iOS Member Center: Standard development provisioning profile vs Enterprise development provisioning profile - ios

Just came to know that there are two kinds Apple developer program i.e. Standard and Enterprise. Currently we use the standard developer program.
In both developer program, we will be able to create development provisioning profile and certificate. But, is there any difference between Standard development provisioning profile and Enterprise development provisioning profile?
Please clear my doubt if anybody is aware of this!! Thanks.

There are no difference between development or ad-hoc distribution provisioning profiles you create with an Apple Developer Program or Apple Developer Enterprise Program. But the distribution provisioning profiles are different by the way and created by selecting different options.
Creating Provisioning Profiles with Apple Developer Enterprise Program:
Creating Provisioning Profiles with Apple Developer Program:
When you archive your app for production distribution then respective distribution profiles should be selected as shown:
More info about enterprise distribution can be found here.

You can find more info here.
With the Enterprise you can distribute the Apps you developed exclusively to your organization's employees without the need to use the App Store.


In house distribution provisioning profiles will be available two weeks after program activation

Our company has registered for a Apple enterprise account. WE want to distribute an app only within our organization. We have now created the app Id and distribution certificate for the app. But while creating a "In-House" provisioning profile we get the message :-
In house distribution provisioning profiles will be available two weeks after program activation
The app distribution is on priority. We do get an option to create an "Ad-Hoc" provisioning profile. Can we go ahead by signing the app with an Adhoc provisioning profile for now and distribute the app internally. Also later can we sign it using the In-house profile once that is available after 2 weeks?
Any help is appreciated.
My enterprise account was not enabled for in-house app distribution. As mentioned,
But I have an option to create adhoc certificate by registering the devices if you don't have any. Only limited devices can be installed. Reference screenshot is attached

What is the Team Provisioning I have from scratch?

I understand the provisioning profiles something like this: a provisioning profile contains signing identity information, and used to sign an application code. I can develop an application using simulators without any provisioning profiles. To run and test an application on real devices, I need at least development provisioning profile. These profiles should be generated in Apple Developer Portal and then downloaded to use them locally with Xcode. Currently Xcode itself is responsible for generating and downloading profiles, and Xcode does it automatically. There are also distribution provisioning profiles Ad-Hoc and AppStore.
But I'm confused by so-called "Team Provisioning Profile" used to sign the application in Xcode by default. It appears automatically and allows me to install application on the real devices, so I understand it as an automatically generated development provisioning profile. But I can't see any corresponding iOS-development provisioning profile in the Apple Developer console.
My question is: What is the Team Provisioning Profile then? If it's kind of Development Provisioning, why can't I see it on Apple Developer console?
Team : - A kind of Development profile that’s managed by Xcode. Xcode automatically adds everyone’s cert to it and all UDIDs from devices as well.
What is the Team Provisioning Profile then?
To save you time, Xcode creates and manages a type of development provisioning profile, called a team provisioning profile, for you. The team provisioning profile allows all your apps to be signed and run by all team members on all your team’s devices. For an individual, the team provisioning profile allows all your apps to run on all your devices. Xcode also performs configuration steps for each app service you enable that requires some type of provisioning. Although Xcode simplifies this process, it helps to understand your code signing and provisioning assets and to know where they reside.
If it's kind of Development Provisioning, why can't I see it on Apple Developer console?
Xcode creates a team provisioning profile and its components as needed in your developer account. Xcode requests a development certificate for you if it’s missing. The development certificate is used in the team provisioning profile to identify you. A device must be registered to create a provisioning profile, so Xcode may ask you to connect an iOS or tvOS device. For Mac apps, Xcode automatically registers the Mac that is running Xcode.that's why you can't see it on Apple Developer console
More check this : apple doc

Can I use an Development certificate along with adhoc distribution provisioning profile to distribute my app to specific user?

I am trying to adhoc distribute my ios app. My admin to our dev portal created a adhoc dist provisioning profile. Can I use any cert(Dev or dist) to code sign my application? or it has to be dist cert? Thanks.
The short answer: you'll need a distribution certificate, with an ad-hoc provisioning profile that contains the target device's UDID. You can configure this on the dev portal.
Development certificates are purely for device development at your own machine. It does give you access to a limited number of devices to build your app on, but it isn't ideal for beta testing an app on.
Distribution certs and ad-hoc profiles are most commonly used with services like Fabric to beta test your app. You may also want to look into TestFlight to help distribute for beta testing.
Good luck!

Distributing an app with HockeyApp

I was wondering: do I need an distribution certificate for my app, when I distribute it through HockeyApp?
I can't find any information about this.
You need an Ad-Hoc provisioning profile and a matching certificate.
See this Apple documentation with the section "Distributing Your App Using Ad Hoc Provisioning":
Distributing Apps through HockeyApp is a way of shairing the development build. So you need to include the development provisional profile with the UDID of the devices in which the build is likely to be tested.
If you need information on adding more devices then you can refer the following link
Also, you can use Enterprise certificates, creating an in-house provisioning profile (instead of Ad-Hoc) attached to an enterprise certificate, with no need to manage device UDIDs in that case.
The bad thing is that you'll need an Enterprise account and it's more expensive than the Developer one, about 299$ / year, but allow to distribute without provisioning devices.
When you use those certificates and provisioning profiles, in hockey App you'll see this information in the Overview -> Provisioning section,

Ad-Hoc distribution with Team Provisioning profile

According to the Apple docs, one must create and use a distribution certificate and a distribution profile for distributing an app ad-hoc.
"To use ad hoc distribution, create a distribution provisioning profile specifying Ad Hoc as the distribution method and include a list of up to 100 devices authorized to run the app."
Well, this is not neccessary i have found out. You could easily distribute an app ad-hoc with just the developer certificate and the team provisioning profile.
Is it a bad idea to use the team prov. profile and just a developer certificate?
Why should i create an ad-hoc dist. profile if it's more easy to just use the team prov. profile?
Distribution builds have the property that cannot be debugged (that's what the get-task-allow property in the entitlements plist is for). This means that others cannot attach a debugger to your code and achieve undesirable results.
Distribution builds are required if you want to allow remote users to download the application via an App Store (Apple's or enterprise).
