Buffer data in Simulink in continuous time - buffer

I need to buffer some signals for a fixed duration to be used within the simulation. The use of buffer block in Simulink requires the frame rate to be known. However, I am using a continuous time solver (with defined maximum step size) so I don't really know how much should I put the buffer size as. There does not seem to be any option wherein a trigger based on time can be used. Can someone suggest how this can be done?

A simple buffer, made using a MATLAB Function Block, that would always have the most recent element at the top, would be,
function y = buffer(x)
% initialize the buffer
y = zeros(100,1);
% Shuffle the elements down
y(2:end) = y(1:end-1);
% add the new element
y(1) = x;


Using shader modifiers to animate texture in SceneKit leads to jittery textures over time

I'm writing a scene in SceneKit for iOS.
I'm trying to apply a texture to an object using a sprite sheet. I iterate through the images in that sheet with this code:
happyMaterial = [SCNMaterial new];
happyMaterial.diffuse.contents = happyImage;
happyMaterial.diffuse.wrapS = SCNWrapModeRepeat;
happyMaterial.diffuse.wrapT = SCNWrapModeRepeat;
happyMaterial.shaderModifiers = #{ SCNShaderModifierEntryPointGeometry : #"_geometry.texcoords[0] = vec2((_geometry.texcoords[0].x+floor(u_time*30.0))/10.0, (_geometry.texcoords[0].y+floor(u_time*30.0/10.0))/7.0);" };
All is good. Except over time, the texture starts to get random jitteriness in it, especially along the x-axis.
Someone mentioned it could be because of "floating-point precision issues," but I'm not sure how to diagnose or fix this.
Also: I'm not sure how to log data from the shader code. Would be awesome to be able to look into variables like "u_time" and see exactly what's going on.
It's definitely a floating point precision issue. you should probably try to do a modulo on (u_time*30.0) so that it loops within a reasonable range.
if you want to iterate over images your texture coordinate must stay the same for a short period of time (1 second for instance).
u_time is similar to CACurrentMediaTime(), it's a time in seconds.
Now let's say you have N textures. Then mod(u_time, N) will increase every second from 0 to N-1 and then go back to 0. If you divide this by N you've got your texture coordinate, and you don't need SCNWrapModeRepeat.
If you want your image to change every 0.04 second (25 times per second), then use mod(25 * u_time, N) / N.

How to use instancing offsets

Suppose I have a single buffer of instance data for 2 different groups of instances (ie, I want to draw them in separate draw calls because they use different textures). How do I set up the offsets to accomplish this? IASetVertexBuffers and DrawIndexedInstanced both have offset parameters and its not clear to me which ones I need to use. Also, DrawIndexedInstanced isn't exactly clear if the offset value is in bytes or not.
Those offsets works independently. You can offset either in ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers or in ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstanced or in both (then they will combine).
ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers accepts offset in bytes:
bindedData = (uint8_t*)data + sizeof(uint8_t) * offset
ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexedInstanced accepts all offsets in elements (indices, vertices, instances). They are just values added to indices. Vertex and instance offsets works independently. Index offset also offsets vertices and instances (obviously):
index = indexBuffer[i] + StartIndexLocation
indexVert = index + BaseVertexLocation
indexInst = index + StartInstanceLocation
I prefer offsetting in draw call:
no byte (pointer) arithmetic needed -- less chances to make a mistake
no need to re-bind buffer if you just changing offset -- less visible state changes (and, hopefully, invisible too)
Alternative solution
Instead of splitting rendering to two draw calls, you can merge your texture resources and draw all in one draw call:
both textures binded at same draw call, branching in shader (if/else) depending on integer passed via constant buffer (simplest solution)
texture array (if target hardware supports it)
texture atlas (will need some coding, but always useful)
Hope it helps!

Plot an array into bitmap in C/C++ for thermal printer

I am trying to accomplish something a bit backwards from everyone else. Given an array of sensor data, I wish to print a graph plot of it. My test bench uses a stepper motor to move the input shaft of a sensor, stop, get ADC value of sensor's voltage, repeat.
My current version 0.9 bench does not have a graphical output. The proper end solution will. Currently, I have 35 data points, and I'm looking to get 90 to 100. The results are simply stored in an int array. The index is linear, so it's not a complicated plot, but I'm having problems conceptualizing the plot from bottom-left to top-right to display to the operator. I figure on the TFT screen, I can literally translate an origin and then draw lines from point to point...
Worse, I want to also print out this to a thermal printer, so I'll need to translate this into a sub-384 pixel wide graph. I'm not too worried about the semantics of communicating the image to the printer, but how to convert the array to an image.
It gets better: I'm doing this on an Arduino Mega, so the libraries aren't very robust. At least it has a lot of RAM for the code. :/
Here's an example of when I take my data from the Arduino test and feed it into Excel. I'm not looking for color, but I'd like the graph to appear and this setup not be connected to a computer. Or the network. This is the ESC/POS printer, btw.
The algorithm for this took three main stages:
1) Translate the Y from top left to bottom left.
2) Break up the X into word:bit values.
3) Use Bresenham's algorithm to draw lines between the points. And then figure out how to make the line thicker.
For my exact case, the target bitmap is 384x384, so requires 19k of SRAM to store in memory. I had to ditch the "lame" Arduino Mega and upgrade to the ChipKIT uC32 to pull this off, 32k of RAM, 80 MHz cpu, & twice the I/O!
The way I figured out this was to base my logic on Adafruit's Thermal library for Arduino. In their examples, they include how to convert a 1-bit bitmap into a static array for printing. I used their GFX library to implement the setXY function as well as their GFX Bresenham's algorithm to draw lines between (X,Y)s using my setXY().
It all boiled down to the code in this function I wrote:
// *bitmap is global or class member pointer to byte array of size 384/8*384
// bytesPerRow is 384/8
void setXY(int x, int y) {
// integer divide by 8 (/8) because array size is byte or char
int xByte = x/8;
// modulus 8 (%8) to get the bit to set
uint8_t shifty = x%8;
// right shift because we start from the LEFT
int xVal = 0x80 >> shifty;
// inverts Y from bottom to start of array
int yRow = yMax - y;
// Get the actual byte in the array to manipulate
int offset = yRow*bytesPerRow + xByte;
// Use logical OR in case there is other data in the bitmap,
// such as a frame or a grid
The big point is to remember with an array, we are starting at the top left of the bitmap, going right across the row, then down one Y row and repeating. The gotchya's are in translating the X into the word:bit combo. You've got to shift from the left (sort-of like translating the Y backwards). Another gotchya is one-off error in bookkeeping for the Y.
I put all of this in a class, which helped prevent me from making one big function to do it all and through better design made the implementation easier than I thought it would be.
Pic of the printout:
Write-up of the project is here.

DirectX11 wireframe z-fighting help (or why D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC.DepthBias is an INT?)

I'm trying to use the DepthBias property on the rasterizer state in DirectX 11 (D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC) to help with the z-fighting that occurs when I render in wireframe mode over solid polygons (wireframe overlay), and it seems setting it to any value doesn't change anything to the result. But I noticed something strange... the value is defined as a INT rather than a FLOAT. That doesn't make sense to me, but it still doesn't happen to work as expected. How do we properly set that value if it is a INT that needs to be interpreted as a UNORM in the shader pipeline?
Here's what I do:
Render all geometry
Set the rasterizer to render in wireframe
Render all geometry again
I can clearly see the wireframe overlay, but the z-fighting is horrible. I tried to set the DepthBias to a lot of different values, such as 0.000001, 0.1, 1, 10, 1000 and all the minus equivalent, still no results... obviously, I'm aware when casting the float as integer, all the decimals get cut... meh?
D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC RasterizerDesc;
ZeroMemory(&RasterizerDesc, sizeof(RasterizerDesc));
RasterizerDesc.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_WIREFRAME;
RasterizerDesc.CullMode = D3D11_CULL_BACK;
RasterizerDesc.FrontCounterClockwise = FALSE;
RasterizerDesc.DepthBias = ???
RasterizerDesc.SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.0f;
RasterizerDesc.DepthBiasClamp = 0.0f;
RasterizerDesc.DepthClipEnable = TRUE;
RasterizerDesc.ScissorEnable = FALSE;
RasterizerDesc.MultisampleEnable = FALSE;
RasterizerDesc.AntialiasedLineEnable = FALSE;
As anyone figured out how to set the DepthBias properly? Or perhaps it is a bug in DirectX (which I doubt) or again maybe there's a better way to achieve this than using DepthBias?
Thank you!
Depending on whether your depth buffer is UNORM or floating point varies the meaning of the number. In most cases you're just looking for the smallest possible value that gets rid of your z-fighting rather than any specific value. Small values are a small bias, large values are a large bias, but how that equates to a shift numerically depends on the format of your depth buffer.
As for the values you've tried, anything less than 1 would have rounded to zero and had no effect. 1, 10, 1000 may simply not have been enough to fix the issue. In the case of a D24 UNORM depth buffer, the formula would suggest a depth bias of 1000 would offset depth by: 1000 * (1 / 2^24), which equals 0.0000596, a not very significant shift in z-buffering terms.
Does a large value of 100,000 or 1,000,000 fix the z-fighting?
If anyone cares, I made myself a macro to make it easier. Note that this macro will only work if you are using a 32bit float depth buffer format. A different macro might be needed if you are using a different depth buffer format.
#define DEPTH_BIAS_D32_FLOAT(d) (d/(1/pow(2,23)))
That way you can simply set your depth bias using standard values, such as:
RasterizerDesc.DepthBias = DEPTH_BIAS_D32_FLOAT(-0.00001);

My preallocation of a matrix gives out of memory error in MATLAB

I use zeros to initialize my matrix like this:
height = 352
width = 288
nFrames = 120
However, when I set the value of nFrames larger than 120, MATLAB gives me an error message saying out of memory.
The original function is
[imgYuv, S, A]= changeYuv(fileName, width, height, idxFrame, nFrames)
my command is
Can anyone please tell me what's going on here?
PS: one of the purposes of the function is to load a yuv video which consists more than 2000 frames. Is there any possibility to implement that?
There are three ways to avoid the error
Process a limited number of
frames at any given time.
with integer arrays. Most movies are
in 8-bit format, while Matlab
normally works with doubles.
uint8 takes 1 byte per element,
while double takes 8 bytes. Thus,
if you create your array as B =
it only uses 1/8th of the memory.
This might work for 120 frames,
though for 2000 frames, you'll run
again into trouble. Note that not
all Matlab functions work for
integer arrays; you may have to
reimplement those that require
Buy more RAM.
Yes, you (or rather, your Matlab session) are running out of memory.
Get out your calculator and find the product height x width x 3 x nFrames x 8 which will tell you how much memory you have tried to get in your call to zeros. That will be a number either close to or in excess of the RAM available to Matlab on your computer.
Your command is:
That is:
352*288*120*120 = 1459814400
That is 1.4 * 10^9. If one object has 4 bytes, then you need 6GB. That is a lot of memory...
Referencing the code I've seen in your withdrawn post, your calculating the difference between adjacent frame histograms. One option to avoid massive memory allocation might be to just hold two frames in memory, instead of reading all the frames at once.
The function B = zeros([d1 d2 d3...]) creates an multi-dimensional array with dimensions d1*d2*d3*...
Depending on width and height, given the 3rd dimension of 3 and the 4th dimension of 120 (which effectively results in width*height*360), may result in a very huge array. There are certain memory limits on every machine, maybe you reached these... ;)
