Start app and navigate to the view previously displayed - ios

I have an app (iOS, Swift) which is usually started in the morning by the user. The user will press a couple of buttons, enter some text, move to other views (using a navigation controller) and so on. When everything is filled out the right way, the user will put the iPhone into standby mode. As far as the app life cycle is concerned, it will enter the background state. When the user opens the app again, he will still be on the same page, with the same parameter, ... Everything is fine.
In case of a suspended app (due to a lack of resources or other stuff), the app will start again from the beginning and not from the view where the user has navigated to before. In such a case, what's the best way to navigate to the specific view the user was when bringing the phone into the standby mode and keep respectively build up the whole navigation stack as it was before the suspension?

You can use Apple state restoration and preservation technique for this purpose. Here you can find an example provided by Apple.
Hope this will help.


Killing an iOS app programmatically

I have an app when a specific action fires I close the app and ask the user to reopen it again.
The problem is when the app executes exit(0) the app stays in the apps stack (when I click the home button twice). I want it to be killed completely so that viewDidLoad() will be executed again when the app opens.
You cannot terminate an app on it's own.
From Apple's Human User Guidelines...
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS application programmatically because people tend to
interpret this as a crash. However, if external circumstances prevent
your application from functioning as intended, you need to tell your
users about the situation and explain what they can do about it.
Depending on how severe the application malfunction is, you have two
Display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures users that
there’s nothing wrong with your application. It puts users in control,
letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and
continue using your application or press the Home button and open a
different application
If only some of your application's features are not working, display
either a screen or an alert when people activate the feature. Display
the alert only when people try to access the feature that isn’t
Have a look at this answer:

Quit the application on a specific view

I have a doubt:
I have an app with 10 views. I want that, if the user is on View1 and sends the app to the background, it terminates the application (exit (0)). But I wanted this to happen only on View1, on the other screens, if the app goes to the background and then returns, it will continue where it left off.
What can I do?
Apple's guidelines seem to be strictly against terminating your app programmatically (for example, with exit()); it would go against what iOS users expect of how apps work.
Instead, I recommend the following approach:
When the app is sent to the background (applicationWillResignActive(_:) is called), check which view controller is currently being displayed.
If it's such that you wish to start over next time the app is brought to the foreground, just reset the app window's root view controller to whatever the initial view controller of your app is (typically, it involves reloading the inital view controller from Main.stroyboard, but your setup could be different).
You can not choose at runtime whether your app goes to the background or is terminated when the user presses the home button ("multitasking"); that is set in stone in your Info.plist file at build time.
Also, remember that even if you are in the screen that you wish to preserve when the user resumes, your app might be terminated by the system while it is in the background (to reclaim scarce system resources), so in that case it will still start from the initial screen. To prevent this, you might want to check out the APIs for state preservation and restoration.
Here is another SO question asking how to find the identity of the current view controller. Why not query the current view when you receive applicationWillResignActive indicating that your app is going to move to the background and then choose the action you want?
As far as I understand your description Preserving and Restoring State is what you are looking for.
Excerpt from Documentation:
The preservation and restoration process is mostly automatic, but you need to tell iOS which parts of your app to preserve. The steps for preserving your app’s view controllers are as follows:
Assign restoration identifiers to the view controllers whose
configuration you want to preserve; see Tagging View Controllers for
Tell iOS how to create or locate new view controller objects at
launch time; see Restoring View Controllers at Launch Time.
For each view controller, store any specific configuration data needed to return that view controller to its original configuration; see Encoding and Decoding Your View Controller’s State.
Here is a link to Preserving Your App’s Visual Appearance Across Launches

Do apps like Twitter implement custom relaunching when opened from background?

I've noticed that when I go off an app like Snapchat, Twitter etc for a few seconds then go back on it, it opens from background as expected, on to the view controller I was last on. However, if I go off the app for more than a few minutes, when I tap on the app it loads the splash screen again and opens the home page.
I initially thought this was standard iOS behaviour, but when I installed my app onto my device I have noticed that even if I go off it for hours, when I come back onto it, the last view controller I was on is shown.
I have thought about checking how long the app was in background by saving times in NSUserDefaults, but don't actually know if this is the right way of going about achieving that kind of behaviour?

Loading the last View Controller Active after app goes into background, swift

I have "Tinder" like swipping view that is located in a CardViewController. The card View Controller is accessed by moving through two other view controllers. i.e. Load App -> FirstViewController -> SecondViewController - > CardViewController.
When I am in the Card ViewController and I go into background mode, the app launches on the FirstViewController and on going to the cards, they are loaded from the first card in a stack of about 10?
Is there anyway to load the app from the last Card I had swipped and in the CardViewController without having to navigate from the FirstView Controller again?
I would really appreciate the help as it's horribly affecting some of my users.
An example of a Tinder like card view is shown!
The problem, from the sound of it, is not what happens when the app goes into the background — that would leave it in exactly the same state when it reactivates. The problem is what happens when the app goes into the background and quits. Your app is then relaunched from scratch, which is why you find yourself in the first view controller. What's upsetting you is the difference between the app's behavior in these two situations.
Apple provides a solution to this situation: UIViewController, along with the App Delegate, has methods permitting you to save and restore state. When the app goes into the background, the current configuration (what view controller's view is showing) is saved. That way, even when the app quits, when it relaunches it can get back to that configuration before it appears to the user. Thus, coming back from background-and-quit looks just like coming back from mere backgrounding.
For full details, see Apple's documentation. This is a good place to start:

Bring previous app back to the front when user is done with my iOS app

My iOS 4/5/6 app is meant to be used briefly. I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button which takes them back to the app they were using before mine came to the front.
Is there a way for my iOS to put itself in the background while returning the previous app to the front?
On an iPad, the user can get that effect by doing a four-finger swipe horizontally across the screen. But that gesture is not a complete solution because (a) that gesture does not work on a handheld device, and (2) not many users know of that gesture. I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button
That button is the Home button.
I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
There's no public API for switching to another app. Users have a number of options for switching between apps, though. In addition to the swipe gesture you mentioned, they can do a four-finger upward swipe to get to the list of recent apps, or double-tap the home button for the same effect, or hit the home button once to go back to Springboard. Users, not apps, are supposed to be in control of which app is in the foreground. And the way they do that should be standard from one app to another. I can understand wanting to make life easier for the user, but what you're trying to do just isn't possible with the available API.
I Don't think you can do that if the previous application is not your property or if you are not aware if a URL Scheme has been incorporated in the previous application that you know of.
Launch App Via URL Scheme!
