Grails access domain data during service initialization - grails

I am trying to implement a search service where i want to do some initial data caching when the service is created. The service implements the spring framework InitializingBean interface, but when I try to use the afterPropertiesSet method to get data from my domains, I get an error stating that GORM is not ready for use. Is there any way to have domain objects available for use in the afterPropertiesSet method? Grails 2.5.0.

I'm not aware of an event or something similar to notify when domain classes have been initialized, but it does happen before BootStrap runs. For cases like this where afterPropertiesSet is too early to do something, you can dependency-inject the service in BootStrap and call your own init method, e.g.
class BootStrap {
def myService
def init = {


Grails : How do you make services available inside services?

I am currently running into an issue where I am attempting to use a service within a service however the service is null
class ApplicationService{
def someService
def someMethod(){
someService.method()//null on someService
Is there additional wiring that I need to perform for this to work? Thanks in advance for your help.
I was able to do this by using the grailsApplication and loading the service.
someService = grailsApplication.classLoader.loadClass("").newInstance()
The most possible explanation i here is, the class behind SomeService is not a Grails service artefact thus you cannot just inject it like that.
Double check on the source code whether that class is really a service or just a Groovy class in src/groovy. The framework will treat these two differently.
Also do not attempt to inject service with manually creating the instance like your answer, that is not the correct way to do dependency injection in Grails (or in Spring).

How do you deal with shared data in stateless grails service

I was trying to implement a grails SearchService that indexes certain text and stores it in memory for faster lookup. In order to store this data, I was trying to use a private static property in the Service to store the data, but the property was randomly resetting values. After rereading documentation, I realized that this is likely because grails services are supposed to be stateless since the employee the singleton pattern. Still, not sure I understand how a static variable can vary. Does the JVM load separate copies of service classes per thread? Not sure I'm wrapping my head around what's happening.
Nonetheless, now that I know I can't rely on static variables to store application-wide data, what's the best approach to store and access data for use across the application, while keeping synchronization and avoiding races?
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method on class [TEXTSTORE] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.
at SearchService.buildIndex(SearchService.groovy:63)
at SearchService$_indexAllDomains_closure2.doCall(SearchService.groovy:42)
at SearchService.indexAllDomains(SearchService.groovy:41)
at SearchService.$tt__rebuildIndex(SearchService.groovy:48)
at SearchService.afterPropertiesSet(SearchService.groovy:35)
... 4 more
You seem to be a bit confused about services in Grails. There is no reason why a service (defaulting to singleton) can't have shared state. It's not uncommon for a service to populate some cached or indexed data when it is created so it can be used by multiple callers.
Most often this is done by implementing the org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean interface and making use of the afterPropertiesSet() method which is called when the service (Spring bean) has been created in the application context and all dependencies have been resolved.
For example:
package com.example
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
class MyExampleService implements InitializingBean {
private List data
def otherService
void afterPropertiesSet() {
data = otherService.doSomethingToFetchData()
// .. other stuff
By hooking into the lifecycle of the bean you can be fairly sure that even in development (when your service reloads because you've changed some code) it will still have the data needed.

grails how to disable transactional for a method

I have a service method to transfer funds to/from an external system.
it should create a transaction in our system first (so we have a transactionId)
Then we call the external system.
If the external system fails, we need to rollback the transaction, then write a new record in our payment audit log table, regardless of if the call failed or worked.
I cant figure out how to control the transaction in this case.
I understand services are transactional by default.
I assume I could create 3 methods (they are all 1 method now, which doesn't work as I have no control over what gets committed and what gets rolled back)
I need to rollback 1 if 1 fails, and do nothing more.
I need to rollback 1 if 2 fails, but write 3.
I need to write 3 if 1 and 2 works.
I don't know how to annotate these, or how to structure a 4th request to manage the 3.
I'd go with something like this:
package com.myapp
import grails.transaction.Transactional
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation
class MyService {
def createPaymentTransaction() {}
def sendToPaymentSystem() {}
def createPaymentRecord() {}
def method4() {
try {
def transactionId = createPaymentTransaction()
finally {
By annotating at the class level, we set the defaults for all methods, but can customize as needed, e.g. for createPaymentMethod.
So what will happen is that calling method4 will join an existing transaction, or start a new one if necessary. If there's a problem in either createPaymentTransaction or sendToPaymentSystem then the transaction will be rolled back, but the call to createPaymentRecord will happen because it's in the finally block, and it will run in a separate transaction so it isn't affected by a rollback in the main transaction, and a failure there doesn't affect the main transaction.
If you're not able to use the new grails.transaction.Transactional annotation, use the standard Spring org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional annotation, but you need to make a small change. One of the motivations for the Grails annotation is to provide the same functionality as the Spring annotation, but avoid the problems with calling an annotated method from within the service. The Spring annotation triggers creation of a proxy at runtime which intercepts all calls, manages transactionality for the method, and then calls the real method in the service instance. But with the current code, the call to createPaymentRecord will bypass the proxy (the service instance is just calling itself) and there won't be a new transaction. The Grails annotation rewrites the bytecode to wrap each method in a transaction template which uses the applicable annotation settings (explicit or inferred from a class-scope annotation), so it works correctly internally and externally. If using the Spring annotation, you need to call the method on the proxy, which just involves accessing the Spring bean for this service. Add a dependency injection for the GrailsApplication as a field:
def grailsApplication
and then call createPaymentRecord via
in the finally block.
By default all methods in a service are transactional, but you can change the behaviour on a method-by-method basis with annotations, e.g.
import grails.transaction.*
// By default all methods are transactional
class MyService {
def notTransactional() {
// inherits the class-level default
def transactional() {
See the Grails manual for more details about the transaction annotations.
If you need to manage transactions at a more fine-grained level than per-method, you can use the withTransaction domain class method to manage transactions programatically.

Grails Spring Security Expression - How to access Method parameter

Using the Spring Security Plugin for Grails:
Version: 2.0-RC2
For my controllers I am using the #Secured annotation.
Is there a way to access the method parameter from the spring security expression.#paramName does not work for me.
#Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN',"hasRole('ROLE_USER') && #permissionService.updateAllowed( #myInstance )"])
def update(Bug myInstance) {
The problem: myInstance is null!
Software I am using:
Grails: 2.4.3
Intellij 14
I didn't notice that you were doing this in a controller - there's no support for method args in annotated controllers. The reason for this is that in traditional Spring Security, the annotation is applied to Spring Beans and the bean becomes proxied, and the proxy does the security checks before calling the method and only calls the real method if the checks pass. That works well with Spring MVC controllers because they're regular Java classes, and also in Grails services because there isn't much added to services by Grails - they're really just regular Groovy classes that are auto-registered as Spring Beans, and by default are made transactional.
But controllers are weird. There is actually one SpringMVC controller in any Grails app, and it's internally created and used by Grails. It interacts with the rest of SpringMVC, and delegates to the controller that best matches the url mappings rule for the current request to do its work, and it uses that to create the ModelAndView that Spring expects. Additionally, to support databinding, there's an AST transform that runs on your code during compilation which creates a no-arg method for each method with args, and that is what is called from the Grails internal request handling code. It does databinding and type conversions, and calls the "real" method to handle the request.
The support in Spring Security for working with method args depends on debug information being available in the compiled code, and usually this is not available because it's rarely needed - javac connects everything for us at compile time and getting the value of a method arg from outside of the method isn't often needed. Grails does keep that debug info - that's why this works in a service - but it looks like the AST isn't. It might be possible to get that working, but I have no idea if it is or what would be involved, and to be honest it would likely be a lot of work for a feature that wouldn't be used a lot.
But you can rework the check to pass the params to the service and let it lookup the Bug instance and then do its check. You can access the params from the service, so there's no need to pass anything as args:
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder
def params = RequestContextHolder.requestAttributes.params
I've managed to get a workaround for the problem described in the comments to the accepted answer. Use #this in SpEL expression:
def edit(int id) {..}
Then create such methods in your service:
def userCanEditOffer(WebSecurityExpressionRoot webSecurityExpressionRoot) {
UrlMappingInfo urlMappingInfo = Holders.applicationContext.grailsUrlMappingsHolder.match(webSecurityExpressionRoot.request.forwardURI.substring(webSecurityExpressionRoot.request.contextPath.length()))
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
def userCanEditOffer(Integer id) { .. }
Inside ulrMappingInfo.params you'll have id, action and controller!

Create a custom scope for a Grails quartz job

Has anyone managed to create a custom scope in Grails?
I did this in BootStrap.groovy (injected grailsApplication):
grailsApplication.mainContext.getBeanFactory().registerScope('simpleThread', new SimpleThreadScope())
And in my spring/resources.groovy, I have:
myContext(MyContext) { bean ->
bean.scope = 'simpleThread'
This then gets injected into all my domain objects.
This seems to work... but there are warnings about objects using SimpleThreadScope not getting destroyed... I am wondering if this is safe.
I do this because I can't use Request scope, because we fire off Quartz jobs (using the Grails plugin), and the request gets destroyed.
We use this context object in both regular web requests and async ones that use Quartz...
