An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different string - ios

I've just enrolled in the Apple dev program, but when trying to create an APP ID in the Member center, I receive this message:
An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different
Before enrolling, I was using the same account (but not part of the developer program), and building my app for my own phone.
I'm 200% sure this bundle ID is not taken by anyone else but me.
How is that possible in such case? Can XCode register an APP ID by itself ?
I also notice an app id called "XC Wildcard" which is defined for any id "*"
I'm really kind of lost, so any help would be really apreciated.

This happened to me and it is because I had accidentally assigned the App ID to my personal account instead of my team account because I had automatically manage signing ticked in XCode. The error message means the ID has been taken and can't be used on your team account now.
You need to remove the App ID from your personal account, however because this is a free account you don't have access to do this so you need to contact Apple Developer Support and request that the App ID is to be removed from your personal account.
I called and they sorted it whilst I was on the phone. I was then able to setup the App ID with my team account. Don't forget to ask them to delete all versions of the App ID, for example, if you also have a .dev and .staging version of the same ID.

This one looks weird but this worked for me.
At first I had an App ID with Name "My App" with identifier "com.mycompany.myapp". I got the same error
"An App ID with bundle identifier X is not available. Please enter a
different string"
when I tried to export. But then I changed my App ID's name to "XC com mycompany my app" and left everything as it as. It worked now.

I have another use case, check if your App ID contains 'ios' in it e.g.
if so then you may need to remove it, this must be some recent change as I was able to register the App ID with ios earlier.

I am using Xcode 12.4. And I have been facing this issue with Free account. Now I added Bundle Id to my paid account. Went through so many answers but no luck.
Following steps solved my issue. May someone get help from this. thanks
Actual scenario so far I realized :
Main thing is when you build with Xcode then Bundle Id auto registered with account[free account]
Same Bundle Id is not working for new Paid account bcz of duplicacy
For free account it is not possible to remove app/Bundle Id from App Store Connect
So have to change Bundle Id for new Paid account.
If it was paid account then possible to remove Bundle Id from App Store Connect
Steps :
Sign with free account again on Xcode Team
Sync with Xcode which create provisioning profile to sync
Then change Bundle Id to com.domain.appnamefree and sync with free account again
That means apple auto registered with this Bundle Id for this free account
Once this change got applied, the real bundle id became free and available
Then delete the free account from Xcode account
Now add paid account to Xcode Team
Change Bundle Id to com.domain.appname
And sync again so that apple recognised this Bundle Id for this Paid account

You need delete all invalid provisioning profile from your Apple portal and create a new app id with bundleID like
Apple has just updated their Dev Center CGU. It seems that the app extension bundleId is stricter.
if your app bundleId format is :
your app extension bundleId now have to be :
Creating new appID and provisioning profile fix the issue.
here is link for more details

I have faced same problem like that 'An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different string'. I did removed all provisioning profiles from apple developer membercenter and removed account from XCode preference.
Afterward create new iOS development and distribution provision profiles manually. Download all via XCode and run... it working perfect and did export or upload next version to AppStore.
Please try this.

I got the same issue an app id with identifier is not available. please enter a different string. And i do this.
You have to create a new Provisioning Profile and the old provisioning profile which you are using delete it first And then create a new provisioning profile from whatever the Apple Developer account you are using.
Install your new Provisioning Profile and its working fine and you can archive the project easily.

It means what it states that someone has registered the same identifier already. Simply create a more unique string.

for me to solve the problem I changed my team to individual, from myusername(team), if you're an individual is what you should use, other wise if you're a company use your team.


"Failed to register bundle identifier" for my client's project even though I'm on their App Store Connect team

I'm working as a freelance iOS developer for a customer's project and I'd like to be able to build the app on my device.
I created a new Apple ID from scratch and sent it to my customer so that they invited me to join their team with "Developer" privileges. We did that successfully: I accepted the invitation and now when I go to check my account on I can see the company name of my customer right underneath my name.
I added this new account to Xcode and it is marked as a Personal Team. I don't see any mention of my customer's project in Xcode.
And when I want to compile, I get the classic error message: "Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again."
What am I missing here? For Xcode it's like this Apple ID wasn't related in anyway to my customer's project whereas the developer website says it is? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Apple developer account unable to get a provisioning profile set

I've been hired as a developer to work on an existing iOS app in the store.
I have a personal AppleID developer account, not an organisation one.
Having been added as an Admin in iTunes connect, I can SEE the app that I want to make a new release for, but I cannot generate any provisioning profiles for myself.
What I HAVE done:
created an iOS distribution certificate and downloaded and imported into Keychain access
tried to create an App provisioning profile - says no app IDs available
This is infuriatingly complicated. Can someone please spell out what I need to do to be able to make a release version of the app using the existing AppId, bundle identifier etc?
I don't want to release this as a brand new app+identifier.
Thank you
They suppose to give you a permission to their apple member center. Thats different than the itunesconnect permission. When they do that inside the member center you can switch accounts and you will be able to see the app id you wanted.

Cannot create an App ID with matching Bundle ID in Xcode project for first release using Xcode 8.0

I am trying to create an App ID for my first release. I have a new company developer account.
I get the error message 'An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string' when trying to create the App ID.
This happens when:
I type the name of my app in the App ID Description field and I type the matching Bundle ID from my Xcode project (com.MyCompany.MyProductName) in the App ID Suffix field but I get the error and cannot continue.
However, If I type in, say, 'com.MyCompany.MyProductNameVersion1', which is different from the Bundle ID in my Xcode project, then I don't get the error and am able to continue??
To my knowledge, I need to enter the same Bundle ID as in my Xcode project but its not working as advised.
Been stuck on this for a few days, reading and trying all I possibly can, I cannot find a solution and cannot proceed.
Any help is appreciated
UPDATE: In the Accounts section of Xcode > Preferences, I have two entries under 'Team' : the first is my name and (Personal Team) and under 'Role' it says 'User'... the second is my company name and under 'Role' it says 'Agent'.. I also thought this screenshot may be useful. It shows the signing section of the General tab when the Team field is set to my company name:
I managed to get this sorted. #Beninho85 pointed me in the right direction but the info in this thread was the answer I needed: How to manage Personal Team info on Apple Developer website?
I had a two teams in my developer account. One was a previous Personal Team before I joined Apple Developer as a 'company'. This Personal Team had created App ID's for development provisioning profiles which were conflicting with identically named App ID's I wanted to create for distribution profiles using my company name. Identically named App ID's cannot be generated within the portal. Only Apple can delete personal Team accounts already registered with them. I had them delete the personal team and App ID's.
You have the answer in your question.
The bundleId must be unique for each application. So if you created this bundleId on another developer account, you can't use it anymore. Delete the previous one or create a new one.
If you're allowing Xcode to "Automatically" manage signing, and you don't see your App ID on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles web portal, try enabling any capability (i.e. the Siri capability) which will force Xcode to regenerate a provisioning profile (and register the App ID with iTC).
Verify that a new provisioning profile has been created by going to Targets > [Target Name] > General. Next to Provisioning Profile, tap the information button and verify that the Created date is today. Once you see your App ID registered in the portal, you can disable the previously enabled capability.

How to remove iOS Team Provisioning Profile / AppID on Xcode?

I am new to Mac and I have to use it for developing Ionic hybrid app for iOS. I am using Mac 10.11 with Xcode 7.
Now, I have get my app ready and want to deploy it to app store. But I am having trouble with the App ID. In my Xcode, when I go to account, I can see Team Name list with 2 items. One is my name with Agent for iOS and Mac. The other one is my name (Personal Team) with Free for iOS and Mac.
The problem is in the Personal Team item, I have the provisioning profiles with the app ID I want to use for deploy into app store. Since it is already in here, I can’t create that app ID again in my developer account. I tried but I can’t find a way to remove it.
So, how can I remove that app ID / Provisioning Profile so that I can use it in my developer account?
Thank you.
The only way I manage to do that is to contact the customer support (Apple Developer Program Support), after few days and few back and forth they finally deleted the bundle id from my Personal Team and I was able to add it to my Developer Program (Agent) profile. I know this is not ideal but at least if you really want to use the same Bundle ID it worked for me.
The issue is not with App ID but Bundle ID that is unique in the AppStore.
Currently, you can't 'restore' Bundle ID in any way.
You can create another App ID with the same Name but different Bundle ID.
Solution: go to your other Developer Program, create new App, choose slight different Bundle ID and you are good to go.
Apple Documentation
You can select your App ID in the Developer portal under iOS App IDs to edit and delete.
If you're referring to your iTunes Connect listing, you cannot remove your application listing. You can however use a different Bundle ID with the same App ID. Which, in turn, would solve your problem.
As for Provisioning profiles, you can edit and remove them in the Provisioning Portal.
#Alexandros Trepeklis suggested contacting Apple Developer Program Support; they may be able to help you remove the original app listing.
And as #Krodak mentioned, you should read 's documentation on the subject.
You can delete an App ID and Bundle ID on your own through the developer portal if you have not yet posted the app to iTunes Connect. The TL;DR is that you need to add a capability to your app to force Xcode to generate an explicit listing for your app on the portal. Once the listing is there, you can remove it (and all associated provisioning profiles and whatnots).
Step by step:
Add a capability, say push notifications, to your app.
Now log in to the developer portal. Go to Account > Certificates, IDs, & Profiles > App IDs. You should see the App ID prefixed with "XC"
Click on the App ID you want to delete and then click the Edit button.
Click Delete towards the bottom of the listing.
Confirm the delete. This should free up the App ID and Bundle ID for use with another team.

How to completely remove bundle id in iOS development?

How can I reuse the bundle ID I have created for the app ID? I even delete the associated app ID but the bundle ID still unavailable.Does it to say bundle ID couldn't be removed completely once created?
The bundle id can't be reused as exact. For example can be used only once. If you had created this app Id from one account, you can't create the same app Id from the other account. However, you will still be able to create a new one as like or so. There should be atleast 1 character difference in the app Id's
If you want to delete an app ID, follow these steps:
Open and enter using your credentials.
Click on Identifiers under the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section.
Now click on the App ID you want to Delete.
Click on Remove next to Edit your App ID Configuration.
Again click on Remove in the confirmation message that opens.
I'm not sure what your exact scenario is, you didn't provide enough information to know that. However, I came across a similar problem which was as follows:
Some time ago I registered a new Apple Account and created an iOS app with it. I did not pay for that, i.e. the app could only ever be used for 7 days. I've never submitted that app to the app store. Nonetheless, the bundle identifier of the app was associated with that particular account.
Some time later I registered another Apple Account. This time with a payed subscription. When I attempted to sign the app I created with the first account, Xcode complained as follows:
Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "xy" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available.
No profiles for 'xy' were found. Xcode couldn't file any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'xy'.
It seems that the bundle identifier gets strictly associated with the provisioning profile of the first account. The way to solve this is to delete that particular provisioning profile. You can do so by going to the following folder and deleting the corresponding file in that folder:
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
