Creating notifications with Zend Framework 2 - zend-framework2

I am trying to learn ZF2. I know that there are better methods to create notifications but as I said this is for learning purpose.
My idea is to save the notifications in the database. This is simple I can do it. My question is about how to show them. I have a partial for the header menu , I want to display them there.
I dont know if i am on the right track i currently have a view helper which i create via factory.
class TestMe extends AbstractHelper
protected $html;
public function __invoke($name = 'Unnamed')
// if($this->view->hasIdentity()){
// $user = $this->view->identity();
// }
return "$name , this is Zend Framework 2 View Helper";
protected function htmlIt(){
protected function testJS($loggedIn = false){
$js = '';
$js .= <<<JS
$view = $this->getView();
I know this is nothing but I cant understand what is good an wrong. My idea is to pass ot the view helper an array with notifications for the user and display them. So I need a service for making calls to the database or there is another way?

ZF2 already has an Notification Helper Plugin. Have a Look at
But if you really want to do it on your own, you may want to create an Controller Plugin
There is a nice Tutorial for that here:


ZF2, dependencies which I don't know at start

In my controller, via service, I get from DB a list of the names of widgets (eg. chart, calendar, etc). Every widget implements WidgetInterface and may need other services as its own dependencies. The list of widgets can be different for each user, so I don't know which widgets / dependencies I will need in my controller. Generally, I put dependencies via DI, using factories, but in this case I don't know dependencies at the time of controller initialization.
I want to avoid using service locator directly in controller. How can I manage that issue? Should I get a list of the names of widgets in controller factory? And depending on widgets list get all dependencies and put them to controller?
Thanks, Tom
I solved my issue in a way that suggested Kwido and Sven Buis, it means, I built my own Plugin Manager.
Advantages: I do not need use service locator directly in controller and I have clear and extensible way to get different kinds of widgets.
Thank you.
Create your own Manager, like some sort of ServiceManager, for your widgets.
class WidgetManager extends AbstractPluginManager
Take a look at: Samsonik tutorial - pluginManager. So this way you can inject the WidgetManager and only retrieve the widgets from this manager as your function: validatePlugin, checks whether or not the fetched instance is using the WidgetInterface. Keep in mind that you can still call the parent ServiceManager.
Or keep it simple and build a plugin for your controller that maps your widget names to the service. This plugin can then use the serviceLocator/Manager to retrieve your widget(s), whether they're created by factories or invokableFactories. So you dont inject all the widget directly but only fetch them when they're requested. Something realy simplistic:
protected $map = [
// Widget name within the plugin => Name or class to call from the serviceManager
'Charts' => Widget\Charts::class,
public function load($name)
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->map)) {
return $this->getServiceManager()->get($this->map[$name]);
return null;
Injecting all the Widgets might be bad for your performance so you might consider something else, as when the list of your widgets grow so will the time to handle your request.
Hope this helped you and pushed you in some direction.
This indeed is a interesting question. You could consider using Plugins for the widgets, which can be loaded on the fly.
Depency injection is a good practise, but sometimes, with dynamic content, impossible to implement.
Another way to do this, is to make your own widget-manager. This manager then can load the specific widgets you need. The widget-manager can be injected into the controller.
As you can see above, same idea from #kwido.
I would use a separate service and inject that into the controller.
interface UserWidgetServiceInterface
public function __construct(array $widgets);
public function getWidget($name);
The controller factory
class MyControllerFactory
public function __invoke(ControllerManager $controllerManager, $name, $requestedName)
$serviceLocator = $controllerManager->getServiceLocator();
$userWidgetService = $serviceLocator->get('UserWidgetService');
return new MyController($userWidgetService);
Then the logic to load the widgets would be moved to the UserWidgetServiceFactory.
public function UserWidgetServiceFactory
public function __invoke(ServiceManager $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
$userId = 123; // Load from somewhere e.g session, auth service.
$widgetNames = $this->getWidgetNames($serviceLocator, $userId);
$widgets = $this->loadWidgets($serviceManager, $widgetNames);
return new UserWidgetService($widgets);
public function getWidgetNames(ServiceManager $sm, $userId)
return ['foo','bar'];
public function loadWidgets(serviceManager $sm, array $widgets)
$w = [];
foreach($widgets as $widgetName) {
$w[$widgetName] = $sm->get($widgetName);
return $w;
The call to loadWidgets() would eager load all the widgets; should you wish to optimise this you could register your widgets as LazyServices

How do you call a Service outside of a Symfony3 controller? And queries from Repository

I have two questions today. This is detailed because too many other replies rely on assumptions and have not been detailed enough. I hope that this is detailed and will be able to help lots of developers.
1st. The code below points to the real question I have. How do you call a Service outside of the controller since the $this->get() method is inside of the controller only? This is not in any of the documentation or on KNP University's tutorial on Services.
2nd. From what I have read, according to some, not all, if you call to a Repository, from anywhere, it should automatically instantiate the Entity Repository. I don't think this is so. Tell me if I am right or wrong.
See the following below....
My Default Controller, it's straightforward call a class and let it do some work. As an example, I called it with a Service and a conventional OO method:
// src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
// Here is where I am starting. There is a service
// and there is a conventional OO call.
// Both should invoke the same thing.
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use AppBundle\Service;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class DefaultController extends Controller
* #Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
// Step 1.... Do a little of this.
// Step 2.... Do some of that.
// Step 3.... Call another class to do some logic and it will
// eventually call a query...
// Invoking my service
$obj_via_service = $this->get('');
$result1 = $obj_via_service->submitQuestion();
// Invoking via Namespace and Call
$obj_via_new = new Service\ProcessQuestion();
$result2 = $obj_via_new->submitQuestion();
My Service.yml File.
# src/app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
This is my class that is doing the work for me. I want to be able to call the second service ^^above^^ but I can't because I can't use $this->get() outside of the controller.
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
class ProcessQuestion
public function submitQuestion()
// Step 1.... Do this.
// Step 2.... Do that.
// Step 3.... Query for some data...
// Invoke my repository class via a Service Call....
// but I cannot do that because 'get' is a part of the
// controller...
$obj_via_service = $this->get('app.rep.geo_state');
**^^ ^^**
**^^ This is what won't work ^^**
$results = $obj_via_service->selectStates();
return $results;
My Repository Class... Keep in mind I cannot reach this class yet, but I am throwing it in here so that other new Symfony 3 developers can see this.
// src/AppBundle/Repository/GeoState.php
// My Repository Class where I want to do some queries...
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class GeoStateRepository extends EntityRepository
* #Mapping\Column(type="string")
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function selectStates()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM geo_state";
return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($sql)->getResult();
Why is this so hard to find an example? Also, I have followed a bunch of the Symfony 2.x documentation and the nuances are hard to port into Symfony 3 sometimes.
I think Fabian re purposed too much of the docs for 2.x to go into 3.x and there is not any good examples on coding that is between the New Developer level and the Hard Core Developer level. If you are at Sensio and reading this, please keep in mind that there is a middle ground we need to cover and most of the screencasts that out there and much of the better documentation is not in English.
You should really read more about Dependency Injection.
Symfony is very good at this .
Regarding your question about using app.rep.geo_state service in the service .
In Symfony/ DI terminology it's can be termed as injecting a service into another service .
The documentation on how to do this is very good.
this is how it can be done.
class: AppBundle\Service\ProcessQuestion
arguments: ['#app.rep.geo_state']
class: AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
And in the class
// src/AppBundle/Service/ProcessQuestion.php
namespace AppBundle\Service;
use AppBundle\Entity\GeoStateRepository;
class ProcessQuestion
private $geoRepository;
public function __construct(GeoStateRepository $geoRepository)
$this->geoRepository = $geoRepository;
public function submitQuestion()
//now you can call $this->geoRepository
Also note that $this->get() is only a shortcut function provided by the Symfony base Controller class to access the container.
To know more about DI, you can read Fabian's excellent articles about this in his blog .

Role-based navigation display in MVC4 Bootstrap Sample

How are you supposed to conditionally display menu items based on roles in the Bootstrap Sample project? I was thinking of doing the following
Implement INavigatonRouteFilter - really just implementing the shouldRemove(Route navigationRoutes) method - by getting the default controller/action for the route and seeing if the user is authorized
Call NavigationRoutes.Filters.Add(myAuthorizationFilter) after configuring the NavigationRoutes in App_Start
There are two problems I see with this approach:
I don't actually know how to do the first step unless I add in a bunch of conditional statements to check for Controller's name explicitly
This seems like it could make NavigationRoutes.Filters very hard to deal with once there are a lot of filters or a desire for more modularity later on
I don't know that I've explained the problem clearly enough, but basically I want to use what is provided in the Bootstrap sample to implement authorization-based navigation menu display if at all possible. Using INavigationRouteFilter just seemed like the most natural way to do so.
For those looking for an answer or at least a quick fix.
Here's what I've come up with after 5 minutes and I most certainly haven't though about any side effects this may have.
routes.MapNavigationRoute<HomeController>("Index", c => c.Index())
.FilterRoute(() => !WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated);
You can either do all your filtering in your call to FilterRoute() or you can add more extension methods to save you some characters.
I'm thinking of .RequireRole("Adiministrators"); that calls WebSecurity.RequireRoles() in turn (or HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole()) etc.
public static NavigationRouteBuilder FilterRoute(this NavigationRouteBuilder builder, Func<bool> func)
var currentRoute = builder._parent;
NavigationRoutes.Filters.Add(new BootstrapAuthorizationFilter(builder, x =>
if (x == currentRoute)
return func();
return false;
return builder;
and BootstrapAuthorizationFilter is just a class implementing INavigationRouteFilter that calls func() in its ShouldRemove() method
public class BootstrapAuthorizationFilter : INavigationRouteFilter
private NavigationRouteBuilder builder;
private Func<NamedRoute, bool> func;
public BootstrapAuthorizationFilter(NavigationRouteBuilder builder, Func<NamedRoute, bool> func)
this.builder = builder;
this.func = func;
public bool ShouldRemove(Route navigationRoutes)
if (navigationRoutes is NamedRoute)
return func(navigationRoutes as NamedRoute);
return false;
Clearly nothing fancy and I'm not sure if I'd use it in production.
But I think is simple enough and works (for the cases I tested).
Having said that, I hope the new routing functionality is going to be released soon :)

Routing nested controllers using IoC for dependency injection in laravel 3

update: if i can achieve same result using a different approach, please enlighten me.
I'm using/learning laravel 3 while building my project. Before coding any page-content at all, I'm verifying if i can deploy everything as planned, since this project is an actual rewrite of a rather huge app which is seriously outdated in the techniques it uses.
I'm struggling at this last part, which is quite possibly the hardest challenge i'll face to setup my project.
The above is the uri i'm trying to code atm.
The _identifier_ part should become a model (eloquent based)
the shops is the base for nested controllers
- shops/
- home.php
- contact.php
- products.php
- etc ....
Each existing uri shops/identifier is a real site on its own. (though it has a different domain offcourse)
I want all my nested shops controllers to know what shop they're working with. In fact, the identifier will be used to load the correct layouts, to render the correct images, contact details etc...
From what i've read, i'll need to use the IoC functionality to inject the dependency of my shop-model into the constructor of my controller.
this is what i have atm:
* Register IoC container for my nested shop controllers
IoC::register('controller: shop', function($controller, $identifier)
//also tried using same line without the \\
$class = '\\Shops_' . ucfirst($controller) . '_Controller';
return new $class($identifier);
* Register all shop routes
Route::any('/shops/(:any)/(:any?)/(:any?)', function($identifier, $controller = "home", $method = "index", $params = array()){
if($controller === "index")
$controller = "home";
$controller = IoC::resolve('controller: shop', array($controller, $identifier));
return $controller;
shop base-controller located at application/libraries/controllers/shop.php
namespace Controllers;
use Base_Controller;
* Shop controller
class Shop extends Base_Controller
public function __construct($identifier){
* #todo: load the shop model using the identifier
* possibly move this after the parent::__construct()
file: applications/controllers/shops/home.php
* #heads up: Shop_Controller is aliased in application/config/application.php
class Shops_Home_Controller extends Shop_Controller
public function get_index(){
return ('test');
when defining my routes for these nested shops controllers. Do i simply return the controller laravel should use to resolve the request, or do i trigger the action myself in the callback function in that route definition?
controllers aren't autoloading (when trying the implementation above), yet i'm using the correct conventions for those controllers (unless i'm missing something :-) ). I'm guessing this is because i'm using IoC, how do i cleanly implement this or what is my mistake?
how do i trigger the correct action? It should, as expected, trigger the corresponding HTTP-verb action, since my nested controllers are also RESTFUL-controllers.
extra question to keep things as clean as possible: 'index' defaults to home controller when not using IoC functionality. Is my solution (if-condition in routes.php) to mimic this functionality a clean one? or is there any better approach?
By all means:
If my approach is way off, please tell me, i'm a newbie at laravel, and it's the first framework i'm using, so i'm a newbie at frameworks in general.
I'd also like to apologize if my question isn't explained to well so feel free to ask extra info.
I tried my best at googling this problem, but couldn't find anything similar, which is a first, since all my other laravel problems were easily solved using google.
I'd kindly thank anyone taking the time to read this and even better send me in the right direction!
Ok, final solution, this is far from clean if you ask me, but it seems to work, at least as far as i've checked.
I'm also not to sure if there is an alternative, but due to lack of response and timepressure, i decided to go with this and keep fingers crossed :(.
IoC::register('controller: shop', function($id, $controllerName){
//controller name is the name of the controller located in the shops map
$class = "Shops_" . ucfirst($controllerName) . "_Controller";
include(path('app') . 'controllers/shops/' . strtolower($controllerName) . '.php');
return new $class($id);
Route::any("shops/(:any)/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:all?)", function($id, $controller = "index", $action = "index", $params = ""){
if($controller === "index")
$controller = "home";
$params = explode('/', $params);
$controller = IoC::resolve("controller: shop", array($id, $controller));
$http_verb = Request::method();
* Need to return this, and i now need to manually return every response in every action in every shop controller
return call_user_func_array(array($controller, $http_verb . '_' . $action), $params);
so example given
class Shops_Home_Controller extends Shop_Controller
public function get_index(){
* this works when doing things the usual way, but will not return any output
* when working with nested dependency injection
$this->layout->nest('content', 'shops.index');
public function get_test(){
* this needs to return layout object if it is to work with the nested dependency injection
$this->layout->nest('content', 'shops.index');

How can i call a Method in App.xaml.cs from Mainpage.xaml.cs in wp7

I have a quick question here. Can any one please help me to sort out this problem.
I'm new to windows Phone. I'm developing an Application where i can change my Font styles for the entire application . I have three different Resource file to set three different types of font styles. The resource file are set to application in App.xaml.cs file. Now i need to support to change the styles in Application run time from Application Changestyles page. So i need to call the method in app.xaml.cs from changestyles.xaml.cs page.
private void LoadResourceDictionary()
var dictionaries = new ResourceDictionary();
string source = String.Format("/Testapp;component/Large.xaml");
var themeStyles = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative) };
App.Current.Resources = dictionaries;
ResourceDictionary appResources = App.Current.Resources;
I need to call this method to set the another resource to my application in run time.
Is it possible to resolve this issue?
Make this method public static and you can call it from everywhere: App.LoadResourceDictionary();
Here is a generic how to based on the code I needed for an app I am writing. I know the circumstances are slightly different, but it may help someone else who is after a similar solution:
In MainPage.xaml you create a method as follows:
public static void InMainPage()
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hi I am a method in MainPage.xaml.cs");
Now in App.xaml.cs you can call it in any method as such:
In App.xaml.cs you create a method as follows:
public static void InAppXaml()
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hi I am a method in App.xaml.cs");
Now in Mainpage.xaml.cs you can call it in any method as such:
Tested and works well. Hope it helps!
