Interactive Brokers - Free Trial - Error Code 354 - Requested market data is not subscribed - interactive-brokers

After running the following code:
//IB's main object
var ibClient = new EWrapperExt(this);
ibClient.ClientSocket.eConnect("", 7496, 0);
var contractAAPL = new Contract
Symbol = "AAPL",
SecType = "STK",
Currency = "USD",
Exchange = "Smart"
//Invoke IB's ClientSocket's data request
ibClient.ClientSocket.reqMktData(1, contractAAPL, "", false, null);
I am getting the following error:
Error. Id: 1, Code: 354, Msg: Requested market data is not subscribed.Error&BEST/STK/Top&BEST/STK/Top
I am using the Interactive Brokers (IB) free trial account. Is there something else I need to do with my code or do I actually have to pay IB for this sort of market data?

I spoke with IB technical support.
In order to get data from NASDAQ outside of the Trader Workstation using the IB API you need to have a paid subscription to NASDAQ.


STRIPE API Payment Intent incomplete payment

I've been using Stripe. When checkout X will create a Payment Intent every time a customer arrives on the checkout. This will result into an "Incomplete" payment.
I integrete STRIPE in my .Net Core application. Here the code below :
public void Pay(CardInfo cardInfo, double amount)
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = _paramList["secretKey"];
State = PaymentState.Pending;
var options = new SessionCreateOptions
Mode = "payment",
SuccessUrl = "",
CancelUrl = "",
Customer = cardInfo.Owner,
CustomerEmail = cardInfo.ParamList["email"],
PaymentMethodTypes = new List<string>
LineItems = new List<SessionLineItemOptions>
new SessionLineItemOptions
Amount = Convert.ToInt64(amount.ToString().Replace(",","")),
Currency = "eur",
Quantity = 1,
Name = _paramList["account"]
var service = new SessionService();
State = PaymentState.Accepted;
catch (StripeException error)
State = PaymentState.Error;
PaymentReturn = error.Message;
Logger.Write(string.Format("Error STRIPE payment status {0} : ",PaymentReturn));
In my form payment, I'm not using stripe form but I've created one and I retrieve all information that I need (Card Number, CVV, Expiration, Email and Amount)
When using Stripe Checkout, a PaymentIntent is created under the hood to support the SCA compliant payment. If the session is not completed, the PaymentIntent will remain in state incomplete. This. part is entirely normal.
Integrating with Stripe using a checkout session, but not redirecting to the Stripe hosted Checkout is not a supported integration. If you would like to support handling the card fields yourself, then an integration using Stripe.js and Elements is the best way forward [1]. If you would like to continue using Stripe Checkout as it offers so much functionality out of the box, then once the session is created, you should use redirectToCheckout() from Stripe.js [2] to send the user to Stripe Checkout.

How to apply deduplication for an array returned in Zapier Code output

I have a Zapier Code block that does fetch for JSON array and the preprocess this data. I cannot use Zapier Webhook with polling, because I need to process the data a bit.
Zapier Webhook offers deduplication feature, by having id parameter associated with the items returned in an array from the URL endpoint. How can I achieve the same for Zapier Code? Currently, my zap is trying to process and trigger on the same data twice. This leads to the error that Zapier tries to send out the same tweet twice, every time the Code is triggered.
Here is mock data returned by my Code:
output = [{id: 1, name: "foo"}, {id: 2, name: "bar"}]
Currently, without deduplication, I am getting this email and having my zap disabled:
Your Zap named XXX was just stopped. This happened because our systems detected this Zap posted a duplicate tweet, which is against Twitter's Terms Of Service.
You can use storage by Zapier to achieve this. the ideal flow will be :
Storage by Zapier [Get Value (use storage key = lastItemId) ]
Code By Zapier (Filter array return only those record that has id greater than the lastItemId)
Storage By Zapier (Set Value) : update lastItemId with the last item processed by Code By Zapier step
You can also use StoreClient in place of the Storage By zapier, but always update a existing key lastItemId and compare id of the record with ```lastItemId`` and at the end update StoreCLient key (lastItemId)
Based on the answer from Kishor Patidar, here is my code. I am adding the example code, here is too some time to figure it out. Specifically, in my case, the items cannot be processed in the order of appearance (no running counter primary keys) and also there are some limitations how far in the future Zapier can schedule actions (you can delay only up to one month).
The store also has a limitation of 500 keys.
// We need store for deduplication
var store = StoreClient('xxx');
// Where do we get our JSON data
const url = "https://xxx";
// Call FB public backend to get scheduled battles
const resp = await fetch(url);
const data = await resp.json();
let processed = [];
for(let entry of data.entries) {
console.log("Processing entry",;
// Filter out events with a non-wanted prize type
if(entry.prizes[0].type != "mytype") {
// Zapier can only delay tweets for one month
// As the code fires every 30 minutes,
// we are only interested scheduling tweets that happen
// very soon
const when = Date.parse(entry.startDate);
const now =;
if(!when) {
throw new Error("startDate missing");
if(when > now + 24 * 3600 * 1000) {
// Milliseconds not going to happen for next 24h
console.log("Too soon to schedule",, entry.startDate, now);
} else {
console.log("Starting to schedule",, entry.startDate, now);
const key = "myprefix_" +;
// Do manual deduplication
const existing = await store.get(key);
if(existing) {
// Already processed
console.log("Entry already processed",;
// Calculate some parameters on entry based on nested arrays
// and such
entry.startTimeFormat = "HH:mm";
// Generate URL for the tweet
entry.signUpURL = `https://xxx/${}`;
// Do not tweet this entry twice,
// by setting a marker flag for it in store
await store.set(key, "deduplicated");
output = processed;

Slowing down Twilio text to voice playback in gather

I am attempting to use the SSMLProsody function to slow down the pace of playback for a persons name as well as a phone number. I have used the space and period method for showing down the pace but I would like more control. I see the SSMLProsody method has a "rate" that I would think would do the trick but I am not able to get it to work. If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it. My code example:
var gather = new Gather(allowVoiceResponse ? new List<Gather.InputEnum>(new[] {Gather.InputEnum.Speech, Gather.InputEnum.Dtmf}) : new List<Gather.InputEnum>(new[] { Gather.InputEnum.Dtmf }),
numDigits: 1,
hints: "connect me, connect me now, connect",
timeout: CallLoopTimeout,
speechTimeout: "auto",
action: new Uri($"{NotificationConfigurationManager.Configuration.TwilioVoiceApiAddress}ConnectVisitorCallback?{queryParams.GenerateQueryString()}"),
method: "POST");
if (lowSpeechConfidence)
gather.Play(new Uri($"{NotificationConfigurationManager.Configuration.TwilioVoiceApiAddress}GetSoundClip?siteId={siteId}&index=3"));
var sayName = new Say(voice: Say.VoiceEnum.Man).SsmlProsody(queryParams.SpacedName, rate: "30%");
var sayPhone = new Say(voice: Say.VoiceEnum.Man).SsmlProsody(queryParams.SpacedPhoneNumber, rate: "30%");
gather.Play(new Uri($"{NotificationConfigurationManager.Configuration.TwilioVoiceApiAddress}GetSoundClip?siteId={siteId}&index=1"))
.Play(new Uri($"{NotificationConfigurationManager.Configuration.TwilioVoiceApiAddress}GetSoundClip?siteId={siteId}&index=2"))
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The <Prosody> and other SSML commands are only supported when you use Amazon's Polly voices.
So where you have:
var sayName = new Say(voice: Say.VoiceEnum.Man).SsmlProsody(queryParams.SpacedName, rate: "30%");
You'll need something like
var sayName = new Say(voice: Say.VoiceEnum.PollyJoanna).SsmlProsody(queryParams.SpacedName, rate: "30%");
You can also set the default voice within your Twilio console.

Using Google Assistant Change Firebase Database Value

I Created a android app in which if a press a button and value changes in Firebase database (0/1) , i want to do this using google assistant, please help me out, i searched out but didn't found any relevant guide please help me out
The code to do this is fairly straightforward - in your webhook fulfillment you'll need a Firebase database object, which I call fbdb below. In your Intent handler, you'll get a reference to the location you want to change and make the change.
In Javascript, this might look something like this:
app.intent('value.update', conv => {
var newValue = conv.prameters.value;
var ref = fbdb.ref('path/to/value');
return ref.set(newValue)
.then(result => {
return conv.ask(`Ok, I've set it to ${newValue}, what do you want to do now?`);
.catch(err => {
console.error( err );
return conv.close('I had a problem with the database. Try again later.');
The real problem you have is what user you want to use to do the update. You can do this with an admin-level connection, which can give you broad access beyond what your security rules allow. Consult the authentication guides and be careful.
I am actually working on a project using Dialogflow webhook and integrated Firebase database. To make this posible you have to use the fulfilment on JSON format ( you cant call firebasedatabase in the way you are doing)
Here is an example to call firebase database and display a simple text on a function.
First you have to take the variable from the json.. its something loike this (on my case, it depends on your Entity Name, in my case it was "tema")
var concepto = request.body.queryResult.parameters.tema;
and then in your function:
'Sample': () => {
db.child(variable).child("DESCRIP").once('value', snap => {
var descript = snap.val(); //firebasedata
let responseToUser = {
"fulfillmentMessages": [
{ //RESPONSE FOR WEB PLATFORM===================================
"text": {
"text": [
"Esta es una respuesta por escritura de PLATFORM_UNSPECIFIED" + descript;
sendResponse(responseToUser); // Send simple response to user
these are links to format your json:
Para formatear JSON:
And finally this is a sample that helped a lot!!
Nice day!
after searching out i find guide which can help on this :
we need to first create chat bot on dialogflow/ api.pi
Then need to train our bot and need to use webhook as fullfillment in
Now we need to setup firebase-tools for sending reply and doing
changes in firebase database.
At last we need to integrate dialogflow with google assistant using google-actions
Here is my sample code i used :
`var admin = require('firebase-admin');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var database = admin.database();
// // Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
// //
exports.hello = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
let params = request.body.result.parameters;
speech: "Light controlled successfully"

Gupshup - multiple messages delay feature not working

I've tried to implement a delay feature on my bot to display multiple messages one after the other. The delay feature is displaying in my Flow Bot Builder diagram, but when I test in the conversation tester, and proxy bot on Messenger, the delay doesn't actually happen - all the messages display at once.
I have added the delay code in the IDE to the default.scr file:
label_dych:Hi! I'm delay-bot and I'm here to help you with any questions you have.:continue
((delay 2000))
label_gthk:I'll never need to take any personal or financial information from you, so as we chat please don't tell me any!:continue
((delay 1000))
label_ylbn:{"name":"quickreply","type":"quick_reply","alias":"What can I help you with?","msgid":"117af569-5188-ff7e-9b48-8c553c2f36cb","content":{"type":"text","text":"What can I help you with?"},"options":[{"type":"text","title":"My Page","iconurl":"","id":"ac49ad32-c9bc-469f-2152-c7c842bad8ea","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Team Spaces","iconurl":"","id":"8a2017ac-2fc3-0901-be8d-1fad5a2dba12","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Offline Support","iconurl":"","id":"70861407-e706-17a3-207b-c43958fde83e","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Something else","iconurl":"","id":"d3f7b6b4-e70a-098d-dde9-1da3e8cc08dc","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"}]}
I've also added the options.apikey line of code to the index.js file as instructed to do here:
function ScriptHandler(context, event){
var options = Object.assign({}, scr_config);
options.current_dir = __dirname;
//options.default_message = "Sorry Some Error Occurred.";
// You can add any start point by just mentioning the
// options.start_section = "default.main";
options.success = function(opm){
options.error = function(err) {
botScriptExecutor.execute(options, event, context);
options.apikey = "1mbccef47ab24dacad3f99557cb35643";
Is there any obvious reason why the delay effect wouldn't be working in between messages? I've used the apikey that is displayed for my gupshup account when I click the logo in the top right.
You have placed the API key after the scripting tool execute function is called. Place the API Key anywhere before the botScriptExecutor.execute and the delay should work.
Also, the timing of the delay is in milliseconds.
function ScriptHandler(context, event){
var options = Object.assign({}, scr_config);
options.current_dir = __dirname;
//options.default_message = "Sorry Some Error Occurred.";
options.apikey = "1mbccef47ab24dacad3f99557cb35643";
// You can add any start point by just mentioning the
// options.start_section = "default.main";
options.success = function(opm){
options.error = function(err) {
botScriptExecutor.execute(options, event, context);
