Problems interpreting a square wave - lua

I'm trying to use an ESP8266 SoC to read a water flow sensor that is said to produce a square wave as output. I thought it would be a simple matter of using a GPIO port in interrupt mode, to count rising edge transitions -- and in fact that initially seemed to work. Then I upgraded the firmware from 0.96 to 1.5 and it has since ceased to work, I see no transitions when the wheel spins anymore.
However, if I run a wire to the pin [for the GPIO I'm using] and touch it to VCC momentarily, the interrupt routine is called as expected, so I know the sensor is wired to the right pin, and the interrupt routine is registered correctly. My code:
function intCb(level)
SpinCount = SpinCount + 1
local levelString = "up"
if level == gpio.HIGH then
levelString = "down"
gpio.trig(pin, levelString, intCb)
gpio.write(pin, 0)
gpio.trig(pin, "up", intCb)
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INT, gpio.FLOAT)
So what am I missing? Do I need more support circuitry to read a square wave as input? If so then how did it work initially?

For anything that involves hardware it's really hard to give a definite answer here on SO. In most cases one bases it on hints (and hunches sometimes). A few ideas:
gpio.FLOAT should probably be gpio.PULLUP instead (unless you have an external pull-up resistor).
Your setup doesn't seem to be fundamentally different from e.g. using a push button or a switch to trigger some event. Hence, you probably want to use some kind of debounce or throttle function.
Since you seem to be interested in both rising and falling edges (as you switch between up and down) you might just as well listen for both, no?
So, assuming I drew the right conclusions something like the following generic skeleton may prove to be useful:
-- inspired by
-- and
local pin = 4 --> GPIO2
function debounce (func)
local last = 0
local delay = 5000
return function (...)
local now =
local delta = now - last
-- if delta < 0 then delta = delta + 2147483647 end; proposed because of delta rolling over
if delta < delay then return end;
last = now
return func(...)
function onChange ()
print('The pin value has changed to '
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INT, gpio.PULLUP) -- see
gpio.trig(pin, 'both', debounce(onChange))

I solved this using a 555 timer chip as a schmitt trigger:


Fixing my color touch script for my roblox puzzle game

So I have a roblox puzzle game that I have been working on for a while now on based on the arcade classic Q bert where the goal is to change all the colours of the bricks while avoiding enemies and getting a high score but I will be adding some features of my own so it does not get as repetitive such as additional tasks like collecting keys on platforms to unlock the door to the next level and secrets like a diamond that rarely appears once every 10 rounds and collecting one gives the player an extra dude and 10 million points.
This is how the game looks so far
The issue I am having as you can see is that the colours do in fact change but when I jump on it again it changes back to the first colour it changes to which in this case is green but I want it to stay on the first colour and make it so that it does not change until the player jumps on the brick again and later on in the game I want it to become more complex and puzzle like as the game goes on like in this example [][2] .
I have tried a few things like adding timers ,debounces and even separate scripts alltogether none of which have worked out for me so far and I of course went out looking for a question from somebody else that had a similar problem but so far I have been struggling to find anybody else that has the same problem.
local module = {} --module for the modulescript and for loop is created
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
for _, part,brick in pairs (CollectionService:GetTagged("blocks"))
part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) --Part connects with the touched property to the function with the parameter hit
if (hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"))
part.BrickColor = ("Bright green")
wait (2)
part.BrickColor = ("Eggplant")
-- local sound = workspace.Sound -- use "local sound = workspace.Sound", if there is already a sound object in the workspace
--sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://4797903038" --replace quoted text with whatever sound id you need to use
-- end)
return module
I am not the best programmer but I do know the basics of programming and I have tried out various programming languages like Python and c++ all of which are not all that hard to understand once you know the basics of it all but finding out the solution to the problem is the really tricky part and so is bug fixing and troubleshooting.
I do know I could try a simple debounce system but that still does not solve the problem and it only makes it so the code only runs once and slows it down.
I have been asking all over the place for a solution to this problem but I never got an answer to it so I am trying on good old Stackoverflow for once to see if this will be the place where I get the help I need.
this should work, try it
local module = {} --module for the modulescript and for loop is created
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local DidParts = {} -- Initializing another table to check if the part is already in it
for _, part,brick in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged("blocks")) do
part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) --Part connects with the touched property to the function with the parameter hit
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
if table.find(DidParts,part) then
return -- checking if the part isnt in the table if it is then return
part.BrickColor ="Bright green")
part.BrickColor ="Eggplant")
table.insert(DidParts,part) -- when all the code has finished insert it in the table
-- local sound = workspace.Sound -- use "local sound = workspace.Sound", if there is already a sound object in the workspace
--sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://4797903038" --replace quoted text with whatever sound id you need to use
-- end)
return module

Tower-Defense Enemy AI movement roblox

can someone help me on how show i move the NPCs through a path, like in the tds game?. I have tried this
local function move()
-- source is an array with all the positions it has to go to
for i=1,#source,1 do
-- This is in case the MoveTo takes more than 8 seconds
local itreached = false
while itreached == false do
itreached = true
and it works to an extend , that when i approach the npc it somehow falls and lags , otherwise if i just run it without a player it works just fine. Are there other techniques, like lerp or tween? I tried using lerp, but i couldn't move the whole model.
video showing the problem
You are running into an issue with network ownership. The Roblox engine decides who is responsible for calculating the positions of objects based on some calculation around who is closest to the object and who has a strong enough machine to do the calculation. For example, desktop computers and laptops tend to have a wider sphere of influence than mobile devices. Anyways, when you walk close it the NPCs, there is a handoff of ownership, and that is causing the NPCs to fall over. So to fix it, you need to call SetNetworkOwner(nil) on the NPC's PrimaryPart so that the part is owned by the server.
Also, if you want to clean up your code, you can make it entirely driven by events. Once you tell it to start moving, it will select the next target once it arrives.
local targetPos = 1
local function move()
-- listen for when the NPC arrives at a position
-- check that the NPC was able to arrive at their target location
if not didArrive then
local errMsg = string.format("%s could not arrive at the target location : (%s, %s, %s)", npc.Name, tostring(targetPos.X), tostring(targetPos.Y), tostring(targetPos.Z))
-- do something to handle this bad case! Delete the npc?
-- select the next target
targetPos = targetPos + 1
-- check if there are any more targets to move to
if targetPos <= #source then
print("Done moving!")

How to hold a value for a period of time

New to Lua scripting, so hopefully I'm using the right terminology to describe this, please forgive if I'm not, I'll get better over time....
I'm writing code for a game using Lua. And I have a function that sets a value. Now I need to "hold" this value for a set period of time after which it gets set to another value.
I'm trying to replicate this behavior:
Imagine a car-start key.
0 = off
1 = ignition on
2 = ignition on + starter -- this fires to get the engine to ignite. In real-life, this "start" position 2 is HELD while the starter does its thing, then once the engine ignites, you'd let go and it springs back to = 1 to keep the ignition on while the engine keeps running.
Now imagine instead, a start button and it can not NOT be pushed in and held in position=2 (like the key) for the time required for the starter to ignite the engine. Instead, once touched, that should cause the starter to runs for a set period of time in position 2 and when it senses a certain =>RPM, the starter stops and goes back to position 1, and leaves the engine running.
Similarly, I have a button that when "touched" fires the starter, but that starter event as expected goes from 0 to 2 and back to 1 in a blink. If I set it to be 2 then it fires forever.
I need to hold its phase 2 position in place for 15 seconds, then it can get back to 1
What I have:
A button that has an animated state. (0 off, 1, 2).
If 0 then 1, if 1 then 2 using phase==2 as the spring step from 2 back to 1
At position == 2, StarterKey = 2
No syntax issues.
The StarterKey variable is triggered to be =2 at position 2 -- BUT not long enough for the engine to ignite. I need StarterKey=2 to stay as a 2 for 15 seconds. Or, do I need to time the entire if phase==2 stage to be held for longer? Not sure.
What should I be looking at please? Here's a relevant snip..
function EngineStart()
if phase == 0 then
if ButtonState == 0 then
ButtonState = 1
StarterKey = 2 -- I tried adding *duration = 15* this event but that does not work
I also have the subsequent elseif phase == 2 part for when the button is in position == 2 so it springs back to 1 -- that all works fine.
How do I, or what do I need to use, to introduce time for my events and functions? I don't want to measure time, but set event time.
Solved this by watching a Lua tutorial video online (taught me how) + discovered that the sim has a timer function that I then used to set the number of seconds ("time") that the starter key-press stayed in its 2 position, which then fired it long enough for the igniters to do their work. (what to use)
QED :)) HA!

(Lua) How do I increment a variable every time one of three if statements runs?

I'm building a moving and sensing bot in CoppelliaSim for school. CopelliaSim uses Lua for scripting. Basically every time the bot's forward sensors hit something, one of three if statements will run. I want it to count how many times any of these if statements runs, and once that count gets to a certain amount (like 20), I'll run something else, which will do the same thing (find collisions, add to the count, reach an amount, and switch back to the first).
result=sim.readProximitySensor(noseSensor) -- Read the proximity sensor
-- If we detected something, we set the backward mode:
if (result>0) then backUntilTime=sim.getSimulationTime()+3
print("Collision Detected")
result=sim.readProximitySensor(noseSensor0) -- Read the proximity sensor
-- If we detected something, we set the backward mode:
if (result>0) then backUntilTime=sim.getSimulationTime()+3
print("Collision Detected")
result=sim.readProximitySensor(noseSensor1) -- Read the proximity sensor
-- If we detected something, we set the backward mode:
if (result>0) then backUntilTime=sim.getSimulationTime()+3
print("Collision Detected")
Above is the start of a function and one of the three If statements. I'm printing just to see if it actually increments. It is printing, but it is not incrementing (just 1 over and over). This bot has 3 sensors on it (an if statement for each sensor) and it adds 1 to i for the first collision and ignores the rest, even if it's from the same sensor. I feel like my problem is just some simple syntax issue with Lua that I don't know and can't find how to properly fix.
I'm happy to provide more code if this little snippet was not sufficient to answer this question.
Assuming that you have a looping function such as sysCall_actuation which is being executed per simulation step. As Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica has already stated, you are setting your variable i back to zero every time a simulation step is executed. To achieve your goal, you would have to set your variable to 0 outside your function. There are two appropriate approaches to achieve that:
Define the variable outside any function, in the beginning of your file (or before you define any function that uses your variable e.g right before the definition of sysCall_actuation).
-- Beginning of the file.
local i = 0
function sysCall_actuation()
i = i + 1
Define your variable in sysCall_init function, which is the appropriate approach in CoppeliaSim.
function sysCall_init()
i = 0
Finally, you can use your variable in your sysCall_actuation function with basic comparison operations:
function sysCall_actuation()
if i > 20 then
i = 0 -- Reset 'i' so this function will not be running every step again and again.
-- Do something here.
As a side note, practice using local variables whenever you can, to keep the memory clean and avoid having ambiguous variables.

Roblox Anti-Exploit WalkSpeed Script

I am making a game that has different walkspeeds in different sections, but I don't want people to change their own walkspeed with hacks. My solution was to make a part and stretch it to fit the entire area and make it invisible + CanCollide disabled, and then use the child script to kill you if your walkspeed isn't what it should be:
if not WSChecker.Parent then return end
local humanoid = WSChecker.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if not humanoid then return end
if (humanoid.WalkSpeed ~= 25) then
humanoid.Health = 0
Problem is that it does not work with multiple players in the part at one time, and I want to make it so it will kick the player instead of killing them. Is there a way to go about these problems? It has to check their ws only within the part, and I don't know how to make it kick whoever changed their ws instead of killing them.
I would suggest hooking up your function to each player's Humanoid instead, and use the Humanoid.Running event.
Humanoid.Running provides you the speed they're currently running at, which means you can check if that speed is ever above a certain threshold, and punish them if it is.
Code example:
print(Player, "is running at speed", Speed)
As for kicking, you want to use player:Kick().
if (humanoid.WalkSpeed ~= 25) then
that should do the trick...
I think I can help. The solution that worked for me is:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer --Make sure it's a local script.
local char = player.Character
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local hum2 = char.Humanoid
script.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
if hum.WalkSpeed >16 then
player:Kick('You have been kicked for possible speed hacks.')
if hum2.WalkSpeed >16 then
player:Kick('You have been kicked for possible speed hacks.')
if (humanoid.WalkSpeed ~= 25) then
Hopefully, this is a better solution.
You can ofcourse do the above but as an addition to what everyone above said, checking if the walkspeed value is at the desired value is easily bypassable.
Exploiters will get the raw metatable of the game and hook __index to return a normal value for WalkSpeed. Metatables cant be detected either as most modern exploits use C closures instead of Lua. Your best chance is to see how fast the character is moving and teleport them back if player is moving too fast (like a passive anticheat).
