Rails NOT IN query and regexp - ruby-on-rails

I have array of strings:
a = ['*#foo.com', '*#bar.com', '*#baz.com']
I would like to query my model so I will get all the records where email isn't in any of above domains.
I could do:
Model.where.not(email: a)
If the list would be a list of strings but the list is more of a regexp.

It depends on your database adapter. You will probably be able to use raw SQL to write this type of query. For example in postgres you could do:
Model.where("email NOT SIMILAR TO '%#foo.com'")
I'm not saying thats exactly how you should be doing it but it's worth looking up your database's query language and see if anything matches your needs.
In your example you would have to join together your matchers as a single string and interpolate it into the query.
a = ['%#foo.com', '%#bar.com', '%#baz.com']
Model.where("email NOT SIMILAR TO ?", a.join("|"))

Use this code:
a = ['%#foo.com', '%#bar.com', '%#baz.com']
Model.where.not("email like ?",a.join("|"))
Replace * to % in array.


How to sanitise multiple variables into SQL query ActiveRecord Rails

In our application, the Recipe model has many ingredients (many-to-many relationship implemented using :through). There is a query to return all the recipes where at least one ingredient from the list is contained (using ILIKE or SIMILAR TO clause). I would like to pose two questions:
What is the cleanest way to write the query which will return this in Rails 6 with ActiveRecord. Here is what we ended up with
ingredients_clause = '%(' + params[:ingredients].map { |i| i.downcase }.join("|") + ')%'
recipes = recipes.where("LOWER(ingredients.name) SIMILAR TO ?", ingredients_clause)
Note that recipes is already created before this point.
However, this is a bit dirty solution.
I also tried to use ILIKE = any(array['ing1', 'ing2',..]) with the following:
ingredients_clause = params[:ingredients].map { |i| "'%#{i}%'" }.join(", ")
recipes = recipes.where("ingredients.name ILIKE ANY(ARRAY[?])", ingredients_clause)
This won't work since ? automatically adds single quotes so it would be
ILIKE ANY (ARRAY[''ing1', 'ing2', 'ing3'']) which is of course wrong.
Here, ? is used to sanitise parameters for SQL query, so avoid possible SQL injection attacks. That is why I don't want to write a plain query formed from params.
Is there any better way to do this?
What is the best approach to order results by the number of ingredients that are matched? For example, if I search for all recipes that contains ingredients ing1 and ing2 it should return those which contains both before those which contains only one ingredient.
Thanks in advance
For #1, a possible solution would be something like (assuming the ingredients table is already joined):
recipies = recipies.where(Ingredients.arel_table[:name].lower.matches_any(params[:ingredients]))
You can find more discussion on this kind of topic here: Case-insensitive search in Rails model
You can access a lot of great SQL query features via #arel_table.
#2 If we assume all the where clauses are applied to recipies already:
recipies = recipies
# Lets Rails know you meant to put a raw SQL expression here
.order(Arel.sql("count(*) DESC"))

convert my string to comma based elements

I am working on a legacy Rails project that relies on Ruby version 1.8
I have a string looks like this:
my_str = "a,b,c"
I would like to convert it to
value_list = "('a','b','c')"
so that I can directly use it in my SQL statement like:
"SELECT * from my_table WHERE value IN #{value_list}"
I tried:
but it returns "abc" :(
How to convert it to what I need?
To split the string you can just do
=> ["a", "b", "c"]
The easiest way to use that in a query, is using where as follows:
Post.where(value: my_str.split(","))
This will just work as expected. But, I understand you want to be able to build the SQL-string yourself, so then you need to do something like
quoted_values_str = my_str.split(",").map{|x| "'#{x}'"}.join(",")
=> "'a','b','c'"
sql = ""SELECT * from my_table WHERE value IN (#{quoted_values_str})"
Note that this is a naive approach: normally you should also escape quotes if they should be contained inside your strings, and makes you vulnerable for sql injection. Using where will handle all those edge cases correctly for you.
Under no circumstances should you reinvent the wheel for this. Rails has built-in methods for constructing SQL strings, and you should use them. In this case, you want sanitize_sql_for_assignment (aliased to sanitize_sql):
my_str = "a,b,c"
conditions = sanitize_sql(["value IN (?)", my_str.split(",")])
# => value IN ('a','b','c')
query = "SELECT * from my_table WHERE #{conditions}"
This will give you the result you want while also protecting you from SQL injection attacks (and other errors related to badly formed SQL).
The correct usage may depend what version of Rails you're using, but this method exists as far back as Rails 2.0 so it will definitely work even with a legacy app; just consult the docs for the version of Rails you're using.
value_list = "('#{my_str.split(",").join("','")}')"
But this is a very bad way to query. You better use:
Model.where(value: my_str.split(","))
The string can be manipulated directly; there is no need to convert it to an array, modify the array then join the elements.
str = "a,b,c"
"(%s)" % str.gsub(/([^,]+)/, "'\\1'")
#=> "('a','b','c')"
The regular expression reads, "match one or more characters other than commas and save to capture group 1. \\1 retrieves the contents of capture group 1 in the formation of gsub's replacement string.
couple of use cases:
def full_name
[last_name, first_name].join(' ')
def address_line
[address[:country], address[:city], address[:street], address[:zip]].join(', ')

tricky union query using ruby on rails/active record

I have
a = Profile.last
active_conversations = [IDS OF ACTIVE CONVERSATIONS]
a.mailbox.inbox & active_conversations
returns part of what I need
I want
(a.mailbox.inbox & active_conversations) AND a.mailbox.sentbox
but I need it as SQL, so that I can order it efficiently. I want to order it by ('updated_at')
I have tried joins and other things but they don't work. The classes of (a.mailbox.inboxa and the sentbox are
(a.mailbox.inbox & active_conversations)
is an array
Something as simple as a.mailbox.inbox JOINS SOMEHOW a.mailbox.sentbox I should be able to work with, but I also can't seem to figure out.
Instead of doing
(a.mailbox.inbox & active_conversations)
you should be able to do
a.mailbox.inbux.where('conversations.id IN (?)', active_conversations)
I believe the Conversation class (and its underlying conversations table) should be right according to the mailboxer code.
However this gives you an ActiveRelation object instead of an array. You can transform this to pure SQL using to_sql. So I think something like this should work:
# get the SQL of both statements
inbox_sql = a.mailbox.inbux.where('conversations.id IN (?)', active_conversations).to_sql
sentbox_sql = a.mailbox.sentbox.to_sql
# use both statements in a UNION SQL statement issued on the Conversation class
Conversation.from("#{inbox_sql} UNION #{sentbox_sql} ORDER BY id AS conversations")

inserting variable into complex sql command

I have a set-up with multiple contests and objects. They are tied together with a has_many :through arrangement with contest_objs. contest_objs also has votes so I can have several contests including several objects. I have a complex SQL setup to calculate the current ranking. However, I need to specify the contest in the SQL select statement for the ranking. I am having difficulty doing this. This is what I got so far:
#objects = #contest.objects.select('"contest_objs"."votes" AS v, name, "objects"."id" AS id,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "oi"."object_id")
FROM contest_objs oi
WHERE ("oi"."votes") > ("contest_objs"."votes"))+1 AS vrank')
Is there any way in the selection of vrank to specify that WHERE also includes "oi"."contest_id" = #contest.id ?
Since #contest.id is an integer and does not present any risk of an SQL Injection, you could do the following using string interpolation :
Model.select("..... WHERE id = #{#contest.id}")
Another possible solution would be to build your subquery using ActiveRecord, and then call .to_sql in order to get the generated SQL, and insert it in your main query.
Use sanitize_sql_array:
sanitize_sql_array('select ? from foo', 'bar')
If you're outside a model, because the method is protected you have to do this:
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ['select ? from foo', 'bar'])
You can insert variables into sql commands like this:
Model.select("...... WHERE id = ?", #contest.id)
Rails will escape the values for you.
This does not work as stated by Intrepidd in the comments, use string interpolation like he suggested in his answer. That is safe for integer parameters.
If you find yourself inserting several strings in a query, you could consider using find_by_sql, which gives you the above mentioned ? replacement, but you can't use it with chaining, so rewriting the whole query would be needed.

Symfony, propel, question mark

I want to create a search function on my website, and I don't want to use a plugin for this thing, because it's very simple, but I can't solve this problem:
I give the keyword to the model which creates a query, but I couldn't figure out how to put joker characters in this query.
I'm using Propel
The filterByXXX() query functions will use LIKE when your query contains wildcards:
$books = BookQuery::create()
// example Query generated for a MySQL database
$query = 'SELECT book.* from `book` WHERE book.TITLE LIKE :p1'; // :p1 => 'War%'
Remember, the wildcards you can use in SQL are _ for exactly one and % for zero or more characters. So not ? or *.
