Transition from UIViewController to TabBarViewController - ios

I have been searching for a solution for 6 hours, and come up with nothing that applies to my situation. my storyboard follows the flow of:
TabBarViewController -> NavigationController ->TableViewController -> UIViewController (see picture below)
When the "Notify" button, in the last view controller (Stranger view controller), is clicked, I want to programmatically transition/segue from that View Controller(Stranger View Controller), to a different child of the TabBarViewController (it is the controller titled "Look Around" within the illustration).
Every time I perform a traditional segue:
option + drag segue from Stranger View Controller --> Look Around
View controller
Give segue an identifier
programmatically use self.performSegueWithIdentifier.
I get a transition. but the "Look Around" tab bar is gone in the storyboard, and in the simulator, once I hit "Notify", the view changes to the "look around" view, but the tab bar below does not reflect that change, as it still has the previous tab highlighted.
I have already handled all the other processing within the IBAction function that I need to handle. It is just a matter of, correctly, sending the user to a different view, once they have hit "Notify".
Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns for me, please do not hesitate to ask. I am new at this, and am open to any help.

ViewController is a child of NavigationBar and NavigationBarController is a Child of TabBarController. So Segue is not required as it will disturb the flow.
Try programmatically
#IBAction func notifyButtonTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 1
tabBarController?.tabBar.hidden = false


Automatically add "back" button in navigation bar

First of all: I'm using Swift 5 with Xcode 10 (iOS 12.0).
I'm pretty new to Swift/iOS development and watched a couple of videos on how to add a "back" button to the navigation bar. In all of them (with Swift 3) the button just magically appears once the app is run after adding a segue (between an item in the first scene and the second scene) and a title for both navigation bars.
My app has three ViewControllers/scenes:
Login without navigation bar ("login" button: segue to scene 2)
Table View (linked to scene 3 with segue, so I can just tap on an item in the list)
Further information for a single item in the Table View
The segue between scene 2 and 3 is set to "show (e.g. push)" because "push" is deprecated and crashes the app.
I added both navigation bars to the navigation controllers (2 & 3) by hand and want to add an arrow icon to the navigation bar of scene 3. What I've tried so far:
Add titles for the navigation bar in both scenes
Set the "Back button" attribute (Navigation bar text), which created a child object
Then set the child object's "Image" attribute
Set the "Back" and "Back Mask" attribute (Navigation bar) to the same image
Nothing shows up though, neither in Xcode nor in the simulator (not even the image).
Is it even still possible to get an automatic "back" button or do you now have to add it yourself using a "Bar Button Item"?
So when you show a View Controller such as your v2,v3 those View Controllers are no longer in the same navigation stack as your v1, that is why it is not automatically showing the back button.
I don't know why it is saying your Push function is deprecated but if you could grab a screenshot maybe I can give you a reason why. I am using Swift5 and I'm able to use this : self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
To answer your question, if you want to add a back button to v2,v3 then you DO have to use BarButtonItem, and call
self.dismiss(viewController, true) I strongly recommend you not do it this way if your intent is to have them in the same Navigation stack as your v1.
Answering my own question: Yes, it's still (Xcode 10/Swift 5) possible to make it add a "back" button automatically.
Push segues are deprecated since iOS 8, so use Show (e.g. Push) instead!
Usually a Show (e.g. Push) segue uses Show but if there's a NavigationController somewhere to the left (scenes going from left to right) of the current ViewController, it automatically uses Push, which also adds a "back" button to the NavigationBar of the next scene or, if there's no NavigationBar, it simply adds the button where the bar would usually be.
My scenes now look like this:
ViewController1: Login without NavigationBar ("login" button: segue to NavigationController)
NavigationController: With automatic segue to a new UITableViewController (if added through the library)
ViewController2: Table View (linked to 4. with segue)
ViewController3: Further information for a single item
Adding data to the segues between 1. and 3. (using 2.) is handled a little bit different than it would be without NavigationController:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let navC = segue.destination as? UINavigationController
let vc2 = navC?.viewControllers.first as! ViewController2
vc2.myinformation = myinfosArray
(Bad) Alternative to a NavigationController:
Add a NavigationBar and a BarButtonItem and link it to the previous view like you would any other button.
Disadvantage: The view (in my case "ViewController2") resets once you switch to the next one (because the two views aren't on the same stack, see jaelee's explanation above), so if you go back you have to set everything up again.

Unwind segue doesn't work

i'm doing an app that uses a TableViewController with a system of Adding/Editing items, using the same view. (however when you add an item the view is modal presented and when you edit it is shown)
I followed the great starter tutorial from Apple so basically my Storyboard looks like this
The segue going through the Navigation Controller is for adding and the other one is for editing. (I did everything according to the tutorial).
I did a segue between the Cancel item bar button and the exit icon of the ViewController and it works well when the view is modally presented (when I try to add an item).
However when I click on a cell to reach the view with the segue that shows it (to edit an item), both items in the navigation bar stop working. The prepareForSegue method is not called anymore. So I can't cancel or save.
I tried creating an unwind segue between the ViewController itself and the exit icon and to call it programmatically like this:
#IBAction func testButton(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
print("we're inside")
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("cancelSegue", sender: self)
print("so what now")
and when I try to edit it and tapping the cancel button it results by just showing the two log messages and kind of skipping the performSegueWithIdentifier method. However adding still works fine.
Am I doing something wrong or have I misunderstood some basic notion about unwind segues?
This seems like quite a strange solution to your problem. While I can't comment on specifically why your unwind segue isn't working in the second case, things will start to get quite complicated with dismissing the New Programsegue since you're displaying it two different ways.
The common approach that we use is:
Use two completely different view controllers for creating and updating an assets. May be some duplicate code, but makes it slightly easier for other people to work on.
Use the same view controller for creating and updating buttons. If you're editing an item, you can pass it to the view controller with prepareForSegue. When the view controller loads, if an item is present, you can change the behaviour of the buttons, title etc. If no item is present, you know to create a new item.
For most implementations, it's much simpler to dismiss the views programatically. (i.e [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil] for modal views and [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES] for just returning to a vc in the same navigation controller stack.
Did you link the Cancel button to the exit icon on the first view controller, or the second view controller (the one with the cancel and save button)?

TabBar disappear after Push Segue

This is the current layout for my application. As you can see, I have a ViewController that is embedded in a TabBarViewController. You can see I have two tab bars in both of those bottom view controllers but only the first one shows up. In the second view controller after the push segue, the tab bar disappears. Why is this?
I added the properties for the First view controller and it is not set to hide the bottom bar during the segue so I am confused as to why it would disappear after the segue. Any ideas?
You'll need to wrap your tabBar's root viewControllers in a UINavigationController. So your UITabBarController would actually be pointed at the Navigation Controller. Then as you move around in that navigation controller, the tab bar will stay in place.
To fix this in your application, select your view controller in storyboard, then click "Editor" -> "Embed In" -> "Navigation Controller".
Here's a visual representation I just threw together for anyone else who comes across this problem. If you remove the "NavigationController" in the storyboard shown below, the tab will disappear when you click the button in "First View". With the navigation controller, you will maintain the tab bar. Hope this helps.
Try set self.tabBarController.tabBar.translucent = NO; in viewWillAppear
You could also try to dismiss the views by adding an outlet/action. For example, I experienced an issue where I had a TabBar view controller and needed to segue between 2 different views (ImageViews) on one of the tabs and as soon as I did a traditional segue, the whole tab bar disappeared. I had created the following "Back button" to clear the view:
#IBAction func backBtnPressed(_ sender: AnyObject) {
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Note: It is an important practice to clear views out as they will stack up overtime and will reduce the performance of your app.
Technical Info:
Not sure if this helps but worth mentioning!

Why is the tab bar disappearing?

My current setup of viewcontrollers are:
tab view > navigation controller > table view controller > navigation view controller > cell details. Please see
The current setup of viewcontrollers
I used to have:
tab view > navigation controller > table view controller > cell details
and then everything was fine.
The issue is that I need a custom action to happen when the user presses the back button, and to do this i added a nav controller between the "table view" and the "cell details". And thats when the tab bar disappeared. I understand this seems to be "normal" behaviour, but that donĀ“t help me much. Please help.
The code that segues to the detail view controller. (I use the storyboard, so light on code for these things)
#IBAction func add(sender: AnyObject) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("TableViewToDetailView", sender: self)
It happens when hideTabBarOnPush property is true(in code) or Hide Bottom Bar on Push is checked on storyboard for the controller you are pushing.
I had a similar problem and the right question was kind of hard to ask. using Tsb Bar Controllers with Navigation Controllers and View Controllers os too tricky and certain things a re not allowed and there is a lot of terminology, and, there are many different types of segues,and there are many different kinds of consequences for doing certain things.
I found the correct procedure (answer) in the second part of this two part series:
Storyboards Tutorial for iOS: Part 1
Storyboards Tutorial for iOS: Part 2
Summary of the procedure:
Embed the source and destination View Controllers in Navigation Controllers, then create unwind segues (methods with the signature#IBAction func methodname(_ segue:)) in the source view controller. Then, from the destination View Controller, control-click from the navigation bar button (or any view required to trigger a return to the first view controller) to the Exit object above the view controller then pick the correct action name from the popup menu. The unwind segue will be accessible from the Document Outline and can be given an identifier to use in prepare(for:sender:) in case data needs to be sent to the from the destination view controller. Also, the segue from the first view Controller to the second navigation controller must be modal.
A similar issue I met although maybe not quite the same as yours but hope it may help. When view controller A presents view controller B, the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property of B could be overridden by the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed property of A. I fixed it by setting B's modal style.

Switch between views using a Tabbar

I have an iOS application with a Tab Bar, and two subview. My first view is a Table View.
So, I want to switch to the second view when I click on a cell of the first view, and keep the TabBar visible.
When I do that using "Show" segue in the storyboard, I lost the TabBar.
And when I do it in my TableViewController with the following code, the second view is not loading.
tabBarController.selectedViewController = mySecondViewController
That only select the second element in the TabBar, but didn't display him.
Anyone have a solution ?
try using index of UITabBar item to switch, like this:
tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1
The problem also may be because you try to set View to selectedViewController, where uiviewcontroller should be. It is hard to say, because of lack of information.
In the story board make sure you control drag from the tab bar controller to your view controller and click "Relationship Segue: View Controller"
I've fix my problem. I've originally put the line of code bellow on the viewDidLoad() of my controller :
tabBarController.selectedViewController = mySecondViewController
After moving this line in a different methode, call by a simple button, that worked...
