Wait for all HTTP requests to finish in XCode UI tests? - ios

Is there a way to wait for all network requests to finish when testing UI in XCode?
I have an app that sends HTTP requests to get some data from a server, and, in UI tests, I'd like to wait for this data to be retrieved before continuing. Currently I'm using sleep(1) but this approach doesn't seem reliable.

Your best bet is to wait for some UI element to appear or disappear. Think of it this way:
The framework acts like a user. It doesn't care what code is running under the hood. The only thing that matters is what is visible on the screen.
That said, here is how you can wait for a label titled "Go!" to appear in your UI Tests.
let app = XCUIApplication()
let goLabel = self.app.staticTexts["Go!"]
let exists = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
expectationForPredicate(exists, evaluatedWithObject: goLabel, handler: nil)
app.buttons["Ready, set..."].tap()
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5, handler: nil)
You could also extract that into a helper method. If you use some Swift compiler magic you can even get the failure message to occur on the line that called the method.
private fund waitForElementToAppear(element: XCUIElement, file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let existsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
expectationForPredicate(existsPredicate, evaluatedWithObject: element, handler: nil)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5) { (error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
let message = "Failed to find \(element) after 5 seconds."
self.recordFailureWithDescription(message, inFile: file, atLine: line, expected: true)

You can set up your methods with delegates or completion blocks, and in your test cases use a XCTestExpectation which you can fulfill when the data has been returned.


Handling the answer from API in UI Testing Swift

I have weather app. It fetches the data from API. I enter needed city, then next screen opens and shows me the name of the city and temperature. I am writing UI test, which should open the app, handle an alert which asks to use location, then test should write the city name and check if this city exists in the screen. All works except checking the city name at the end. I thought maybe the problem is because it needs some time to get the answer from API, and tests doesn’t wait for it. Maybe I need to set timer to wait for answer. Or the problem is in smth else?
Here is my code and it fails at the last line.
func testExample() throws {
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.launchArguments = ["enable-testing"]
app/*#START_MENU_TOKEN#*/.staticTexts["My location"]/*[[".buttons[\"My location\"].staticTexts[\"My location\"]",".staticTexts[\"My location\"]"],[[[-1,1],[-1,0]]],[0]]#END_MENU_TOKEN#*/.tap()
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Allow “APP” to access your location?") { (alert) -> Bool in
let button = alert.buttons["Only While Using the App"]
if button.exists {
return true // The alert was handled
return false // The alert was not handled
app.textFields["Enter your city"].tap()
app.textFields["Enter your city"].typeText("Barcelona")
app.buttons["Check weather"].tap()
XCTest comes with a built-in function you need
Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xctest/xcuielement/2879412-waitforexistence/
XCTAssertTrue(myButton.waitForExistence(timeout: 3), "Button did not appear")
I found the function and used it to wait before the result.
Here is the function and its usage in my code.
func waitForElementToAppear(_ element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
let expectation = expectation(for: predicate, evaluatedWith: element,
handler: nil)
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5)
return result == .completed
app.textFields["Enter your city"].tap()
app.textFields["Enter your city"].typeText("Barcelona")
app.buttons["Check weather"].tap()
let result = app.staticTexts["Barcelona"]

Wait 30 sec in Xcode UI Test

At a point many web service call is get called. and I just want to wait 30sec, as I know all will finish during this time period. I need a first rough solution.
I tried this, but it raise some error:
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 30.0) {
let tablesQuery2 = tablesQuery
Do you have any idea?
The simplest way is just sleeping the execution for the time being:
However, in case you are expecting something to appear, it's better to use the built-in function for waiting for existence:
It doesn't fail if nothing appears, so if it's crucial part of your logic, you probably better to check it via expectation with timer:
let exists = NSPredicate(format: "exists == %#", true)
expectationForPredicate(exists, evaluatedWithObject: element, handler: nil)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(30, handler: nil)

In Xcode UI Test, how can I repeatedly check if an element exists and if so perform an action?

I’m implementing UI tests. The app makes API calls that could make alerts ( it's a UIView attached to the window ) appear. Of course, these are random/not predictable. If they show up, I have to dismiss them (clicking on the close button). Any idea how to do this? Do I have some event that says that something happened on the UI? I was thinking to have a thread that executes every 0.5 seconds that checks if the dismiss button exists and if so I tap on it.
DispatchQueue.global().async {
while true
DispatchQueue.main.async {
The problem with this is that it causes random crashes: Neither attributes nor error returned
There is nice example of how to wait for element to appear on screen here. Here is example of code taken from the link:
let nextGame = self.app.staticTexts["Game 4 - Tomorrow"]
let exists = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
expectation(for: exists, evaluatedWithObject: nextGame, handler: nil)
app.buttons["Load More Games"].tap()
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5, handler: nil)
Link also provides how to wait for system alert to appear:
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Location Dialog") { (alert) -> Bool in
return true
app.buttons["Find Games Nearby?"].tap()
app.tap() // need to interact with the app for the handler to fire

XCTest is not giving me accurate results each time (Sometimes it fails, sometimes it passes)

I am using XCode 8.2.1 (Swift) with XCode UI tests to test my app in terms of UI, so my problem with this tool is it doesn't give me accurate results some tests are passed and at the next time they fail.
My question might be generic but is this problem related to me or is it common one? i believe this happened after migrating to XCode 7+
Do you guys recommend using anther tool for UI tests other than this one? as am looking for faster, accurate and ability to integrate with a CI server.
private func waitForElementToAppear(element: XCUIElement,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let existsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
expectation(for: existsPredicate,
evaluatedWith: element, handler: nil)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 30) { (error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
let message = "Failed to find \(element) after 30 seconds."
self.recordFailure(withDescription: message,
inFile: file, atLine: line, expected: true)
invoke this method and avoid test fails because sometimes our UI takes more time to getting result from Server.

How to check for the presence of static text displayed from the network in UI tests in Xcode?

I am using the UI test APIs introduced in Xcode 7 XCTest. On my screen I have a text that is loaded from the network.
The test fails if I simply check it with exists property.
XCTAssert(app.staticTexts["Text from the network"].exists) // fails
It does work though if I first send the tap or any other event to the text like this:
app.staticTexts["Text from the network"].tap()
XCTAssert(app.staticTexts["Text from the network"].exists) // works
It looks like if I just call exists it evaluates it immediately and fails because the text has not been downloaded from the network yet. But I think when I call the tap() method it waits for the text to appear.
Is there a better way to check for the presence of a text that is delivered from the network?
Something like (this code will not work):
XCTAssert(app.staticTexts["Text from the network"].eventuallyExists)
Xcode 7 Beta 4 added native support for asynchronous events. Here's a quick example of how to wait for a UILabel to appear.
XCUIElement *label = self.app.staticTexts[#"Hello, world!"];
NSPredicate *exists = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"exists == 1"];
[self expectationForPredicate:exists evaluatedWithObject:label handler:nil];
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:5 handler:nil];
First create a query to wait for a label with text "Hello, world!" to appear. The predicate matches when the element exists (element.exists == YES). Then pass the predicate in and evaluate it against the label.
If five seconds pass before the expectation is met then the test will fail. You can also attach a handler block in that gets called when the expectation fails or times out.
If you're looking for more information regarding UI Testing in general, check out UI Testing in Xcode 7.
Swift 3:
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == 1")
let query = app!.staticTexts["identifier"]
expectation(for: predicate, evaluatedWith: query, handler: nil)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5, handler: nil)
It will continuously check for 5 seconds whether that text is displayed or not.
As soon as it will find the text may be in less than 5 seconds, it will execute further code.
XCode9 has a method waitForExistence(timeout: TimeInterval) of XCUIElement
extension XCUIElement {
// A method for tap element
func waitAndTap() -> Bool {
let _ = self.waitForExistence(timeout: 10)
let b = self.exists && self.isHittable
if (b) {
return b
// Ex:
if (btnConfig.waitAndTap() == true) {
// Continue UI automation
} else {
// `btnConfig` is not exist or not hittable.
But I encounter another problem, the element is exist, but not hittable. So I extend a method to wait an element to be hittable.
extension XCTestCase {
/// Wait for XCUIElement is hittable.
func waitHittable(element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 30) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "isHittable == 1")
expectation(for: predicate, evaluatedWith: element, handler: nil)
waitForExpectations(timeout: timeout, handler: nil)
// Ex:
// waitHittable(element: btnConfig)
If I'm right in understanding you that the target text has already displayed when you're checking it's existing, you can try to use hittable property.
