Possible to have more than one redirect_uri? - asana

I would like to be able to redirect to a development environment in addition to the production environment. Is it possible to specify more than one redirect_uri? Specifically, I would like to be able to redirect to localhost.

You need to do like me, create several apps, one for each environment.


Can I hide the domain name in the URL (in my Rails application)?

I have a Ruby on Rails application where my customers should ask their customers to go. But I would like to be able to hide/mask my own domain name from the url, so the customers of my customers don't feel like they are on a 3rd party website.
For example, if my domain name is:
then what is my options for masking the example.com part?
If it is not possible to mask the domain name (I can see that even by using the IP address directly, https errors appear), then is it possible to put in some prefixes like e.g.:
Btw, it's not important to keep the https security on these pages particularly, but I don't suppose it is possible to have an application that has both encrypted and non-encrypted pages?
your customers will have to setup their DNS to point to your application. you can use a CNAME to accomplish that. this can be done by using a subdomain.
if you use SSL/HTTPS you have to make sure that the certificates match the domain.
like #lassej already pointed out, an iframe is probably a better way of integration. it has several limitations though.

Is it possible to remove the .herokuapp part of the url in a rails application running on heroku

Hello wonderful world of the stack!
This is my first deployment using Heroku (I am just using their free service at the moment).
I have set up my domain to point to Heroku and renamed my application and everything works fine. the one thing I would like to change however is the format of the final url.
For example, after typing in:
The page loads and the url changes to:
Is there any way that I can change this behaviour so that the url remains the same?
I have tried using the help pages supplied by Heroku and various searches (usually similar searches to this question title) but I am not sure if I am searching for the correct thing as I seem to only get unrelated results.
Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed on this matter
This sound like a problem with your DNS Domain setup rather than heroku. Read about how to configure your domains properly for heroku use here.
It sounds to me as if you are doing some kind of 'web redirection' (custom stuff that each hosting provider offers) with your domain, when you should set CNAME or A Records.
Which provider hosts your domain / where did you 'buy' it?

RoR 3, Passenger, Relative URLs, and helper methods such as root_url

I'm really struggling to understand the routing behaviour I'm seeing with a Rails 3 app as it relates to Passenger and routing helper methods. Here's a quick overview:
When a user registers for my site, one of the things I'd like to do is send out a verification email to make sure the user has submitted a valid email address. So, I set up mailer to send the user a URL with some sort of magic token, thereby proving that they have received the email I sent. The URL in the body of the email is generated via a routing helper method (in this case, verify_url("a1b2c3") ) and the URL is stuffed into the email appropriately as:
This all works great under localhost:3000 without a hitch. So, like a responsible developer, the next thing I do is move my app to my remote QA environment and verify that everything still works. My hosting provider uses Passenger, and I have it set up so that my QA environment can be accessed as follows:
This is done by setting RailsBaseURI to /qa in the appropriate .htaccess file. So, I'm trying to register for the site in my QA environment, and I'm hoping that the helper method verify_url generates the following URL:
However, this is what I get instead:
Notice the distinct lack of reference to the 'qa' path? I've scoured various blogs and manuals looking for an answer, and I've seen the following suggestions:
Set an environment variable such as ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']
Set ActionController::Base.relative_url_root in my environment/qa.rb
Add a map to my config.ru to initialize my app under a particular path
Wrap my routes in a scope
However, each of these seems either to be deprecated (the first two options), or ends up producing redundant path info (the second two options) as follows:
Can anyone tell me the proper way to set this up, such that when I call verify_url("a1b2c3"), I'm actually getting the proper URL, including the relative path for my QA environment? Ideally, I'd want to be able to set this in environments/qa.rb somehow, such that I don't have to change my app at all when moving from one environment to the next.
Thanks in advance!
I would dismiss the whole /qa/ and move the staging to a subdomain like http://qa.my.url/ Otherwise you will have to make changes to the code that might affect production in a negative way.
I've ignored the the fact that you wanted to use those routes in emails. In this case you will have to set :host in the url helper:
verify_url(:id=>"a1b2c3", :host=>"qa.my.url")
To cut down the amount of changes you would have to make once you go into production, I would suggest you define a constant in an initializer (in /path/to/app/config/initializers/my_host.rb):
MY_HOST = 'qa.my.url'
After that you could call verify_url in your email templates like so:
verify_url(:id=>"a1b2c3", :host=>MY_HOST)
Once you go into production, change the MY_HOST constant and you won't have to worry about the templates.
In my views I never use the *_url helpers, only the *_path ones to circumvent this issue.
After spending a little time with the ActionMailer docs, it turns out that there is an even easier solution, at least for what I am looking to accomplish. Wukerplank definitely answered my question, but it seems that I wasn't quite asking the right question. :-)
The only time I really need to see the fully qualified URL is when I'm working within a mailer, right? Otherwise, paths work just fine. Well, it turns out that ActionMailer allows you to specify default url options on a per-environment basis. In my environments/development.rb config file, I now have the following:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' }
When I move to my QA environment, I just need to tell Passenger that I'm running from QA, and have something like this environments/qa.rb config:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'qa.my.url' }
That way, the code doesn't have to change one bit between environments, and thus, I really don't care what domain, subdomain, or port I'm running on... It just works. Hope this helps someone else in the future. Thanks!

Accessing URL/URI information in Rails in the environments file?

How would I access the domain name from Rails inside the environments/deveopment.rb? I want to find out whether or not I am on localhost or a real domain. Thank you!
The environment files are not processed on every request- only at startup, so there wouldn't be any particular context at the time they are processed. This is really the job for a separate environment instead of having dev do double duty.
If you just want to check against the hostname or something though, you can do something like (assuming you're on a unix-like system):
my_host = `hostname`.chomp
and test against that, which may solve your problem.

Subdomains and locally installed Rails app

I can't figure out what I'm overlooking, perhaps it's obvious or lack of understanding.
The app I'm working with uses subdomains which on the hosting server work properly. I figured locally installing would kick up some issues around routing, so I read up on making changes to /etc/hosts and using the Ghost gem. Both seem to work fine i.e. localhost:3000/ becomes myapp.local:3000 but I don't understand how to go about logging into a subdomain account. Here's an example...
myapp.local:3000/session/new = the default login page for the app
myapp.local:3000/signup = default signup page
I can create an account here e.g. Sub1
The thank you page is shown w/ the reference to sub1.myapp.com which points to the hosted app (the local db shows this domain as well)
sub1.myapp.local manually added to /etc/hosts and dscacheutil -flushcache
sub1.myapp.local:3000/session/new is the subdomain
login attempts return that this isn't a valid domain. This seems to make sense because the local db shows the url as sub1.myapp.com on the hosting server.
So my question is whether there's a local workaround that I can use for development or have I totally missed a fundamental concept along the way?
you might just want to try putting the actual dot com in your /etc/hosts file.
ie: sub1.myapp.com myapp.com anyothersubdomains.myapp.com
what this usually does is trick your computer into thinking it is the host of all of those, so you can't go to the real site anymore in a web browser.
if you do want it to be .local, presumably so that you can refer to the real online site while working on a local copy, you should probably take a look in app/controllers/application_controller.rb (sometimes application.rb) and look for logic in there that helps determine what to do depending on the subdomain. maybe its hard coded to only look for a .com or something.
If you are using the webrick server or something like Puma for development you can use lvh.me to access your subdomains. e.g.
http://lvh.me:3000/ is equal http://localhost:3000/
