Asserts are hit in production build causing crashes - ios

I have several assert(condition, "message") statements in my project.
They are used to check invariant conditions during development. I thought they would be ignored in production/release build (as stated in this answer). They are not. Instead they cause crashes during TestFlight testing. When I comment asserts the app does not crash. Something usually gets wrong a bit but it does not crash.
Can it be something with my build settings?
All my archive schemes use release configuration:
The asserts are in Cocoa Touch Framework project, that is used from custom keyboard extension.
All the targets in all projects (Cocoa Touch Framework, and the main project with keyboard extension target) have these Build Settings:
Enable Foundation Assertions
Debug YES
Release NO
Disable Safety Checks NO
What's wrong?
Sulthan's answer shows how to disable asserts globally for both debug and relase builds. That is not what I need. I want it to work as expected - asserts should be enabled in debug but disabled in release builds.
By default it works that way - and it also works that way in my main project. But it does not work for asserts located in Framework project that is linked from that main project (details in this question). Why? How to fix it?

The options you have tried:
Enable Foundation Assertions is in the preprocessing section (Macros). Swift is not preprocessed and does not use macros. This option disables NSAssert, NSParameterAssert and similar macros commonly used in Objective-C.
Disable Safety Checks is a performance option:
By default, the standard library guarantees memory safety. Many functions and methods document the requirements that must be satisfied by the caller, such as an array index being valid; memory safety is guaranteed even if a requirement is violated. However, violating a requirement can trigger a runtime error. APIs that include the word “unsafe” in their name let you explicitly disable safety checks in places where you need the additional performance. It’s your responsibility to verify the memory safety of code that uses unsafe APIs. Memory safety is also not guaranteed if there is a race condition in multithreaded code.
(Swift Library Reference)
You should probably try my answer here
(use -assert-config Release in Other Swift Flags).
Or just keep the asserts in production builds. Every failing assert is a bug and in general it's better to know about a bug as soon as possible.


Why would I ever NOT want to Enable Testability

In ios apps the default behaviour appears to be to fail for Test Compilation.
Why would I want that to be default? Surely, at worst, I would want Debug to have it enabled? What changes does Enabling Testability actually make?
I happened upon this while tracking down another issue. But perhaps I can give provide a scenario. Why would you ever not want to enable testability?
If you want to use the GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN (aka Symbols Hidden By Default), enable testability has higher precedence and will override this.
In my case, I have a configuration which is copied from Debug and hence has Enable Testability == YES. I have an external static library which was built with -fvisibility=hidden which is used to build one of my own static libs (built with Xcode). However when building my debug builds, I get errors such as (I redacted the function names and paths)
Showing All Messages : Direct access in function ... means the weak
symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by
different translation units being compiled with different visibility
From the Apple doc here:
When you set the Enable Testability build setting to Yes, which is
true by default for test builds in new projects, Xcode includes the
-enable-testing flag during compilation. This makes the Swift entities declared in the compiled module eligible for a higher level of access.
It would seem that it is also there for Swift accessibility. So if you are not using Xcode's testing and Swift, it would also seem like you could do without this.

What happens to Console.WriteLine calls in Xamarin.iOS release builds?

When developing iOS apps using XCode, you can use NSLog calls to write information to the console for debugging. In Xamarin.iOS, the same can be done with Console.WriteLine.
When running a release build of an app, without the debugger attached, these calls serve no purpose. So I've thought of excluding them with pre-processor directives:
So that the calls don't even exist in the release build. I appreciate this may be micro-optimisation - but I'm curious if Xamairn already does this, making this unnecessary?
Console output is not removed in iOS release builds.
FYI: Xcode does not "automatically" remove NSLog or print from Obj-C/Swift "release" code either. (You typically define a single global preprocessor macro to remove them all, if desired...)
Your options are many... including:
DEBUG preprocessor as you show in your question.
Use System.Diagnostic.Debug.WriteLine:
Any calls to Debug.* will be removed by the compiler due to the [Conditional("DEBUG")] attribute being applied.
Create your own "Logger" class as a wrapper to the stdout writers and [Conditional("DEBUG")] it
Use Fody and re-weave the assemblies to remove/NOP/redirect the WriteLine
I do this to redirect the calls to in internal log and upon crash or user stat requests, forward this log to our crash reporting servers.
etc, .....
Ref: Xamarin's NSLogWriter Helper Class

How to handle large Swift Project?

After iPhone app that I'm writing in Swift become quite big (> 150 .swift files + various Objective-C libs), Xcode start behave pretty badly:
every second compilation I get various errors, e.g.:
Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
compilation take enormous amount of time (> 2 min on MacBook Pro Retina)
and so on.
I just wonder if everyone has same problems and maybe someone found a way to reduce this nightmare?
What I have done so far — I split project into several dynamic frameworks that I link from main project, it helps to reduce compile time, but introduce some new problems.
I also use iRamDisk to keep DerivedData folder in RAM and periodically delete all files from it, it sometimes helps with SourceKit crashes.
Swift toolchain is still a bit gross, you'll need to use some temporary workarounds until Apple fixes it (see UPDATES below)
Here is a list of items that you can do to keep yourself from going crazy.
Slowness caused by immature Swift compiler
Change your development workflow using Injection for Xcode. Once you installed the plugin, you'll be able to inject code changes in your simulator\device without recompiling. You don't need to hardcode\modify anything in your project. We started using it recently at work and it made a huge impact on our side, even if it doesn't apply to every use case (for example you can't create new functions, you can only modify the existing ones).
Some particular code constructs that the compiler doesn't like and takes too much time to compile. The most common problem is with the Type Checker that slows down compile time exponentially based on how many type checks it needs to do (read more here for practical examples and here for a detailed explanation). In order to identify if you are suffering from this problem you can follow this blog post, you will gather information about the functions that creates slowness by using some compiler additional flags. Alternatively you can use this Xcode plugin to identify the source of the build slowness.
Use dynamic frameworks wisely, where it makes sense. A framework recompilation will be done only when you modify one of its Swift files (dynamic frameworks are only available for iOS >= 7).
Condense code in the same files. Lowering the number of Swift files speeds up the compile process sensibly. You can easily achieve it enabling "Whole module optimization" by adding a user-defined custom flag SWIFT_WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION and set it to YES and at the same time set optimization level to none (to disable optimizations that would make it slow) OUTDATED You may consider to use this gist, it's a build script that collapses all your code in a "merge.swift" file.
You'll need to create a new target for it, but it is worth a
Double check things listed here (there are a few some more misc reasons because the compilation is slow)
OUTDATED Try the approach described in this blog post, it involves creating a build script that generates a make file. It requires manual intervention on the build script (it contains the list of swift files).
OUTDATED Try this hacked up incremental compilation technique
UPDATE: Incremental builds introduced on Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3)
Apple finally introduced incremental builds with Swift 1.2 (shipped with Xcode 6.3). It's not still perfect, but it's a huge improvement.
From now on a class is recompiled only when it is changed (or when one of the class it depends on has been changed).
However the compiler still can’t understand if the changes to a class are to its interface or not. So any kind of change to a class causes a recompilation of that class and all of its dependencies.
UPDATE: Recompile dependent classes only when public interface changes introduced on Swift 2.1 (Xcode 7.1)
Starting from Swift 2.1 (Xcode 7.1), the dependent classes are recompiled only when you change the public interface of a class, and not at every change. This makes an huge difference in particular for big projects.
Project (mis)configuration (not related to Swift)
Be sure that "Build Active Architecture Only" is YES for debug.
Be sure that you didn't add pre\post compilation scripts that take too much time.
Apple has some advices for speeding up your Xcode build in Technical Note 2190. Have you thought about creating and precompiling an own framework for outsourcing unchanged Swift modules or some/all Objective-C code?
Remove all type inferences in Swift.
This SO topic has some nice ideas and this blog post suggest to
stop generating dSYM bundles and
avoid compiling with -O4 if using Clang.
Although lots of these improvements are related to Objective-C, I am quite sure, that some of them are still relevant for Swift.
The (re)compiling is a known issue that I am sure will be resolved soon. Some recommendations:
Use Objective C where possible - it compiles fast even if it is a part of a Swift project
Split code to frameworks
Specify types instead of leaving it up to the compiler to infer them
Again, there is a good chance that this will be fixed soon, so perhaps it is best not to make big investments in rewriting or reorganizing the code at this point in time.
you could try:
upgrading the amount of RAM in your computer
if you have multiple .swift files that do things on the same view controller, try condensing them into one .swift file per view controller
tweaking the settings under compile sources to see if you have any duplicates or if there are any scripts or settings you can add to make it compile faster...
you can also take a look at this post's answers for some hints as to what you can do to slow down compile time
I've discovered that one of the main causes of segmentation faults and slow compilation is hardcoding big arrays and dictionaries, especially when declaring them as global constants and trying to access values from them from within another .swift file. When I store all that data inside plists, these problems are gone.
In my experience avoid creating the large swift files, when I started a project in my new company, there was a 'UIViewController' with more than 2000 lines, little changes on this file taking much time to build, I made 4 extensions with <500 lines from that class, my speed improvement was incredible.

Swift Assertions behaviour in production applications

I'm reading the Assertions section in the Swift e-book and it looks like assertions work very similarly to their Objective-C counterparts. However, nowhere in the docs can I find anything about runtime behaviour while running as a production app. Objective-C's NSAssert promises never to terminate a production application as a result of an assertion failure. Is it the same case in Swift?
Based upon the language Apple use in their documentation, I'd say assertions are ignored in a production environment.
If your code triggers an assertion while running in a debug
environment, such as when you build and run an app in Xcode, you can
see exactly where the invalid state occurred and query the state of
your app at the time that the assertion was triggered. An assertion
also lets you provide a suitable debug message as to the nature of the
And in the "Note" block:
Assertions cause your app to terminate and are not a substitute for
designing your code in such a way that invalid conditions are unlikely
to arise. Nonetheless, in situations where invalid conditions are
possible, an assertion is an effective way to ensure that such
conditions are highlighted and noticed during development, before your
app is published.
The difference between debug and release is the difference between compiler arguments. The most likely answer is that there will be some special compiler settings (similar to -ea in Java).
The Swift compiler has an argument called -assert-config
-assert-config Specify the assert_configuration replacement. Possible values are Debug, Release, Replacement.
In Release, the assertions are ignored. Not sure about the difference between Debug and Replacement.
Check your Optimization Level and make sure it is not Onone for release configuration. See my note
Asserts are documented along with preconditions in the Swift standard library documentation.
Debug -> Stop on assertion failure.
Release -> Compile with assertions ignored
Release and "Disable safety checks" -> Assume all assertion statements are statements of truth and hints to the compiler so that following and preceding code may be removed if only reached in conditions where the assertion would have failed. This means that if you follow the assertion by code on handle the exceptional case it may be ignored. If the assertion would ever have failed the behaviour is completely undefined.
I've not checked but the "Disable safety checks" may correlate with the -assert-config Replacement that #Sulthan mentions.

Static Library works fine with debug,but does not with release

I have an iOS project which has a static library and in the library there is a encrypt method and in the method it refers a lot of system encrypt method about AES encryption. When I build the static library with release,it returned the correct data.But when I build with debug mode,it returns nil.
What's the differences between the two modes?
The same source code can build out different binary files that works differently?
Help me,thanks beforehand. This is where I choose the two modes.
The main difference is the level of compiler optimization. Select the project target and look at the Build Settings and compare Debug to Release.
One potential reason for the crash is that the code has some memory usage errors that by coincidence do not cause a crash with code optimization but do with no optimization. Or there are some other configuration difference. See the comment by #iDev.
A starting point is to fix all warnings, both compiler and Analyzer. The examine the crash log to understand the crash. If you need help with that add a crash report to your question.
