if the call is answered or the message is sent, you can connect those actions to the Send to Autopilot widget, below.
Lastly, under the config section of your Send to Autopilot widget, put in the Collection task you want to run when the outbound call or message is initiated by your Twilio client and not the user.
Let me know if this helps :D

HTTP GET request for user's phone number in fulfillment editor

We are setting up a chat bot through Dialogflow. A user will receive a weblink to the bot in a call or SMS sent through twilio. I'm wondering if it is possible for us to set up an HTTP get request to twilio in fulfillment so that we can set a context parameter to the user's phone number in the fulfillment inline editor in Dialogflow.
I took a look at twilio's api docs but could only find information on HTTP requests regarding numbers purchased or available for purchase through twilio.
So to clarify: in Dialogflow's fulfillment inline editor, we want to set a context parameter equal to the user's phone number that twilio called or sent the SMS to with a weblink to our chat bot.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If I'm understanding right, you want to send a URL to a user via SMS (or over the phone?) which will link them to a web based chat with your bot. And you want to be able to link that chat back to the original phone number?
If that is the case, then the first thing that comes to mind for me would be to create a unique URL for each phone number you send this message to. If you store a link between the URL and the number it is sent to in a database somewhere, then when th euser clicks through to it you can recover the phone number and apply it to your Dialogflow context.
I don't believe you need to make any requests to the Twilio API for this aside from sending the initial SMS.
I hope this helps.

Receive inbound sms from Twilio on Joy of Texting Pro Plugin.

I am trying to integrate twilio with the Joy of Texting Pro WP plugin. How do I setup Twilio to send inbound sms to the plugin?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The documentation for the Joy of Texting Pro has some details on how you setup inbound SMS to the plugin.
You need to log in to your Twilio account and edit the number you are using to receive messages on. You need to enter a URL in the Messaging section for when a message comes in. From what I can tell, you need to use your WordPress application's URL plus ?inbound. e.g https://mywordpresssite.com?inbound
Let me know if that helps at all.
