Grails 3 Example for oauth consumer - spring-security

already googled a lot, but all results seem to link to oauth provider plugins, examples and tutorials.
I am looking for a oauth consumer example for Grails 3 which let's me login a user to my app with a google account.
One example I've found uses pac4j :
I would like to see an example which is based only on spring-security.
Is such an example already available? If not, which plugins should do the trick?

Check out the spring-security-rest plugin. AFAIK, this is about as much help as the Grails plugin ecosystem is going to provide for this (as of today).
Specifically for the google login use-case:


How to use spring security rest grails plugin to authenticate form-based login

Preface: I created the following issue in GitHub of the plugin and Alvaro Sanchez, the author of the plugin, recommended me to ask here which is the dedicated discussion channel for it.
We are migrating our Grails-based application to Kubernetes to allow multiple instances running simultaneously. The inherent problem is that the application will ask users to re-login if the request is served by the other pod that is not the previously same pod. We want to replace session-based authentication with token-based authentication.
I have come across writing on medium explaining how to use this plugin come long the source code published on GitHub, however, this tutorial didn't show how to customise the form-based login or something along those lines.
The key point here is to verify the existence of the defined token in order to redirect the login URL. However, I don't actually understand how and where we could intervene LoginController spring security core to check both username and token.
Apart from that, I cannot find any tutorials as well as documentation relevant to our need, so then I have raised this problem which someone experienced users can share their solutions.
If you have any idea, helpful tutorials or source code, could you please share with us?
Thank you in advance!

Can you suggest really good documentation to add google+ OAuth2 to an openapi v3 document running in swagger-ui?

Basic authentication is working fine in my openapi v3 document running in swagger-ui. Now I want to add Google+ oauth2 authentication. Can you point me to good newbie documentation how to do this?
I find the configuration options a bit overwhelming as I don't know what options to choose. Most examples I find using a google search seem to be swagger v2 based or result in me thinking I'm an idiot (which may be the case, but I think it has more to do with knowing little about google oauth flows).
The OpenAPI Specification supports the description of OpenID Connect authorization, however Swagger-UI and Editor have not yet implemented it.
The lack of this functionality has been added to the GitHub swagger/swagger-ui issues #3641 list of features not yet supported by Swagger-UI.

How do I add Google OAuth (OpenID Connect) as an IP in Azure ACS?

Disclaimer - I am an extreme n00b when it comes to SAML, ACS and OAuth .. and just auth in general. I'm used to Windows Auth and at a push ADFS. I'm afraid you might need to give me the slow "one word a page" version here
As you are I'm sure aware Google has now deprecated the use of the OpenId 2.0 API for authentication (as of May 19th 2014). This has of course completely broken the "Google" Identity Provider (IP) in Azure Access Control Services (ACS). I basically need to add Google Support back in for a new project and understand it might be a bit more complicated than "click a few buttons".
I have seen a few blogs mention that I might need to "create an STS for the Google Auth, which I then add to ACS as the IP" but they didn't go into any more detail and I honestly don't have any idea how to do this or what it involves. I am happy to write code (I've been writing C# for almost 10 years) but have never done anything like this before.
Can anyone point me at samples / tutorials that will hopefully not go completely over my head?
The latest samples for Google+ are the ones on the Google+ Github page. Check out the .NET sample, this shows the code flows for OAuth 2.0 using Google's client libraries. There's a blog post on the key OAuth 2.0 flows in .NET as well.
If you are using MVC, there is a blog post on integrating OAuth 2.0 with Microsoft's MVC framework.
Although the samples are not targeted to Azure, I have deployed them to Azure instances without issue. If getting integrated into Azure is shown to be problematic and you think it would be worth it for Google to provide support, please request a feature in the issue tracker.
If you create a plugin, extension, etc that would be useful to other developers, please share with the Google+ developer community.

How do I connect to Gmail's IMAP server using oauth in Rails3?

I found the gmail_xoauth gem, which does most of what I need, but I also need to generate the oauth tokens (consumer_key and consumer_secret) from inside Rails3.
I am trying to integrate Gmail's oauth integration into my site and hence cannot use the python script that the above gem refers to. I would like my site to take the user to the authentication page and extract the consumer_key/secret tokens.
I am new to OAuth, so maybe there's something obvious that I am missing.
UPDATE: I solved the above, and have written a blog post with the details (since its too big to fit here).
You may want to check out OmniAuth. It's a gem that encapsulates/abstracts a lot of the underlying protocol work that must be done for OAuth, as well as other authentication/authorization protocols like OpenID and LDAP. I'm not well versed on Google's API for sending/receiving email, but authenticating is the first step.
The OmniAuth wiki has a very good tutorial on using it with OpenID and Google Apps, although this may not be quite what you're looking for when it comes to IMAP. You may need to write your own provider for OmniAuth (a good tutorial describing this is available). Google also provides a reference site for authenticating/authorizing via IMAP and OAuth. The most relevant part of that to you would most likely be the page detailing the protocol.
Hope that helps!
I'm not going to write the full code for you, but do you know PHP? You could have a look at the way this example works:
...then make something similar in Ruby.
This is a Google Code Sample from the following site:

Is there a Spring Security OpenId Registration like stackoverflow?

I cannot find a complete example anywhere of a Spring Security Web App with Open Id registration similar to stackoverflows.
I would say I'm pretty techy guy but I find Spring Security extremely intimidating with its weird Spring XML DSL.
I have found bits and pieces of how one would do the good ole' stackoverflow registration using:
Spring Security Open ID sample WAR
Hillerts Blog 3 part blog posting
Spring Security Official Doc on OpenId (the email attributes are wrong see next link)
Stackoverflow posting about email attributes
JQuery OpenId library for picking your OpenId provider Stackoverflow has a modified one that seems to include Facebook
Best Article on the subject but a little long winded
Another example like previous one for Google App Engine
But no complete examples (WAR). Does anyone know or have a working example (ie WAR) that does more than just authenticate with an in-memory openid urls?
UPDATE: The latest version of Spring Social does a very good job of managing Oauth registration. We ended up using it instead. Although its not OpenId I have grown to prefer Oauth over OpenId. For those interested in there is a project to use OpenId with spring social:
Have you looked at the latest version of the sample code (for the 3.1 release)?
It has several improvements to make it simpler to use Google and Yahoo authentication together (with different attribute exchange configurations simultaneously), uses a similar login dialog to stack overflow and performs simple registration in the case of users who have not previously accessed the app.
See this issue (and the linked one) for more information.
I know this is not really helpful in answering your Question but I am currently building a Grails based web application and initailly started using Spring Security but also found it difficult to setup.
I then changed to Apache Shiro and it is much simpler to implement. But it doesn't have support for openid out of the box, but the nimble grails plugin does so you may be able to use that as an example to write your own.
There is a war to download on
Maybe it can help you.
It's not exactly OpenID, it uses Facebook Connect, but checkout Spring's GreenHouse. That's great code written by the guys from Spring you can use to jumpstart your app.
Yes, In spring application, user can authenticate into your application with open ID provider.
1) Here is the sample example of spring open ID login application.
2) Here is the sample example of spring security social login application and blog here.
