Creating a 360 photo experience on iOS mobile device - ios

I am interested in VR and trying to get a bit more information. I want to create a similar experience on iOS where I can take a 360 image and be able to view it on a iOS device by tilting the phone around and using the devices gyroscope, as I tilt the phone around it will pan around the 360 image (like on google street view where you can use the tilt gesture).
And something similar to this app:
Can anybody give a brief overview how this would be do-able, any sources that could help me achieve this, API's etc...?
Much appreciated.

Two options here: You can use a dedicated device to capture the image for you, or you can write some code to stitch together multiple images taken from the iOS device as you move it around a standing point.
I've used the Ricoh Theta for this (no affiliation). They have a 360 viewer in the SDK for mapping 360 images to a sphere that works exactly as you've asked.

Assuming you've figured out how to create 360 photospheres, you can use Unity and Unreal, and probably development platforms to create navigation between the locations you captured.
Here is a tutorial that looks pretty detailed for doing this in Unity:
One pro of doing this in something like Unity or Unreal is once you have navigation between multiple photo spheres working it's fairly easy to add animation or other interactive elements. I've seen interactive stories done with 360 video using this method.
(I see that the question is from a fairly long time ago, but it was one of the top results when I looked for this same topic)


How to capture Pano Videos on iOS?
I have tried for 3 days trying to find something that records Pano videos without special hardware for my iOS app; Google 360 was the only thing I could find.
Has anyone used Google or anything else to capture 360 videos without special hardware? Is it even possible?
Any feedback on this will be greatly appreciated
Thank you
You can capture 360° panoramic photos and videos with normal cameras if you have 6 of them. You need to arrange them into a cube so that each camera points 90° to the 4 others for which it is a neighbor. This will allow you to capture the equivalent of a cube map. You can convert a cube map to equirectangular (which is what most 360° editing software uses) using conversion software, or you can write it yourself if you're so inclined.
There also exist hardware extensions for the iPhone that capture 360° equirectangular panoramas. Some are reasonably cheap, and some are fairly compact.
For just photos, you can take the 6 shots with a single camera, but you need to align it correctly. There are mounts to make it easier.

Is it possible to view panoramic image using google cardboard in iOS application?

I have been searching for ways to integrate Google Cardboard SDK in iOS. One way is using unity but i am looking for something through which i can directly integrate the cardboard sdk in ios and i want to view a panoramic image in that. Is there any way to do that?
I am looking for an iOS alternative for this project : Link Here
Okay, I've spent a few days getting CardboardSDK-iOS to do what I want (which is like the "Exhibit" demo in Google Cardboard App), and I'm pretty pleased with it. I'm guessing that it's pretty faithfull to the original, but since I'm not familiar with the original, I can't say for sure.
But I can say that it's not just a case of dropping a panoramic data set in. You need to do a bit of work to display the stereo image pair required, in OpenGL, depending on where the viewer has their head pointing. If you understand 3D transforms, how OpenGL works, and you've got your data prepared correctly, it should not be to onerus to get it working.
Of course - this is all done in xcode in ObjectiveC/C++ - and not in Java. And I'm assuming that by "panoramic image" you mean you have a hemispherical stereo data set which should give you something like what you see in Google's Cardboard "Urban Hike" demo.
Hope this helps !

Swift: 360 image with Device Motion

I’m trying to make an iOS app for viewing 360 degrees images on Google Cardboard (or any other VR glasses) and i’m kinda stuck. What I want is the same thing as the app ( does, using Device Motion.
I don’t have much experience with Swift, so I’m trying to figure it out what library should I use. I tried to move the UIView changing the offset, but with no success.
Anyone can give me a tip or recommendation on where should I start and what should I use?
You may want to take a look at this the Panorama library. It rotates 360 images manually, but it also has VR capabilities
I didn't test its VR capacity, but manual scroll seems to work perfectly, so it should be a good start for you. It's written in Objective-C, but installing it with CocoaPods, it should work. For me though, I had to edit the library and add #import <GLKit/GLKit.h> in PanoramaView.h file.
Also go to Link Binary with Libraries and add these libraries

How to make a screenshot of OpenGl ES on top of the live preview camera in iOS (Augmented Reality app)?

I am a very beginner in Objective-C and iOS programming. I spent a month to find out how to show a 3D model using OpenGL ES (version 1.1) on top of the live camera preview by using AvFoundation. I am doing a kind of augmented reality application on iPad. I process the input frames and show 3D object overlay with the camera preview in realtime. These was fine because there are so many site and tutorial about these things (Thanks to this website as well).
Now, I want to make a screen capture of the whole screen (the model with camera preview as the background) as the image and show in the next screen. I found a really good demonstration here, He did everything I want to do. But, as I said before, I am so beginner and don't understand the whole project without explanation in details. So, I'm stuck for a while because I don't know how to implement this.
Does anybody know any of good tutorial or any kind of source in this topic or any suggestion that I should learn more in order to do this screen capture? This will help me a lot to moving on.
Thank you in advance.
I'm currently attempting to solve this same problem to allow a user to take a screenshot of an Augmented Reality app. (We use Qualcomm's AR SDK plugged into Unity 3D to make our AR apps, which saved me from ever having to learn how to programmatically render OpenGL models)
For my solution I am first looking at implementing the second answer found here: How to take a screenshot programmatically
Barring that I will have to re-engineer the "Combined Screenshots" method found in CocoaCoder's Screenshots app.
I'll check back in when I figure out which one works better.
Here are 3 very helpful links to capture screenshot:
OpenGL ES View Snapshot
How to capture video frames from the camera as images using AV Foundation
How do I take a screenshot of my app that contains both UIKit and Camera elements

iOS augmented reality with compass and location

I'm trying to develop a mini "Around Me" like using camera, compass and location. I would like to display place's images on my screen.
For the moment I have my location and my orientation with compass. I would like to know how can I determine the position of the place I want to display.
Thanks for your help ;)
Once you have relative distance and bearing, which you can determine from two points in the same coordinate space using algorithms found on this page, figuring out where a known coordinate is with respect to a known viewpoint is basically a perspective projection, the math is outlined on this Wikipedia article. The rotation of the camera is given by the compass, and the tilt by the accelerometer (the position is of course, GPS).
I'm trying to find a better document - there are a couple of extra things to consider - like the camera parameters etc, but this is a good starting point.
If it's too involved (like if you're not comfortable with rotation matrices) we can break it right down to the simple trig.
The code in the iPhone ARKit project does this, and quite a bit more. While you may not be able to use their complete library, it is a great reference on the subject of augmented reality.
Check out 3DAR, it lets you add an AR view to a MKMapView app very easily. There's a video tutorial on this process, as well as some sample code, on the 3DAR site,
You can create a location based AR app in Junaio. It's an AR browser. Free to use and deploy in (as long as it's not a custom app and in Junaio).
